Corporate Democrats Want Voters To Understand They Want To Help The Republicans‭’ ‬Agenda


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Corporate Democrats Want Voters To Understand They Want To Help The Republicans‭’ ‬Agenda

After their losses in the November‭ ‬3rd elections,‭ ‬the‭ “‬corporate‭” ‬Democrats in Congress want voters to know they are‭ ‬100%‭ ‬behind the conservatives‭’ ‬pro-capitalist/anti-worker agenda.‭ ‬They want it understood that,‭ ‬like the congressional Republicans,‭ ‬the only‭ “‬socialist‭” ‬programs they consider acceptable must benefit only Big Business and the ruling billionaire class.

The corporate Democrats want to make it clear,‭ ‬all criticism from conservatives and centrists that they support‭ “‬socialism‭” ‬beneficial to the poor,‭ ‬the unemployed,‭ ‬children living in poverty,‭ ‬or any other groups of needy is unwarranted.‭ ‬Conservatives and centrists can be assured,‭ ‬corporate Democrats will do nothing to serve the interests of average Americans,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬have always joined the congressional Republicans,‭ ‬when necessary,‭ ‬to block progressive Democrats‭’ ‬proposed‭ “‬reforms‭”‬,‭ ‬especially when these reforms pose any risk to corporate profits.

The corporate Democrats want to offer their support for additional tax cuts for the rich and Big Business,‭ ‬they are with Moscow Mitch and his decision to postpone passage of more COVID-19‭ ‬relief for unemployed Americans,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬will continue their campaign to oust‭ ‬AOC,‭ ‬other members of the‭ “‬Squad‭”‬,‭ ‬and other progressive‭ ‬Democrats from the halls of Congress.‭

Corporate Democrats‭’ ‬plea to the conservatives and centrists is,‭ “‬Please love us like you do the GOP,‭ ‬we are with them all the way.‭”

Before responding to the OP, conservatives and centrists should read the entire article at the following link, it will give them a big lift and the reassurance they need to understand that, even with Biden in the White House, everything will continue to go their way:‭

Again, conservatives and centrists should read the entire article at the link.

Corporate Democrats Want Voters To Understand They Want To Help The Republicans‭’ ‬Agenda

They lie.
Obviously, you didn't read the article. And, it's even more apparent, you have no understanding of Washington politics.


I judge Dems by their actions not their words, because Dems LIE.
They all lie, you are simply too naïve to understand this.

Intelligence tests, while unconstitutional, would certainly help get the liars out of government.

Unfortunately. inferior education is the basis of conservatism, so neither party would willingly require voters to be... aware.

So one day Dems are corporate shills and the next they're socialists

Ya might as well call em doodyheads for all the meaning anything you fuckers say has.

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