Coup For Impeaching Is a Hoax and Lie

Claims of an impeachment process taking place are ridiculous claims simply because the impeachment process is factually taking place. No hoax. "Hoax" is simply a trigger word meant for deflecting away from reality.
The reality is the Democrats and media are after Trump. Even if he did something wrong, I would defend him because I hate the way this secret crap is being done. We need to dump every Democrat except the two that voted no.

Why do you think it is wrong for Democrats and media being after Trump is wrong?
93% negative stories from the media-no politician ever got that! The Russia hoax, the Kavanaugh hoax, the Mueller hoax, now the Ukraine hoax-its all a political play by the Democrats. Wait for the public hearings (without Schiff refusing witnesses or questions) or the election-those are better indicators.

Trump could reduce the number of negative stories about him if he stopped lying so much and stopped disparaging and name-calling everyone who criticizes or opposes him. .[/QUOTE]

It didn't work for Bush, why do you believe it would work for Trump. Also, Obama criticized those that disagreed with him and yet the press was easy on him.

The impeachment is constitutional, the process is in place, however in a few years the Republicans could control the House and bring up impeachment on a Democratic president. The pettiness on both sides isn't going to stop anytime soon. I believe Kavanaugh is next after Trump. That is how low politics have gotten.
So will republicans push to amend the constitution to make impeachment illegal? For republican presidents that is....
In a desperate strategy for defending misdeeds and crimes committed by President Donald Trump, the President has used his standby defense of declaring the Constitutional process of impeachment for wrongdoing and misdeeds by a President as a "Hoax" the same way he did about Russian interference and meddling in the election that made him President. According to Trump and his supporters, American intelligence and law enforcement are part of a huge "Deep State" plot and "Hoax". Nevermind all the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference and meddling.

Claims of an impeachment process taking place are ridiculous claims simply because the impeachment process is factually taking place. No hoax. "Hoax" is simply a trigger word meant for deflecting away from reality.
...and still no Russian connection
Nonsense. Lots of evidence exists for Russian connections. Hey, if you want to ignore American intelligence agencies and the Mueller report, you have the right to do so, but that is the only way for you to call Russian interference and meddling a hoax.
The Democrats DID work with the Russians in 2016-you are right about that. The rest is nonsense.
The reality is the Democrats and media are after Trump. Even if he did something wrong, I would defend him because I hate the way this secret crap is being done. We need to dump every Democrat except the two that voted no.
It didn't work for Bush, why do you believe it would work for Trump. Also, Obama criticized those that disagreed with him and yet the press was easy on him.

No Republican President is ever fit for the office in the opinion of Democrats, which is why they have filed impeachment charges against every elected Republican president since 1960

Trump, who was a great person according to dems before he decided to run as a Republican, is now unfit for office precisely BECAUSE he is a Republican and stole Hillary's turn in the White House.
In a desperate strategy for defending misdeeds and crimes committed by President Donald Trump, the President has used his standby defense of declaring the Constitutional process of impeachment for wrongdoing and misdeeds by a President as a "Hoax" the same way he did about Russian interference and meddling in the election that made him President. According to Trump and his supporters, American intelligence and law enforcement are part of a huge "Deep State" plot and "Hoax". Nevermind all the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference and meddling.

Claims of an impeachment process taking place are ridiculous claims simply because the impeachment process is factually taking place. No hoax. "Hoax" is simply a trigger word meant for deflecting away from reality.
The day Trump took office, along with Steve Bannon, his entire strategy was to saturate the country with bizzare headlines to deflect what this man all along had plans to do...and that was to partner with Putin and control world policies. While campaigning, he realized just how gullable and ignorant GOP supporters were and still are, and bled these people down to the white meat, with bullshit promises and racial animus.
It didn't work for Bush, why do you believe it would work for Trump. Also, Obama criticized those that disagreed with him and yet the press was easy on him.

No Republican President is ever fit for the office in the opinion of Democrats, which is why they have filed impeachment charges against every elected Republican president since 1960

Trump, who was a great person according to dems before he decided to run as a Republican, is now unfit for office precisely BECAUSE he is a Republican and stole Hillary's turn in the White House.
Dems never said Trump was a great person

Mainly because Trump is barely a person
In a desperate strategy for defending misdeeds and crimes committed by President Donald Trump, the President has used his standby defense of declaring the Constitutional process of impeachment for wrongdoing and misdeeds by a President as a "Hoax" the same way he did about Russian interference and meddling in the election that made him President. According to Trump and his supporters, American intelligence and law enforcement are part of a huge "Deep State" plot and "Hoax". Nevermind all the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference and meddling.

Claims of an impeachment process taking place are ridiculous claims simply because the impeachment process is factually taking place. No hoax. "Hoax" is simply a trigger word meant for deflecting away from reality.

To claim that impeachment is a ‘coup’ is a lie; the impeachment inquiry into Trump is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and Constitutional.
Listen, white ppl are on a mission....for the first time in a very long time, they have in the white house a man who is completely devoted to white skin. No one should ever fault a human being for being selected as a prize by the most powerful man on the planet, a US president. I certainly don't, I get these people....what I am most pleased with, is that the very people that continue this undying support, are the very people who in the end will feel the effects of his policies and governing...already he's turned our farmers into welfare queens, the GOP party that spent years bullying Obama, into Trump whores and cowards and he's turned the GOP base, into killers, clowns and nuts...and its still getting worse for these ppl.
In a desperate strategy for defending misdeeds and crimes committed by President Donald Trump, the President has used his standby defense of declaring the Constitutional process of impeachment for wrongdoing and misdeeds by a President as a "Hoax" the same way he did about Russian interference and meddling in the election that made him President. According to Trump and his supporters, American intelligence and law enforcement are part of a huge "Deep State" plot and "Hoax". Nevermind all the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference and meddling.

Claims of an impeachment process taking place are ridiculous claims simply because the impeachment process is factually taking place. No hoax. "Hoax" is simply a trigger word meant for deflecting away from reality.

Of course it is.

But that is what Trump and his GOP does.

Pure propaganda
The very fact that impeachment is a Constitutional process shows you are full of shit
If you put a pig in a dress and lipstick it's still a pig. The whole Russian collusion farce was all cloaked in legalities
and had Robert Mueller as a clueless front man for the sham investigation.

The impeachment is more of the same...using the cover of a Constitutional device like impeachment in order to give
a shield to moonbat partisans like Adam Schiff and Gerald Nadler.

It's all a political show for the base hoping it will drag Trump's popularity down. There is zero chance the Senate will
vote to remove. It's a show trial.
In a desperate strategy for defending misdeeds and crimes committed by President Donald Trump, the President has used his standby defense of declaring the Constitutional process of impeachment for wrongdoing and misdeeds by a President as a "Hoax" the same way he did about Russian interference and meddling in the election that made him President. According to Trump and his supporters, American intelligence and law enforcement are part of a huge "Deep State" plot and "Hoax". Nevermind all the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference and meddling.

Claims of an impeachment process taking place are ridiculous claims simply because the impeachment process is factually taking place. No hoax. "Hoax" is simply a trigger word meant for deflecting away from reality.

The process is mental masturbation for twats like you that can't accept the results of the last election.

The last national election rejected Republican control of the House of Representatives and gave oversight and impeachment authority to the Democrats. It is you and your comrades who are not accepting the results of the last election.
Yes and next year Trump will be reelected and he will have a very big majority in both houses. Keep up the great work!
In a desperate strategy for defending misdeeds and crimes committed by President Donald Trump, the President has used his standby defense of declaring the Constitutional process of impeachment for wrongdoing and misdeeds by a President as a "Hoax" the same way he did about Russian interference and meddling in the election that made him President. According to Trump and his supporters, American intelligence and law enforcement are part of a huge "Deep State" plot and "Hoax". Nevermind all the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference and meddling.

Claims of an impeachment process taking place are ridiculous claims simply because the impeachment process is factually taking place. No hoax. "Hoax" is simply a trigger word meant for deflecting away from reality.

To claim that impeachment is a ‘coup’ is a lie; the impeachment inquiry into Trump is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and Constitutional.
Listen, white ppl are on a mission....for the first time in a very long time, they have in the white house a man who is completely devoted to white skin. No one should ever fault a human being for being selected as a prize by the most powerful man on the planet, a US president. I certainly don't, I get these people....what I am most pleased with, is that the very people that continue this undying support, are the very people who in the end will feel the effects of his policies and governing...already he's turned our farmers into welfare queens, the GOP party that spent years bullying Obama, into Trump whores and cowards and he's turned the GOP base, into killers, clowns and nuts...and its still getting worse for these ppl.
That's why Trump's policies have resulted in the lowest minority unemployment on record, and rapidly rising wages for minorities.
In a desperate strategy for defending misdeeds and crimes committed by President Donald Trump, the President has used his standby defense of declaring the Constitutional process of impeachment for wrongdoing and misdeeds by a President as a "Hoax" the same way he did about Russian interference and meddling in the election that made him President. According to Trump and his supporters, American intelligence and law enforcement are part of a huge "Deep State" plot and "Hoax". Nevermind all the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference and meddling.

Claims of an impeachment process taking place are ridiculous claims simply because the impeachment process is factually taking place. No hoax. "Hoax" is simply a trigger word meant for deflecting away from reality.
The day Trump took office, along with Steve Bannon, his entire strategy was to saturate the country with bizzare headlines to deflect what this man all along had plans to do...and that was to partner with Putin and control world policies. While campaigning, he realized just how gullable and ignorant GOP supporters were and still are, and bled these people down to the white meat, with bullshit promises and racial animus.
Golly gee! Whoever thought this lunkhead would crack the case?

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