7 years gets the Mullah scum for inciting murder.
The guy dressed up as a suicide bomber only got canned because
of parole violations.
People handing out the cartoons of Mohammed got arrested on the spot
while the Islamist in the following pictures spread their calls for murder.
now this appeasement mindset is unfortunatly not limited to England.
In Germany the "Gutmenschen" also take insult to the idea that Islam might
not be the religion of peace. They want to extent multilculturalism in other
words appeasement and subjugation to the extremist demand in order
to not anger the "moderate" Muslims. Strange logic.
The guy dressed up as a suicide bomber only got canned because
of parole violations.
People handing out the cartoons of Mohammed got arrested on the spot
while the Islamist in the following pictures spread their calls for murder.
now this appeasement mindset is unfortunatly not limited to England.
In Germany the "Gutmenschen" also take insult to the idea that Islam might
not be the religion of peace. They want to extent multilculturalism in other
words appeasement and subjugation to the extremist demand in order
to not anger the "moderate" Muslims. Strange logic.