Corporations ≠ people

We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?
There is nothing logical about corporate person-hood, it is a concept that lawyers invented to give big business the political power of a person, a person that can shout down any number of actual persons, buy any amount of influence, that can never be held wholly responsible for their actions and never die.

The irony is that these fake conservatives who support corporate personhood are being the ultimate collectivists. Corporate personhood is the collectivism in the extreme.

Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

That is like saying the Catholic Church is not a person so it really doesn't have the right to practice its religion as it wants. It can't print brochures, engage in politics, the community, it basically can't do anything at all since it is not a single person. But that actually affects the individuals in it because they themselves can't do thise things which would affect there ow Liberty. Cities and towns should get the same treatment since those governments are democratic and reflect the individuals within it.
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

As I understand it the idea of corporate person-hood derived from the 14th amendment, ( an amendment that some say was passed partly as a favor to large railroad corporations) .............some on here are saying there couldn't be corporations without it...........did they not exist before the 14th amendment?.....I think they did and that that argument is false.

It seems like most of the agenda of the left is to frame everything into the class conflict.
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

As I understand it the idea of corporate person-hood derived from the 14th amendment, ( an amendment that some say was passed partly as a favor to large railroad corporations) .............some on here are saying there couldn't be corporations without it...........did they not exist before the 14th amendment?.....I think they did and that that argument is false.

It seems like most of the agenda of the left is to frame everything into the class conflict.

I dont understand your comment
Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?
There is nothing logical about corporate person-hood, it is a concept that lawyers invented to give big business the political power of a person, a person that can shout down any number of actual persons, buy any amount of influence, that can never be held wholly responsible for their actions and never die.

The irony is that these fake conservatives who support corporate personhood are being the ultimate collectivists. Corporate personhood is the collectivism in the extreme.

Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.
There is nothing logical about corporate person-hood, it is a concept that lawyers invented to give big business the political power of a person, a person that can shout down any number of actual persons, buy any amount of influence, that can never be held wholly responsible for their actions and never die.

The irony is that these fake conservatives who support corporate personhood are being the ultimate collectivists. Corporate personhood is the collectivism in the extreme.

Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.
Corporations own America's politicians, as they fall over each other to vote for fast track, for Monsanto, or for whatever measure they can to sell out Americans.

So corporates can do whatever they want, and even get the Supreme Court to support them - like in the case of Corporate Personhood.
The irony is that these fake conservatives who support corporate personhood are being the ultimate collectivists. Corporate personhood is the collectivism in the extreme.

Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.
corporate lobby is the problem. we have lobbyists for a reason. some are good some are bad. the corporate lobbyists have an evil agenda that is good for them not good for employees or workers for the middle class
The irony is that these fake conservatives who support corporate personhood are being the ultimate collectivists. Corporate personhood is the collectivism in the extreme.

Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.

the excessive pay of a lot of CEOs against the wishes of shareholders even shows a flaw in structure tho that may be getting better,.... slowly. no, they are not "inherently" evil

Lobbying is a problem too.

expanding representation in the US House, to follow population growth, as we once did would disperse power and help a bit in that regard I think.
Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.

the excessive pay of a lot of CEOs against the wishes of shareholders even shows a flaw in structure tho that may be getting better,.... slowly. no, they are not "inherently" evil

Lobbying is a problem too.

expanding representation in the US House, to follow population growth, as we once did would disperse power and help a bit in that regard I think.
if more people showed up to vote then the politicians might cater to the lobbyist but then they will be voted out in 4 years. instead not enough people vote for the politicians are smart to cater to where the money is especially when they're not going to be punished for it
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

It isn't really that complicated. A corporation is private property owned by the shareholders. The shareholders are real people, like retired California school teachers and such.

We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

It isn't really that complicated. A corporation is private property owned by the shareholders. The shareholders are real people, like retired California school teachers and such.

should this private property have a say in our politics? The shareholders all get to vote in the election correct?
The irony is that these fake conservatives who support corporate personhood are being the ultimate collectivists. Corporate personhood is the collectivism in the extreme.

Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.
I never said the big monopolistic corporations are evil, they are more amoral. They have very narrow interests and are not the least bit ashamed to pursue them at the cost of society as a whole. Meanwhile the conservatives seem to hate anyone who tries to protect the greater good from these narrow interests. As an example I present the global banking industry, I do not think anyone can realistically deny that they have done some pretty damaging things to the economy and yet we have failed in our attempts to place some boundaries on their riskier actions, the champions of these actions are universally reviled by conservatives. Big corporations may not be evil but with conservatives providing cover they certainly have no incentive to be good.
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?
There is nothing logical about corporate person-hood, it is a concept that lawyers invented to give big business the political power of a person, a person that can shout down any number of actual persons, buy any amount of influence, that can never be held wholly responsible for their actions and never die.

The irony is that these fake conservatives who support corporate personhood are being the ultimate collectivists. Corporate personhood is the collectivism in the extreme.

No moron.....people can join or leave businesses at will....collectivists a create a huge government that does not allow you to choose against government control.....that is the difference....
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

It isn't really that complicated. A corporation is private property owned by the shareholders. The shareholders are real people, like retired California school teachers and such.

should this private property have a say in our politics? The shareholders all get to vote in the election correct?

Sure, the shareholders are a group of people with a common interest. Same as unions are a group of people with a common interest. As long as everything is voluntary and not coercive.

Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.
I never said the big monopolistic corporations are evil, they are more amoral. They have very narrow interests and are not the least bit ashamed to pursue them at the cost of society as a whole. Meanwhile the conservatives seem to hate anyone who tries to protect the greater good from these narrow interests. As an example I present the global banking industry, I do not think anyone can realistically deny that they have done some pretty damaging things to the economy and yet we have failed in our attempts to place some boundaries on their riskier actions, the champions of these actions are universally reviled by conservatives. Big corporations may not be evil but with conservatives providing cover they certainly have no incentive to be good.

And of course the only way business becomes a problem is when government has so much control over everything that a few powerful businesses can buy the right government politicians and get the centralized power of the government to do their bidding...

see...this is why you lefties need to understand history...especially the 20th lefties want a big central government...with vast powers, under the control of enlightened lefties, because you think you can then fast track "Doing Good". What you fail to realize...over and over that by concentrating that make it far easier for bad guys to do great evil....again, see the 20th century.....and that evil is always greater than any good you can do before the bad,guys get control...since government is inefficient at doing good, but really good at doing evil.....

Government needs to be small, and constrained by a separation of powers and checks and prevents it from doing great evil when bad guys get in charg...the very types of bad guys you bitch and moan about.....

But by undermining the checks on government are,creating the very thing you hate.......and you keep doing it over and over....
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

It isn't really that complicated. A corporation is private property owned by the shareholders. The shareholders are real people, like retired California school teachers and such.

should this private property have a say in our politics? The shareholders all get to vote in the election correct?

Sure, the shareholders are a group of people with a common interest. Same as unions are a group of people with a common interest. As long as everything is voluntary and not coercive.

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.
I never said the big monopolistic corporations are evil, they are more amoral. They have very narrow interests and are not the least bit ashamed to pursue them at the cost of society as a whole. Meanwhile the conservatives seem to hate anyone who tries to protect the greater good from these narrow interests. As an example I present the global banking industry, I do not think anyone can realistically deny that they have done some pretty damaging things to the economy and yet we have failed in our attempts to place some boundaries on their riskier actions, the champions of these actions are universally reviled by conservatives. Big corporations may not be evil but with conservatives providing cover they certainly have no incentive to be good.

And of course the only way business becomes a problem is when government has so much control over everything that a few powerful businesses can buy the right government politicians and get the centralized power of the government to do their bidding...

see...this is why you lefties need to understand history...especially the 20th lefties want a big central government...with vast powers, under the control of enlightened lefties, because you think you can then fast track "Doing Good". What you fail to realize...over and over that by concentrating that make it far easier for bad guys to do great evil....again, see the 20th century.....and that evil is always greater than any good you can do before the bad,guys get control...since government is inefficient at doing good, but really good at doing evil.....

Government needs to be small, and constrained by a separation of powers and checks and prevents it from doing great evil when bad guys get in charge?..the very types of bad guys you bitch and moan about.....

But by undermining the checks on government are,creating the very thing you hate.......and you keep doing it over and over....
If government is so small it has no power to punish the wrongdoings of big business then we become a plutocracy. This is where we stand right now when even blatant wrongdoing is punished, after an expensive and protracted court battle, by a fine that does not even equal the amount of profit made from the wrongdoing. Big business is already enjoying the freedom of small government and it is doing the country no good.
I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.
I never said the big monopolistic corporations are evil, they are more amoral. They have very narrow interests and are not the least bit ashamed to pursue them at the cost of society as a whole. Meanwhile the conservatives seem to hate anyone who tries to protect the greater good from these narrow interests. As an example I present the global banking industry, I do not think anyone can realistically deny that they have done some pretty damaging things to the economy and yet we have failed in our attempts to place some boundaries on their riskier actions, the champions of these actions are universally reviled by conservatives. Big corporations may not be evil but with conservatives providing cover they certainly have no incentive to be good.

And of course the only way business becomes a problem is when government has so much control over everything that a few powerful businesses can buy the right government politicians and get the centralized power of the government to do their bidding...

see...this is why you lefties need to understand history...especially the 20th lefties want a big central government...with vast powers, under the control of enlightened lefties, because you think you can then fast track "Doing Good". What you fail to realize...over and over that by concentrating that make it far easier for bad guys to do great evil....again, see the 20th century.....and that evil is always greater than any good you can do before the bad,guys get control...since government is inefficient at doing good, but really good at doing evil.....

Government needs to be small, and constrained by a separation of powers and checks and prevents it from doing great evil when bad guys get in charge?..the very types of bad guys you bitch and moan about.....

But by undermining the checks on government are,creating the very thing you hate.......and you keep doing it over and over....
If government is so small it has no power to punish the wrongdoings of big business then we become a plutocracy. This is where we stand right now when even blatant wrongdoing is punished, after an expensive and protracted court battle, by a fine that does not even equal the amount of profit made from the wrongdoing. Big business is already enjoying the freedom of small government and it is doing the country no good.

What small government are you talking about.......bad people exploit the power in the government.....because the government can so many agencies doing so many things but the power to control those agencies is in the hands of a few powerful people......if you keep them from having so much concentrated power, you keep bad people from getting control.........that was the whole point to the three branches of government and checks and balances....

You guys are Boromir all over again....
I have a corporation BUT my corporation certainly doesn't "exercise control over government policy".... other wise we'd never have an environment where the president is destroying businesses and in turn destroying jobs.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.
I never said the big monopolistic corporations are evil, they are more amoral. They have very narrow interests and are not the least bit ashamed to pursue them at the cost of society as a whole. Meanwhile the conservatives seem to hate anyone who tries to protect the greater good from these narrow interests. As an example I present the global banking industry, I do not think anyone can realistically deny that they have done some pretty damaging things to the economy and yet we have failed in our attempts to place some boundaries on their riskier actions, the champions of these actions are universally reviled by conservatives. Big corporations may not be evil but with conservatives providing cover they certainly have no incentive to be good.

And of course the only way business becomes a problem is when government has so much control over everything that a few powerful businesses can buy the right government politicians and get the centralized power of the government to do their bidding...

see...this is why you lefties need to understand history...especially the 20th lefties want a big central government...with vast powers, under the control of enlightened lefties, because you think you can then fast track "Doing Good". What you fail to realize...over and over that by concentrating that make it far easier for bad guys to do great evil....again, see the 20th century.....and that evil is always greater than any good you can do before the bad,guys get control...since government is inefficient at doing good, but really good at doing evil.....

Government needs to be small, and constrained by a separation of powers and checks and prevents it from doing great evil when bad guys get in charge?..the very types of bad guys you bitch and moan about.....

But by undermining the checks on government are,creating the very thing you hate.......and you keep doing it over and over....
If government is so small it has no power to punish the wrongdoings of big business then we become a plutocracy. This is where we stand right now when even blatant wrongdoing is punished, after an expensive and protracted court battle, by a fine that does not even equal the amount of profit made from the wrongdoing. Big business is already enjoying the freedom of small government and it is doing the country no good.

This is why you have checks and balances.....each branch of government is needed to check the power of the other if one branch isn't doing it's job, the other two take it down a left is creating a bureacracy that is immune to the checks and balances...which is why you can't block abuses any more....

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