Corrupt (allegedly) former DA has motion to dismiss denied.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
For a long time I and others in Georgia have told the readers here that Georgia is different. This issue came up many times during the McMichaels trial.

Well the DA in the case Jackie Johnson filed a motion asking that the charges be dismissed. For months the Judge let it linger and then he issued his decision. No.

During the trial of the McMichaels I mentioned the Good Old Boys network. The quiet corruption association that took care of those who were in. I even told you that some of the laws that were passed in the 1960’s were done so just to break up the notorious Good Old Boys networks.

Jackie is the DA who told the police not to arrest the McMichaels that fateful day when they murdered Arbery. Now granted that is the job of the DA to make such decisions. However in Georgia the power comes with a condition. You better have a good reason. You need to be able to explain what you did and why.

Jackie is going to be tried. And unless Georgia has changed dramatically she’s going to be convicted. Because the people in Georgia don’t want a return to the days when you could do such a thing. They tend to be very unforgiving towards public corruption.

Now let me say this. My opinion is based upon my experience as a Resident of Georgia and the evidence I’ve seen so far. There might be new information that would cause me to change that opinion. But right now? I’d say Jackie is going to end up convicted. You just can’t do that in Georgia.
Well, it worked for a month for those killers.

It really didn’t. In fact, by counting on it they guaranteed their conviction.

Somewhere in this nation is the worst lawyer of them all. This fellow is a terrible lawyer. He was last in his class and barely passed the BAR exam. That lawyer who is the worst one ever, he would tell the McMichaels to keep their mouths shut when interviewed by the cops.

Instead the two fools followed the direction of Daddy McMichaels and told their story. Once they were on record, they could not undo the damage.

Worst case if they took the advice of every single lawyer everywhere is some local Assistant District Attorney prosecuted them and their defense lawyers could have a better chance. Instead they faced a much better veteran attorney who had the combined might of the State Investigators behind him.

It is the difference between facing a minor league pitcher or a Cy Young winner. You have a better chance of getting a hit against the former. The latter is more likely to blow the pitch right by you.

Greg gambled on the network. He would have had better odds if he had done the smart thing.

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