Could Bernie's ego lose the presidency and take the Senate off the table?

I supported Bernie but I now believe he should stand down.

It isn't worth losing the presidency and the senate.
Too late.
Within six weeks the FBI will end Hillary's political life forever.
Enter Biden/Pocahontas. Bernie's supporters will NEVER switch and vote for Biden. ESPECIALLY after the DEM superdelegates hand the nomination to Biden.
THINK that one through.
"Biden never did fuck all to deserve the nomination! There's no way I'm going to vote for Debbie's 'second stringers!".
I supported Bernie but I now believe he should stand down.

It isn't worth losing the presidency and the senate.
Too late.
Within six weeks the FBI will end Hillary's political life forever.
Enter Biden/Pocahontas. Bernie's supporters will NEVER switch and vote for Biden. ESPECIALLY after the DEM superdelegates hand the nomination to Biden.
THINK that one through.
"Biden never did fuck all to deserve the nomination! There's no way I'm going to vote for Debbie's 'second stringers!".

:0) Let me guess .. you also 'predicted' that Obama will never be the president. :lol:

Once elected, you predicted his birth certificate, or supposed lack of, would do him in and he would be impeached. :0)

Let me guess .. you predicted that Romney would win. :0)

At least you're consistent. :lol:
On the left, I think they have more worries about Bernie running as an Independent. He and his supporters are expressing outrage at the nomination process claiming that it's rigged.

Of course until Cruz dropped out, there was the same outrage on the right as well. But that's been calmed down quite a bit.

Sanders running as an Independent (which he actually is) would guarantee a President Trump.
Bernie isn't stupid. He knows a third party run would be a disasterous idea. If he had any confidence in such an idea, he would have run as an independent from the beginning.

Let's be honest here, Billy...I don't think even in his wildest dreams that Bernie Sanders thought his Presidential bid would last more than a few months. The only reason it has is that Hillary Clinton is a TERRIBLE candidate!
I agree even he is surprised, but to say his rise is solely because of Hillary's shortcomings is completely stupid. The strength of his campaign from the beginning has been unprecedented:

1) He's raised more in campaign donations than any republican candidate and he did it without the help of a super PAC. Had Hillary or any other republican gone this true grassroots route, their campaigns would be severely underfunded (obviously Trump's self funding is the exception to this). He also holds the record of the most individual campaign contributions than any US candidate in history.

2) Since the beginning he has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls.

3) He has the highest favorability rating than any candidate in the race.

Suck on that.

Is Sander's "favorability rating" high because what he's proposing is so great...or is it high because Hillary is scared to attack him on it...and Trump loves having him running against Clinton and so he won't slam him for his pie in the sky promises either?
Actually polls show that Bernie is considered the most honest candidate in the race.

Yes at least he's honest for his love of marxism and ignorance of anything economics.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

I've never understood why democrats believe they owned Nader's voters. They didn't.

Regarding the question of Sanders, democrats don't own his voters either .. thus, instead of whining about Sanders or his voters, perhaps the best solution is to put more effort in trying to attract them .. which of course means moving to the Left and a more progressive agenda.

If the Democratic Party doesn't want to do that, then Sanders may well take his voters and do whatever they think is in their best interests .. and the Democratic Party can do the same.

Point being, if the party wants those votes, they better try to earn them.

At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

I've never understood why democrats believe they owned Nader's voters. They didn't.

Regarding the question of Sanders, democrats don't own his voters either .. thus, instead of whining about Sanders or his voters, perhaps the best solution is to put more effort in trying to attract them .. which of course means moving to the Left and a more progressive agenda.

If the Democratic Party doesn't want to do that, then Sanders may well take his voters and do whatever they think is in their best interests .. and the Democratic Party can do the same.

Point being, if the party wants those votes, they better try to earn them.

At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.

What neither Sanders nor his supporters don't seem to grasp is that he has been supported by large numbers of republicans who would never vote for him in the general election. They support him in an effort to weaken Clinton.

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

Obama, Romney, Bill Clinton, and Bush .. both of them .. were all given boatloads of money from the rich and powerful. Obama set records with Wall Street money.

Doing the bidding of the rich is how people get to become president in America.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

Bernie Sanders is NOT going to run as an Independent! The problem for Clinton is that it's quite likely that a percentage of Sanders supporters are going to be so turned off by what they perceive as a "fixed" nomination process...that they don't turn out to vote for Hillary next November.
That's about 90% of Sander's supporters.
Hillary MUST get at least 80% of Sander's supporters to win. Her negro 'fire wall' is going to do what they did in 2014. Sit on the fucking porch.
They KNOW the 'First AA President' did fuck all for them. They KNOW Hillary is just a lying old White multi millionaire bitch who won't do fuck all for them either.

Only a real moron wouldn't know the difference between turnout in a general election vs turnout in a midterm :0) .. as was 2014.

Clinton's black turn out in the general will be upwards of 90%, as it is for almost all democratic candidates in the general.
We will see.
Nice catch asshole.
Next time proof read before you hit the button.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

Bernie Sanders is NOT going to run as an Independent! The problem for Clinton is that it's quite likely that a percentage of Sanders supporters are going to be so turned off by what they perceive as a "fixed" nomination process...that they don't turn out to vote for Hillary next November.
That's about 90% of Sander's supporters.
Hillary MUST get at least 80% of Sander's supporters to win. Her negro 'fire wall' is going to do what they did in 2014. Sit on the fucking porch.
They KNOW the 'First AA President' did fuck all for them. They KNOW Hillary is just a lying old White multi millionaire bitch who won't do fuck all for them either.

Only a real moron wouldn't know the difference between turnout in a general election vs turnout in a midterm :0) .. as was 2014.

Clinton's black turn out in the general will be upwards of 90%, as it is for almost all democratic candidates in the general.
We will see.
Nice catch asshole.
Next time proof read before you hit the button.

:0) I am right about your past predictions, aren't I?

Next time, proof read before you make dumb and unfounded predictions about people you know nothing about.
I supported Bernie but I now believe he should stand down.

It isn't worth losing the presidency and the senate.
Too late.
Within six weeks the FBI will end Hillary's political life forever.
Enter Biden/Pocahontas. Bernie's supporters will NEVER switch and vote for Biden. ESPECIALLY after the DEM superdelegates hand the nomination to Biden.
THINK that one through.
"Biden never did fuck all to deserve the nomination! There's no way I'm going to vote for Debbie's 'second stringers!".

:0) Let me guess .. you also 'predicted' that Obama will never be the president. :lol:

Once elected, you predicted his birth certificate, or supposed lack of, would do him in and he would be impeached. :0)

Let me guess .. you predicted that Romney would win. :0)

At least you're consistent. :lol:
I 'predicted' none of your bullshit claims.
I do predict the FBI will recommend a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary.
I predict that will be the end of Hillary politically.
I predict Debbie has already got Biden and Pocahontas in the bullpen.
I predict 90% of Bernie's supporters are going to stay home and not vote.
The small number who do vote will write bernie's name on the ballot or vote for Trump.
I predict Trump will win the Presidency.
I supported Bernie but I now believe he should stand down.

It isn't worth losing the presidency and the senate.
Too late.
Within six weeks the FBI will end Hillary's political life forever.
Enter Biden/Pocahontas. Bernie's supporters will NEVER switch and vote for Biden. ESPECIALLY after the DEM superdelegates hand the nomination to Biden.
THINK that one through.
"Biden never did fuck all to deserve the nomination! There's no way I'm going to vote for Debbie's 'second stringers!".

:0) Let me guess .. you also 'predicted' that Obama will never be the president. :lol:

Once elected, you predicted his birth certificate, or supposed lack of, would do him in and he would be impeached. :0)

Let me guess .. you predicted that Romney would win. :0)

At least you're consistent. :lol:
I 'predicted' none of your bullshit claims.
I do predict the FBI will recommend a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary.
I predict that will be the end of Hillary politically.
I predict Debbie has already got Biden and Pocahontas in the bullpen.
I predict 90% of Bernie's supporters are going to stay home and not vote.
The small number who do vote will write bernie's name on the ballot or vote for Trump.
I predict Trump will win the Presidency.

:lol: That's even funnier then the last.

You don't know shit about Sanders or his supporters and what they will do .. just as you didn't know shit about what black voters do.

Dude, you're just looking for a gotcha' .. don't know what you're talking about. :0)

I predict that Trump is looking for a way out and will never make it to the general election. :0)

Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState
Last edited:
Going back to what I said about the Democratic party and the presidential elections of 1948 and 1968. In 1948, many Southern Democrats were so outraged by Truman's being in favor of desegregation and citizenship rights for black people that the Dixiecrats were formed. Senator Strom Thurmond (long lived South Carolina segregationist) was their presidential candidate and SenatorJames Eastland of Mississippi as his running mate. Dixiecrats wanted to maintain Jim Crow laws and white supremacy. Fortunately, Truman not only tromped the Dixiecrats, but also beat Thomas Dewey, the GOP candidate. In 1968, there was painful division because of the Viet Nam war. LBJ "would not seek or accept" the nomination. Hubert Humphrey, Bobby Kennedy, George McGovern and Eugene McCarthy battled it out until Kennedy was assassinated. The convention was a total nightmare. Anti-war protests in technicolor, tear gas, Mayor Daily and the Chicago Seven et al. Humphrey won the nomination but contentious wouldn't even begin to describe it. And not to forget, George "Segregation now, segregation forever" Wallace's American Independent Party, that rather picked up where the Dixiecrats left off. Wallace drew enough disaffected democrats so that NIXON was elected. Unmitigated disaster.
I supported Bernie but I now believe he should stand down.

It isn't worth losing the presidency and the senate.
Too late.
Within six weeks the FBI will end Hillary's political life forever.
Enter Biden/Pocahontas. Bernie's supporters will NEVER switch and vote for Biden. ESPECIALLY after the DEM superdelegates hand the nomination to Biden.
THINK that one through.
"Biden never did fuck all to deserve the nomination! There's no way I'm going to vote for Debbie's 'second stringers!".

:0) Let me guess .. you also 'predicted' that Obama will never be the president. :lol:

Once elected, you predicted his birth certificate, or supposed lack of, would do him in and he would be impeached. :0)

Let me guess .. you predicted that Romney would win. :0)

At least you're consistent. :lol:
I 'predicted' none of your bullshit claims.
I do predict the FBI will recommend a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary.
I predict that will be the end of Hillary politically.
I predict Debbie has already got Biden and Pocahontas in the bullpen.
I predict 90% of Bernie's supporters are going to stay home and not vote.
The small number who do vote will write bernie's name on the ballot or vote for Trump.
I predict Trump will win the Presidency.

:lol: That's even funnier then the last.

You don't know shit about Sanders or his supporters and what they will do .. just as you didn't know shit about what black voters do.

Dude, you're just looking for a gotcha' .. don't know what you're talking about. :0)

I predict that Trump is looking for a way out and will never make it to the general election. :0)

Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

He doesn't need any exit strategy. All he has to do is quit if he wanted out, and make up any kind of excuse.
I'm sorry but what Bernie is proposing doesn't stand up to scrutiny. If he were to run on that platform against a GOP opponent who simply pointed out how the numbers don't even come CLOSE to working...he would go down in flames!
I agree the numbers on his healthcare plan don't add up, but you're being ridiculous if you think republicans' plans do add up. For one thing, no republican in this race has proposed a tax plan to pay for any of the shit they are proposing. You have noticed that right? Trump's ideas alone would cost trillions. Even though Bernie's healthcare plan wouldn't be adequately paid for, at least he actually had a tax policy proposed to pay for it.

It not just Bernie's healthcare plans,'s his plan to provide free college education that's got the young people so jazzed up. How do you pay for that?

For starters you have all the revenue the current financial assistance programs that go to college students that would no longer need to go to kids going to colleges eligible under Sanders' plan.
I'm sorry but what Bernie is proposing doesn't stand up to scrutiny. If he were to run on that platform against a GOP opponent who simply pointed out how the numbers don't even come CLOSE to working...he would go down in flames!
I agree the numbers on his healthcare plan don't add up, but you're being ridiculous if you think republicans' plans do add up. For one thing, no republican in this race has proposed a tax plan to pay for any of the shit they are proposing. You have noticed that right? Trump's ideas alone would cost trillions. Even though Bernie's healthcare plan wouldn't be adequately paid for, at least he actually had a tax policy proposed to pay for it.

It not just Bernie's healthcare plans,'s his plan to provide free college education that's got the young people so jazzed up. How do you pay for that?

For starters you have all the revenue the current financial assistance programs that go to college students that would no longer need to go to kids going to colleges eligible under Sanders' plan.

Did that make sense in your head before you started writing it, Carbineer? Because it doesn't make much sense once you did...
On the left, I think they have more worries about Bernie running as an Independent. He and his supporters are expressing outrage at the nomination process claiming that it's rigged.

Of course until Cruz dropped out, there was the same outrage on the right as well. But that's been calmed down quite a bit.

Sanders running as an Independent (which he actually is) would guarantee a President Trump.
Bernie isn't stupid. He knows a third party run would be a disasterous idea. If he had any confidence in such an idea, he would have run as an independent from the beginning.

Let's be honest here, Billy...I don't think even in his wildest dreams that Bernie Sanders thought his Presidential bid would last more than a few months. The only reason it has is that Hillary Clinton is a TERRIBLE candidate!
I agree even he is surprised, but to say his rise is solely because of Hillary's shortcomings is completely stupid. The strength of his campaign from the beginning has been unprecedented:

1) He's raised more in campaign donations than any republican candidate and he did it without the help of a super PAC. Had Hillary or any other republican gone this true grassroots route, their campaigns would be severely underfunded (obviously Trump's self funding is the exception to this). He also holds the record of the most individual campaign contributions than any US candidate in history.

2) Since the beginning he has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls.

3) He has the highest favorability rating than any candidate in the race.

Suck on that.

You suck on that marxist.
Oooo witty!
I supported Bernie but I now believe he should stand down.

It isn't worth losing the presidency and the senate.
Too late.
Within six weeks the FBI will end Hillary's political life forever.
Enter Biden/Pocahontas. Bernie's supporters will NEVER switch and vote for Biden. ESPECIALLY after the DEM superdelegates hand the nomination to Biden.
THINK that one through.
"Biden never did fuck all to deserve the nomination! There's no way I'm going to vote for Debbie's 'second stringers!".

:0) Let me guess .. you also 'predicted' that Obama will never be the president. :lol:

Once elected, you predicted his birth certificate, or supposed lack of, would do him in and he would be impeached. :0)

Let me guess .. you predicted that Romney would win. :0)

At least you're consistent. :lol:
I 'predicted' none of your bullshit claims.
I do predict the FBI will recommend a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary.
I predict that will be the end of Hillary politically.
I predict Debbie has already got Biden and Pocahontas in the bullpen.
I predict 90% of Bernie's supporters are going to stay home and not vote.
The small number who do vote will write bernie's name on the ballot or vote for Trump.
I predict Trump will win the Presidency.

:lol: That's even funnier then the last.

You don't know shit about Sanders or his supporters and what they will do .. just as you didn't know shit about what black voters do.

Dude, you're just looking for a gotcha' .. don't know what you're talking about. :0)

I predict that Trump is looking for a way out and will never make it to the general election. :0)

Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

He doesn't need any exit strategy. All he has to do is quit if he wanted out, and make up any kind of excuse.

That wouldn't be good business .. especially since he's grown his own cult of morons to follow him.

He needs an excuse to get out and to blame someone else for.
On the left, I think they have more worries about Bernie running as an Independent. He and his supporters are expressing outrage at the nomination process claiming that it's rigged.

Of course until Cruz dropped out, there was the same outrage on the right as well. But that's been calmed down quite a bit.

Sanders running as an Independent (which he actually is) would guarantee a President Trump.
Bernie isn't stupid. He knows a third party run would be a disasterous idea. If he had any confidence in such an idea, he would have run as an independent from the beginning.

Let's be honest here, Billy...I don't think even in his wildest dreams that Bernie Sanders thought his Presidential bid would last more than a few months. The only reason it has is that Hillary Clinton is a TERRIBLE candidate!
I agree even he is surprised, but to say his rise is solely because of Hillary's shortcomings is completely stupid. The strength of his campaign from the beginning has been unprecedented:

1) He's raised more in campaign donations than any republican candidate and he did it without the help of a super PAC. Had Hillary or any other republican gone this true grassroots route, their campaigns would be severely underfunded (obviously Trump's self funding is the exception to this). He also holds the record of the most individual campaign contributions than any US candidate in history.

2) Since the beginning he has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls.

3) He has the highest favorability rating than any candidate in the race.

Suck on that.

You suck on that marxist.
Oooo witty!

Now that's funny, Billy.
"Bernie's ego"? Maybe whiny lefties are referring to his primary election victories. If the DNC played it straight (no pun intended) Hillary might be fighting for her political life. Maybe democrats should consider Hillary's ego.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

You worries are unfounded. Nader didn't run as a democrat. Sanders will eventually run out of steam. When he does that will change the numbers the media is polling right now. The vast majority of Sanders supporters will fall in line with Clinton and the "neck and neck" race the media is railing about NOW will go back to a huuuge Hillary advantage. The reason it "appears" grim for the abrasive Mrs Clinton at the moment is that the GOP side is settled and the dem side is split. The media fails to observe the obvious as it "looks" like Hillary is losing to The Donald and it gets the incredibly stupid American voters all in a tizzy and the media can sell more ad space telling this stupid lie. When it is just Clinton vs Trump we will have an accurate situation to poll the public on. Bernie won't be the dem choice even long before the convention. He won't even come close to getting the delegates to steal the nomination or force a contested or brokered convention. He is just dragging this out to get his stupid pie in the sky message in front of the media.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

You worries are unfounded. Nader didn't run as a democrat. Sanders will eventually run out of steam. When he does that will change the numbers the media is polling right now. The vast majority of Sanders supporters will fall in line with Clinton and the "neck and neck" race the media is railing about NOW will go back to a huuuge Hillary advantage. The reason it "appears" grim for the abrasive Mrs Clinton at the moment is that the GOP side is settled and the dem side is split. The media fails to observe the obvious as it "looks" like Hillary is losing to The Donald and it gets the incredibly stupid American voters all in a tizzy and the media can sell more ad space telling this stupid lie. When it is just Clinton vs Trump we will have an accurate situation to poll the public on. Bernie won't be the dem choice even long before the convention. He won't even come close to getting the delegates to steal the nomination or force a contested or brokered convention. He is just dragging this out to get his stupid pie in the sky message in front of the media.

Or he's playing the ticket to be the nominee if Hillary is indicted. I say it's a good bet by Sanders.

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