Costco CEO: Raise The Minimum Wage

In this argument the biggest key that we are missing is FREEDOM! Let these corporations follow their business plans, and before long you will see them change their plans to fit the best model. Either way, basic economic principals will be the winner as to whether it makes more sense to pay employees $7/hr or $11/hr --- having the gov't decide will only ensure a loss of freedom and possibly a loss of profits.

...and mom-n-pop convenience stores, groceries, gas stations will ALL LOSE OUT!

That is all a total lie. Mom & Pop shops do better when subsidies are cut & minimum wage rises.

Well after a quick search and skim session, I have found AT LEAST as many people who are convinced, as am I, that Mom & Pop would be hurt the most...

So my entire post is ANYTHING but a total lie. I guess you are gonna have to prove it!!

You made the claim! So prove it!

States with Minimum Wages above the Federal Level have had Faster Small Business and Retail Job Growth
You know, he can pay his employees more if he wants. He doesn't need the governments permission to give his workers a raise.

But he DOES want it, because it will increase costs for his competition! This is NOT complicated.

Cognitive Dissonance...

Costco prices are low..they pay their employees more. Walmart prices are low...cant pay their employees more because it will result in higher prices. See first sentence.

Argument destroyed...Why are Costco prices low if higher wages mean higher prices? You dont know.
Note: Costco's prices aren't actually that low.

Raising minimum wage will force his competition to raise pay, therefore increasing their costs. It's Economics 101 , this is junior-high-school stuff! I am unsure if you are PRETENDING to not understand this, or if you simply CANNOT understand it.
Note: Costco's prices aren't actually that low.

Raising minimum wage will force his competition to raise pay, therefore increasing their costs. It's Economics 101 , this is junior-high-school stuff! I am unsure if you are PRETENDING to not understand this, or if you simply CANNOT understand it.

Ah the qualifier defense...What is "that low" mean? Low? Or high?

Either way...the question still applies. If higher wages mean higher prices how is Costco operating in an alternate universe where this does not happen?
A business does not willing pay any more than it has to pay to get the help it needs. Minimum wage is not usually a major consideration because 97% of the hourly workers make more than minimum wage. However in areas were there are very few jobs such as in many rural areas, minimum wage is important. Without minimum wage in these areas, the employee is faced with accepting starvation wages which increases reliance on the social welfare system.
Also they can jack up the prices all they want...but others will offer it for lower and the free market will take care of that bullshit. Hello mom and pop and small business..Problem solved.
Note: Costco's prices aren't actually that low.

Raising minimum wage will force his competition to raise pay, therefore increasing their costs. It's Economics 101 , this is junior-high-school stuff! I am unsure if you are PRETENDING to not understand this, or if you simply CANNOT understand it.

Ah the qualifier defense...What is "that low" mean? Low? Or high?

This is like dealing with a five-year-old...

It is extremely rare that I cannot get something for equal or lower price that Costco sells it for.

Either way...the question still applies. If higher wages mean higher prices how is Costco operating in an alternate universe where this does not happen?

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Hello, McFly?! You in there?! Keep rereading my last post until it sinks through that thick skull.
Note: Costco's prices aren't actually that low.

Raising minimum wage will force his competition to raise pay, therefore increasing their costs. It's Economics 101 , this is junior-high-school stuff! I am unsure if you are PRETENDING to not understand this, or if you simply CANNOT understand it.

Ah the qualifier defense...What is "that low" mean? Low? Or high?

This is like dealing with a five-year-old...

It is extremely rare that I cannot get something for equal or lower price that Costco sells it for.

Either way...the question still applies. If higher wages mean higher prices how is Costco operating in an alternate universe where this does not happen?

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Hello, McFly?! You in there?! Keep rereading my last post until it sinks through that thick skull.

yeah, read my post and tell me why the free market wouldnt be able to fix it.....annnd go!
Also they can jack up the prices all they want...but others will offer it for lower and the free market will take care of that bullshit. Hello mom and pop and small business..Problem solved.
Yes, free market action can provide the lowest prices, preventing price gouging. However, Walmart like many businesses attempt to locate their stores in areas where there is less competition. You will find the lowest prices at Walmart where there is a Target across the street. Also, you get other distortions of the free market when a store such as Walmart moves into a small rural committee. Small local businesses often can't compete and go under. Other large stores such as Target may move into the area only if there is a large enough market and the local environment is suitable, which it may not be.
You know, he can pay his employees more if he wants. He doesn't need the governments permission to give his workers a raise.

Apparently he DOES pay them more, AND, contrary to the RW meme, his business is successful. His employees seem to be happy & prosperous enough to shop at COSTCO.

I believe that what he's suggesting is that other businesses do the same. Create consumers. Henry Ford did the same.

Define successful

If other business have higher profit margins than Costco then Costco isn't as successful now is it?

Walmart net profit 2012 15.7 billion

Costco net profit 2012 1.4 billion

Now who is more successful?
He said successful not More successful...put down those goal posts

And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?
He said successful not More successful...put down those goal posts

And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?

Being successful is measure in a number of ways not just who has the most profit. That's what's wrong with that train of thought
He said successful not More successful...put down those goal posts

And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?

Success for who? It's only success for the few business owners if they are squeezing the maximum wealth from tax payers, workers & shoppers because they have the government in their pocket. It is bad for the country as a whole which is who the government is supposed to represent. Success is not subsidizing the super rich giving all the nations wealth to a few super rich people. Success is a fair level playing field that pays the middle class who created the wealth. The rich are not creative, innovative or productive. The middle class invented & created nearly everything. When the wealthy are subsidized & allowed to unfairly extract the maximum wealth from the middle class due to their bribed government cronies it reduces their creative, innovative & productive capacity. That harms the entire country.

Workers should never be on government assistance & live a lifestyle below non-working unproductive welfare couch potatoes. Walmart want's taxpayers to keep on paying for their workers so their owners don't have to. This subsidizes monopolies & destroys small business & jobs. That is why small business thrives & jobs are created when minimum wage is raised to just above the government supported poverty level.

Aldi Food sells all their food well below Walmart's prices but does not have any of their employees sucking off the government tit. That is a successful company for the nation & the owner.


Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.
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He said successful not More successful...put down those goal posts

And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?

Being successful is measure in a number of ways not just who has the most profit. That's what's wrong with that train of thought

You've never owned a business have you?

The more you make the more successful you are.

It's a simple concept.
He said successful not More successful...put down those goal posts

And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?

Success for who? It's only success for the few business owners if they are squeezing the maximum wealth from tax payers, workers & shoppers because they have the government in their pocket. It is bad for the country as a whole which is who the government is supposed to represent. Success is not subsidizing the super rich giving all the nations wealth to a few super rich people. Success is a fair level playing field that pays the middle class who created the wealth. The rich are not creative, innovative or productive. The middle class invented & created nearly everything. When the wealthy are subsidized & allowed to unfairly extract the maximum wealth from the middle class due to their bribed government cronies it reduces their creative, innovative & productive capacity. That harms the entire country.

Workers should never be on government assistance & live a lifestyle below non-working unproductive welfare couch potatoes. Walmart want's taxpayers to keep on paying for their workers so their owners don't have to. This subsidizes monopolies & destroys small business & jobs. That is why small business thrives & jobs are created when minimum wage is raised to just above the government supported poverty level.

Aldi Food sells all their food well below Walmart's prices but does not have any of their employees sucking off the government tit. That is a successful company for the nation & the owner.


Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.

never heard of that store and I don't really care.

People are not forced to work at walmart so your argument is baseless.
He said successful not More successful...put down those goal posts

And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?

Success for who? It's only success for the few business owners if they are squeezing the maximum wealth from tax payers, workers & shoppers because they have the government in their pocket. It is bad for the country as a whole which is who the government is supposed to represent. Success is not subsidizing the super rich giving all the nations wealth to a few super rich people. Success is a fair level playing field that pays the middle class who created the wealth. The rich are not creative, innovative or productive. The middle class invented & created nearly everything. When the wealthy are subsidized & allowed to unfairly extract the maximum wealth from the middle class due to their bribed government cronies it reduces their creative, innovative & productive capacity. That harms the entire country.

Workers should never be on government assistance & live a lifestyle below non-working unproductive welfare couch potatoes. Walmart want's taxpayers to keep on paying for their workers so their owners don't have to. This subsidizes monopolies & destroys small business & jobs. That is why small business thrives & jobs are created when minimum wage is raised to just above the government supported poverty level.

Aldi Food sells all their food well below Walmart's prices but does not have any of their employees sucking off the government tit. That is a successful company for the nation & the owner.


Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeee ... has anybody ever told you that almost everything aldi's sells sucks... even the Ramen noodles! How is that even possible that they are so bad that the sell bad Ramen noodles? Meijers is the best place actually.
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See how skull reacts to new information? Suddenly he doesn't care about hoe much money a business makes and ignorance is his defense. "never heard of them and I don't care" rlmao!
See how skull reacts to new information? Suddenly he doesn't care about hoe much money a business makes and ignorance is his defense. "never heard of them and I don't care" rlmao!

Success equals profit. Small regional chains are not as successful as national businesses. Why emulate the less successful when you can emulate the most successful?

Again it's a simple concept.

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