Covid 19 deaths reported by cdc


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date Deaths to date Deaths since day before
3/30/20 2405
3/31/20 2860 455
4/1/20 3603 743
4/2/20 4513 910
4/3/20 5443 930
Those figures are FAKE NEWS

The CDC IS NOT differentiating between individuals who have died WITH the disease and those who died OF the disease

No entity is presently performing Antibody tests , so the Lamestream Media and Big Pharma can scare the fuck out of Americans until their hearts are content.
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date Deaths to date Deaths since day before
3/30/20 2405
3/31/20 2860 455
4/1/20 3603 743
4/2/20 4513 910
4/3/20 5443 930
Those figures are FAKE NEWS

The CDC IS NOT differentiating between individuals who have died WITH the disease and those who died OF the disease

No entity is presently performing Antibody tests , so the Lamestream Media and Big Pharma can scare the fuck out of Americans until their hearts are content.
I have a lot of doubts withat cdc information and how they gather it. I don't trust them to differentiate deaths of people who have covid 19 and died from something else from deaths of those who died because of covid 19. I also don't know how their covid 19 death count figures fit with the typical 34,000 and 61,000 flu deaths that we have seen in the last two years.

The cdc is the most common source covid 19 of data, so I have locked onto the daily death count as reported by them. It may be interesting to watch as curves develop.
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
the more people who are infected, the more people they will infect, but viruses usually die out after a while
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
4/3/20 actual deaths so far 7,391 -- 1320 more than yesterday so far. The night is still young.
Tramp's CDC lies to cover his fat ass!
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
4/3/20 actual deaths so far 7,391 -- 1320 more than yesterday so far. The night is still young.
Tramp's CDC lies to cover his fat ass!

No ass it's not TRUMP CDC DUMB FK its your democratic globalist you stupid fk.
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I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
the more people who are infected, the more people they will infect, but viruses usually die out after a while
Sweden is currently using the herd immunity approach.
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
4/3/20 actual deaths so far 7,391 -- 1320 more than yesterday so far. The night is still young.
Tramp's CDC lies to cover his fat ass!
I do not know of any sites that provide the information that we need. No sites differentiate death of people WITH covid 19 from deaths of those who died BECAUSE of covid 19. The CDC data may be faulty, but I'm still going to chart it. I am not saying that I trust or believe it, I am just charting what they post.
CDC the very entity controlled by globalist no wonder this nation is in a mess......Trusting them is as bad as trusting SNOPES.
I've learned to read and study all media from fringe right to fringe left, but to not trust ANY of it. I'll never know the truth about what happens in the world, but I do my best to triangulate the "most likely" truth.
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I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
4/3/20 actual deaths so far 7,391 -- 1320 more than yesterday so far. The night is still young.
Tramp's CDC lies to cover his fat ass!

No ass it's not TRUMP CDD DUMB FK its your democratic globalist you stupid fk.
Tramp appointed the head of the CDC, so it IS Tramp's CDC!!!!!
And they are lying to cover Tramp's body count so he can claim victory letting 10 times as many Americans die as Obama while Tramp plays golf!
Tramp let another American die just while we are posting.
Latest Tramp body count 7,392.
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
4/3/20 actual deaths so far 7,391 -- 1320 more than yesterday so far. The night is still young.
Tramp's CDC lies to cover his fat ass!
I do not know of any sites that provide the information that we need. No sites differentiate death of people WITH covid 19 from deaths of those who died BECAUSE of covid 19. The CDC data may be faulty, but I'm still going to chart it. I am not saying that I trust or believe it, I am just charting what they post.
That is because you need FAKE DATA!!!!!
I've seen that site, as well as several other sites. I'm sticking to the cdc data to chart the history of covid 19 deaths each day.

The site has an interactive chart of the number of deaths each day.
CDC the very entity controlled by globalist no wonder this nation is in a mess......Trusting them is as bad as trusting SNOPES.
I've learned to read and study all media from fringe right to fringe left, but to not trust ANY of it. I'll never know the truth about what happens in the world, but I do my best to triangulation the "most likely" truth.
And yet you ALWAYS end up DEAD WRONG!
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date---------Deaths to date-----Deaths since day before
4/3/20 actual deaths so far 7,391 -- 1320 more than yesterday so far. The night is still young.
Tramp's CDC lies to cover his fat ass!

No ass it's not TRUMP CDD DUMB FK its your democratic globalist you stupid fk.
Tramp appointed the head of the CDC, so it IS Tramp's CDC!!!!!
And they are lying to cover Tramp's body count so he can claim victory letting 10 times as many Americans die as Obama while Tramp plays golf!
Tramp let another American die just while we are posting.
Latest Tramp body count 7,392.

Clueless dip shit you still haven't a clue...
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date Deaths to date Deaths since day before
3/30/20 2405
3/31/20 2860 455
4/1/20 3603 743
4/2/20 4513 910
4/3/20 5443 930
Those figures are FAKE NEWS

The CDC IS NOT differentiating between individuals who have died WITH the disease and those who died OF the disease

No entity is presently performing Antibody tests , so the Lamestream Media and Big Pharma can scare the fuck out of Americans until their hearts are content.
I have a lot of doubts withat cdc information and how they gather it. I don't trust them to differentiate deaths of people who have covid 19 and died from something else from deaths of those who died because of covid 19. I also don't know how their covid 19 death count figures fit with the typical 34,000 and 61,000 flu deaths that we have seen in the last two years.

The cdc is the most common source covid 19 of data, so I have locked onto the daily death count as reported by them. It may be interesting to watch as curves develop.

The CDC was derelict in their duty when it failed to inform the President and WE THE PEOPLE that a gargantuan problem was brewing at Fort Detrick :

In August of 2019, the CDC completely shut down the US Military bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (USAMRIID) for “bio-safety hazards”. They issued a cease-and-desist order and all research was ordered to be immediately suspended until further notice but, interestingly, the US media took almost no note of this event. One would imagine that in light of such a drastic measure, rampant testing would be obligatory, but in this case apparently not.
CDC the very entity controlled by globalist no wonder this nation is in a mess......Trusting them is as bad as trusting SNOPES.
I've learned to read and study all media from fringe right to fringe left, but to not trust ANY of it. I'll never know the truth about what happens in the world, but I do my best to triangulation the "most likely" truth.
And yet you ALWAYS end up DEAD WRONG!
Since your perception of the political landscape is based on a very narrow range of exclusively lefty media that satisfies your bias, we will never see things the same way. I objectively study media from fringe right to fringe left, so you are not even conscious of 90% of the media and propaganda that I study.
I've been keeping track of the daily USA death rate, as reported by the cdc. The deaths to date is what the cdc updates and reports each day. I haven't been able to find any charts that report the history of deaths to date, so I'll track it here.

Date Deaths to date Deaths since day before
3/30/20 2405
3/31/20 2860 455
4/1/20 3603 743
4/2/20 4513 910
4/3/20 5443 930
Those figures are FAKE NEWS

The CDC IS NOT differentiating between individuals who have died WITH the disease and those who died OF the disease

No entity is presently performing Antibody tests , so the Lamestream Media and Big Pharma can scare the fuck out of Americans until their hearts are content.
I have a lot of doubts withat cdc information and how they gather it. I don't trust them to differentiate deaths of people who have covid 19 and died from something else from deaths of those who died because of covid 19. I also don't know how their covid 19 death count figures fit with the typical 34,000 and 61,000 flu deaths that we have seen in the last two years.

The cdc is the most common source covid 19 of data, so I have locked onto the daily death count as reported by them. It may be interesting to watch as curves develop.

The CDC was derelict in their duty when it failed to inform the President and WE THE PEOPLE that a gargantuan problem was brewing at Fort Detrick :

In August of 2019, the CDC completely shut down the US Military bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (USAMRIID) for “bio-safety hazards”. They issued a cease-and-desist order and all research was ordered to be immediately suspended until further notice but, interestingly, the US media took almost no note of this event. One would imagine that in light of such a drastic measure, rampant testing would be obligatory, but in this case apparently not.
I can assure you that I do not see the cdc as my friend.

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