Cost of Banning Muslims


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

WTF? "like 20 billion" to what? What the fuck does that mean? Shouldn't it be "close to" or "around" or "approximately" 20 billion? Imbecile...
Trump cannot ban Muslims. The Congress, the courts, and the American people will jail him if he tries.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

This forum is a flat out LIE and should be deleted.
Trump cannot ban Muslims. The Congress, the courts, and the American people will jail him if he tries.

Excuse me? Are you saying the United States cannot pick and choose who is permitted here?
You have trouble reading, but that has been obvious for a long time. I did not say America could not choose. I said Congress, the courts, and the American people will not permit it.
"Trumpology" The study of taking the man's words, twisting them into something he never said, then criticizing the imaginary thing that Trump never actually said.

Trump proposed that we impose a moratorium on immigration from predominantly Muslim countries that have been a hotbed of terrorist activities, e.g., Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan. Such an action by the President is authorized by the McCarran Walter Act (actually called, the "Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952"). President Carter (!) used this act to keep Iranians out of the United States in 1979.

The net cost of such an action would be near if Democrats give a shit about the cost of anything. Really. Gimmeafukkinbreak.
The above in Trumpology is that Trump is morphing his ban proposition into one Jimmy Carter used more than 40 years ago: target the region not the religionists.

As long as DGS49 does not condemn ALL terrorism he is part of the problem.
Trump cannot ban Muslims. The Congress, the courts, and the American people will jail him if he tries.

Excuse me? Are you saying the United States cannot pick and choose who is permitted here?
You have trouble reading, but that has been obvious for a long time. I did not say America could not choose. I said Congress, the courts, and the American people will not permit it.

I beg to differ. Time will tell.
Trump cannot ban Muslims. The Congress, the courts, and the American people will jail him if he tries.

Excuse me? Are you saying the United States cannot pick and choose who is permitted here?
You have trouble reading, but that has been obvious for a long time. I did not say America could not choose. I said Congress, the courts, and the American people will not permit it.
I beg to differ. Time will tell.
. . . that you are wrong. But since Trump will not be president, you will not have to worry.
Trump cannot ban Muslims. The Congress, the courts, and the American people will jail him if he tries.

Excuse me? Are you saying the United States cannot pick and choose who is permitted here?
You have trouble reading, but that has been obvious for a long time. I did not say America could not choose. I said Congress, the courts, and the American people will not permit it.
I beg to differ. Time will tell.
. . . that you are wrong. But since Trump will not be president, you will not have to worry.

I'm not concerned.
Does anyone realize trump will cost the USA something like 20 billion dollars a year if he bans Muslims from coming to the USA? Just think of the universities alone who will lose all that tuition money. It would cripple the economy.

Markle, a forum conservative troll, states:

This forum is a flat out LIE and should be deleted.

Says a congenital idiot con tool. Most thinking people would use google (though you do not concern yourself with truth) to see what those with the resources to calculate cost have to say. But a con tool, being a stupid being, just makes stupid statements.
So, me poor ignorant tool, do you support banning Muslims?????
Trump cannot ban Muslims. The Congress, the courts, and the American people will jail him if he tries.

Excuse me? Are you saying the United States cannot pick and choose who is permitted here?

That has been exactly what the Far Left has been saying, over and over again.

Really? Did you want to show me the laws allowing the gov to discriminate? Or do you simply have your head firmly up your ass?

20 billion is pocket change.

How about 24 billion?

The cost of banning all Muslims

According to the U.S. National Travel and Tourism Office, 1.2 million human beings visited the U.S. from the Middle East in 2013. They spent, collectively, $6.7 billion ($2,000 more per capita than European visitors). So that’s $6.7 billion you can subtract from the U.S. economy right there. Now, of course, the Middle East does not have the majority of the world’s Muslims. The majority are in Asia, Southeast Asia and Africa. Add them in and the number’s closer to $18 billion and that’s just tourism. Now consider college students. Take those 154,000 students, multiply by average tuition and you get another $5 billion you can subtract from the U.S. economy. We can throw in another billion from Muslim students from India. Our grand estimate so far is $24 billion that you can shave off the U.S. economy by banning all Muslims from entering. That’s not counting contributions from all the Muslims on work visas with jobs in Silicon Valley and elsewhere.
24 billion is nothing. Seriously. I wonder how much muslim destruction has cost us?

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