Coronavirus Codswallop -- By the Numbers


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Coronavirus Codswallop -- By the Numbers
March 9, 2020 ~~ By Brian C.Joondeph, MD
“Codswallop” is one of those interesting words that might have been used by Supreme Court justice Anton Scalia in a dissenting opinion, or by conservative intellectual William F. Buckley in describing some liberal policy.
It’s a British expression that refers to words or ideas that are foolish or untrue, in other words, nonsense.
While codswallop is a good description of the entire Democrat agenda, today I will restrict its use to the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, media fearmongering, and resulting public panic.
Big media is all about ratings, view, and clicks, hence their axiom, “If it bleeds, it leads.” A viral outbreak is the perfect story, on par with a missing Malaysian airliner or a celebrity football player named OJ on trial for murder.
The added bonus is that any negative news can be laid at the feet of a president loathed by the media, who just so happens to be running for reelection. The media is in full campaign mode, trying desperately to drag the carcass of one of their corpselike candidates across the presidential finish line.
~~ Snip ~~
Despite the hair-on-fire reporting of Coronavirus virus news, let’s look at some actual numbers, rather than the codswallop from CNN or MSNBC. Statistics from the Centers of Disease Control and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard are illustrative.

Look also at past viral illnesses, far more lethal than coronavirus. The fatality rate for MERS and SARS was 34.4 and 9.5% respectively. Neither illness generated as much media hysteria as coronavirus.
Swine flu, also known as H1N1, happened on Obama’s watch. With over 60 million cases in the U.S., and over 12,000 deaths, where was the vitriol hurled at Obama, compared to what we are seeing directed toward Trump?
Another number ignored by the media is the number of cases of coronavirus per capita. The U.S. rate is obviously far lower than China, South Korea, and Japan, but also lower than Italy, France, Germany, and Spain.
President Trump’s decisive actions, again contrary to media reporting, are responsible for keeping U.S. numbers down due to his travel ban.
For additional perspective, heart disease kills 1774 persons a day, cancer 1641, accidents 466, and strokes 401 per day. A recent tornado in Tennessee claimed 24 lives, almost twice the number of Americans who died from coronavirus thus far.
Numbers are inconvenient to the media. Particularly the math challenged like MSNBC’s Brian Williams and NY Times editor Mara Gay discussing Bloomberg’s campaign spending, being off by a factor of a million. How can we trust these people reporting on coronavirus numbers?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” If you watch the evening news or read the daily newspaper, you will be inundated with fear. Take the constant barrage of coronavirus codswallop with a grain of salt and keep things in perspective.

As I have been writing, COVID-19 is no different than other Coronaviruses. DJT and those he's appointed to handle this new virus created in China.
The fear mongering media and "Snowflakes" screaming that the sky is falling are hoping that their cries will scare the uninformed and ignorant of the U.S. population.
Seems that there has been cycles recurrence of Coronaviruses every ten to twenty years.
In my memory the biggest scare was in 1949 when mass vaccinations of Smallpox were mandated in New York City. Can anyone remember that one?
Creating a crisis is SOP for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left and is co-conspirator media are more than willing to spread the word. I smell a Cloward-Piven Strategy brewing. I won’t be surprised if the narrative will be we need a Medicare for all government run healthcare solution to prevent and solve this type of crises. They're already trying to call this the "Trump Virus" or "Trump's Katrina" which is typical PMS/DSA Leftist "Codswallop"....
Its the flu more deadly than the seasonal flu...a close kin to SARS but not as deadly or debilitating...most people survive and recover with bed rest and fever reducers like aspirin or Advil....the media should stop freaking people out...
Coronavirus Codswallop -- By the Numbers
March 9, 2020 ~~ By Brian C.Joondeph, MD
“Codswallop” is one of those interesting words that might have been used by Supreme Court justice Anton Scalia in a dissenting opinion, or by conservative intellectual William F. Buckley in describing some liberal policy.
It’s a British expression that refers to words or ideas that are foolish or untrue, in other words, nonsense.
While codswallop is a good description of the entire Democrat agenda, today I will restrict its use to the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, media fearmongering, and resulting public panic.
Big media is all about ratings, view, and clicks, hence their axiom, “If it bleeds, it leads.” A viral outbreak is the perfect story, on par with a missing Malaysian airliner or a celebrity football player named OJ on trial for murder.
The added bonus is that any negative news can be laid at the feet of a president loathed by the media, who just so happens to be running for reelection. The media is in full campaign mode, trying desperately to drag the carcass of one of their corpselike candidates across the presidential finish line.
~~ Snip ~~
Despite the hair-on-fire reporting of Coronavirus virus news, let’s look at some actual numbers, rather than the codswallop from CNN or MSNBC. Statistics from the Centers of Disease Control and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard are illustrative.

Look also at past viral illnesses, far more lethal than coronavirus. The fatality rate for MERS and SARS was 34.4 and 9.5% respectively. Neither illness generated as much media hysteria as coronavirus.
Swine flu, also known as H1N1, happened on Obama’s watch. With over 60 million cases in the U.S., and over 12,000 deaths, where was the vitriol hurled at Obama, compared to what we are seeing directed toward Trump?
Another number ignored by the media is the number of cases of coronavirus per capita. The U.S. rate is obviously far lower than China, South Korea, and Japan, but also lower than Italy, France, Germany, and Spain.
President Trump’s decisive actions, again contrary to media reporting, are responsible for keeping U.S. numbers down due to his travel ban.
For additional perspective, heart disease kills 1774 persons a day, cancer 1641, accidents 466, and strokes 401 per day. A recent tornado in Tennessee claimed 24 lives, almost twice the number of Americans who died from coronavirus thus far.
Numbers are inconvenient to the media. Particularly the math challenged like MSNBC’s Brian Williams and NY Times editor Mara Gay discussing Bloomberg’s campaign spending, being off by a factor of a million. How can we trust these people reporting on coronavirus numbers?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” If you watch the evening news or read the daily newspaper, you will be inundated with fear. Take the constant barrage of coronavirus codswallop with a grain of salt and keep things in perspective.

As I have been writing, COVID-19 is no different than other Coronaviruses. DJT and those he's appointed to handle this new virus created in China.
The fear mongering media and "Snowflakes" screaming that the sky is falling are hoping that their cries will scare the uninformed and ignorant of the U.S. population.
Seems that there has been cycles recurrence of Coronaviruses every ten to twenty years.
In my memory the biggest scare was in 1949 when mass vaccinations of Smallpox were mandated in New York City. Can anyone remember that one?
Creating a crisis is SOP for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left and is co-conspirator media are more than willing to spread the word. I smell a Cloward-Piven Strategy brewing. I won’t be surprised if the narrative will be we need a Medicare for all government run healthcare solution to prevent and solve this type of crises. They're already trying to call this the "Trump Virus" or "Trump's Katrina" which is typical PMS/DSA Leftist "Codswallop"....
If it's only the flu, why is WHO and the CDC in full epidemic mode? They don't act this way with our "regular" flu.

I agree with you about all the over-hype by the press. However, let's not lose the baby with the bathwater. To keep this highly contagious pneumonia-carrying virus at bay, we need to take sensible precautions, or it will run us over like it did other places where people just said Oh pshaw.....
Don't say Oh pshaw, either.
Its the flu more deadly than the seasonal flu...a close kin to SARS but not as deadly or debilitating...most people survive and recover with bed rest and fever reducers like aspirin or Advil....the media should stop freaking people out...
just remember, be afraid, be very afraid that 22 people have died at the hands of this killer, and pay no attention to the 18,000 who have died at the feet of the flu. be very afraid of that 22.
If it's only the flu, why is WHO and the CDC in full epidemic mode? They don't act this way with our "regular" flu
But they just don't see it happening....the media has hyped this virus....
Coronavirus Codswallop -- By the Numbers
March 9, 2020 ~~ By Brian C.Joondeph, MD
“Codswallop” is one of those interesting words that might have been used by Supreme Court justice Anton Scalia in a dissenting opinion, or by conservative intellectual William F. Buckley in describing some liberal policy.
It’s a British expression that refers to words or ideas that are foolish or untrue, in other words, nonsense.
While codswallop is a good description of the entire Democrat agenda, today I will restrict its use to the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, media fearmongering, and resulting public panic.
Big media is all about ratings, view, and clicks, hence their axiom, “If it bleeds, it leads.” A viral outbreak is the perfect story, on par with a missing Malaysian airliner or a celebrity football player named OJ on trial for murder.
The added bonus is that any negative news can be laid at the feet of a president loathed by the media, who just so happens to be running for reelection. The media is in full campaign mode, trying desperately to drag the carcass of one of their corpselike candidates across the presidential finish line.
~~ Snip ~~
Despite the hair-on-fire reporting of Coronavirus virus news, let’s look at some actual numbers, rather than the codswallop from CNN or MSNBC. Statistics from the Centers of Disease Control and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard are illustrative.

Look also at past viral illnesses, far more lethal than coronavirus. The fatality rate for MERS and SARS was 34.4 and 9.5% respectively. Neither illness generated as much media hysteria as coronavirus.
Swine flu, also known as H1N1, happened on Obama’s watch. With over 60 million cases in the U.S., and over 12,000 deaths, where was the vitriol hurled at Obama, compared to what we are seeing directed toward Trump?
Another number ignored by the media is the number of cases of coronavirus per capita. The U.S. rate is obviously far lower than China, South Korea, and Japan, but also lower than Italy, France, Germany, and Spain.
President Trump’s decisive actions, again contrary to media reporting, are responsible for keeping U.S. numbers down due to his travel ban.
For additional perspective, heart disease kills 1774 persons a day, cancer 1641, accidents 466, and strokes 401 per day. A recent tornado in Tennessee claimed 24 lives, almost twice the number of Americans who died from coronavirus thus far.
Numbers are inconvenient to the media. Particularly the math challenged like MSNBC’s Brian Williams and NY Times editor Mara Gay discussing Bloomberg’s campaign spending, being off by a factor of a million. How can we trust these people reporting on coronavirus numbers?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” If you watch the evening news or read the daily newspaper, you will be inundated with fear. Take the constant barrage of coronavirus codswallop with a grain of salt and keep things in perspective.

As I have been writing, COVID-19 is no different than other Coronaviruses. DJT and those he's appointed to handle this new virus created in China.
The fear mongering media and "Snowflakes" screaming that the sky is falling are hoping that their cries will scare the uninformed and ignorant of the U.S. population.
Seems that there has been cycles recurrence of Coronaviruses every ten to twenty years.
In my memory the biggest scare was in 1949 when mass vaccinations of Smallpox were mandated in New York City. Can anyone remember that one?
Creating a crisis is SOP for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left and is co-conspirator media are more than willing to spread the word. I smell a Cloward-Piven Strategy brewing. I won’t be surprised if the narrative will be we need a Medicare for all government run healthcare solution to prevent and solve this type of crises. They're already trying to call this the "Trump Virus" or "Trump's Katrina" which is typical PMS/DSA Leftist "Codswallop"....
If it's only the flu, why is WHO and the CDC in full epidemic mode? They don't act this way with our "regular" flu.

I agree with you about all the over-hype by the press. However, let's not lose the baby with the bathwater. To keep this highly contagious pneumonia-carrying virus at bay, we need to take sensible precautions, or it will run us over like it did other places where people just said Oh pshaw.....
Don't say Oh pshaw, either.
ah who gives a fk about 646,000 people WW or 61,000 here in the US dying when you got 3,000 WW or 22 here in the US. you have to be afraid of those lower numbers. they said so.

Pay no attention to 646,000 and 61,000. that's bird feed for this nasty 3,000 WW killer. hahahahahahahahahaha how fking sad.
Of course there's media hype. As you accurately pointed out, the media is about viewership.

I would like to point out a couple of things, though. From what I've read, MERS and SARS both were far less contagious than the current novel coronavirus. Comparing them just by death rate isn't a fair comparison, just as comparing COVID-19 death rate to flu death rate, without context, isn't a fair comparison.

Also, from my reading, this new coronavirus is different from other coronaviruses because of the higher death rate combined with higher rate of contagion, and because it is new. I don't know if any other coronavirus has been as dangerous as this one.

That said, yes, there's a lot of unnecessary panic. The flu has killed many more people, but the flu is a known danger. This coronavirus is something the vast majority of people were unfamiliar with until the current reporting, and people tend to be more fearful of the unknown.

In the current political environment, I'm not the least bit surprised that it's being used to score political points. I probably wouldn't have been surprised by that at any time, but now in particular, it's expected. Politics today involves blaming every little thing on 'the other side'.
Coronavirus Codswallop -- By the Numbers
March 9, 2020 ~~ By Brian C.Joondeph, MD
“Codswallop” is one of those interesting words that might have been used by Supreme Court justice Anton Scalia in a dissenting opinion, or by conservative intellectual William F. Buckley in describing some liberal policy.
It’s a British expression that refers to words or ideas that are foolish or untrue, in other words, nonsense.
While codswallop is a good description of the entire Democrat agenda, today I will restrict its use to the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, media fearmongering, and resulting public panic.
Big media is all about ratings, view, and clicks, hence their axiom, “If it bleeds, it leads.” A viral outbreak is the perfect story, on par with a missing Malaysian airliner or a celebrity football player named OJ on trial for murder.
The added bonus is that any negative news can be laid at the feet of a president loathed by the media, who just so happens to be running for reelection. The media is in full campaign mode, trying desperately to drag the carcass of one of their corpselike candidates across the presidential finish line.
~~ Snip ~~
Despite the hair-on-fire reporting of Coronavirus virus news, let’s look at some actual numbers, rather than the codswallop from CNN or MSNBC. Statistics from the Centers of Disease Control and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard are illustrative.

Look also at past viral illnesses, far more lethal than coronavirus. The fatality rate for MERS and SARS was 34.4 and 9.5% respectively. Neither illness generated as much media hysteria as coronavirus.
Swine flu, also known as H1N1, happened on Obama’s watch. With over 60 million cases in the U.S., and over 12,000 deaths, where was the vitriol hurled at Obama, compared to what we are seeing directed toward Trump?
Another number ignored by the media is the number of cases of coronavirus per capita. The U.S. rate is obviously far lower than China, South Korea, and Japan, but also lower than Italy, France, Germany, and Spain.
President Trump’s decisive actions, again contrary to media reporting, are responsible for keeping U.S. numbers down due to his travel ban.
For additional perspective, heart disease kills 1774 persons a day, cancer 1641, accidents 466, and strokes 401 per day. A recent tornado in Tennessee claimed 24 lives, almost twice the number of Americans who died from coronavirus thus far.
Numbers are inconvenient to the media. Particularly the math challenged like MSNBC’s Brian Williams and NY Times editor Mara Gay discussing Bloomberg’s campaign spending, being off by a factor of a million. How can we trust these people reporting on coronavirus numbers?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” If you watch the evening news or read the daily newspaper, you will be inundated with fear. Take the constant barrage of coronavirus codswallop with a grain of salt and keep things in perspective.

As I have been writing, COVID-19 is no different than other Coronaviruses. DJT and those he's appointed to handle this new virus created in China.
The fear mongering media and "Snowflakes" screaming that the sky is falling are hoping that their cries will scare the uninformed and ignorant of the U.S. population.
Seems that there has been cycles recurrence of Coronaviruses every ten to twenty years.
In my memory the biggest scare was in 1949 when mass vaccinations of Smallpox were mandated in New York City. Can anyone remember that one?
Creating a crisis is SOP for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left and is co-conspirator media are more than willing to spread the word. I smell a Cloward-Piven Strategy brewing. I won’t be surprised if the narrative will be we need a Medicare for all government run healthcare solution to prevent and solve this type of crises. They're already trying to call this the "Trump Virus" or "Trump's Katrina" which is typical PMS/DSA Leftist "Codswallop"....

This is a man made bio weapon----------

Coronavirus Codswallop -- By the Numbers
March 9, 2020 ~~ By Brian C.Joondeph, MD
“Codswallop” is one of those interesting words that might have been used by Supreme Court justice Anton Scalia in a dissenting opinion, or by conservative intellectual William F. Buckley in describing some liberal policy.
It’s a British expression that refers to words or ideas that are foolish or untrue, in other words, nonsense.
While codswallop is a good description of the entire Democrat agenda, today I will restrict its use to the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, media fearmongering, and resulting public panic.
Big media is all about ratings, view, and clicks, hence their axiom, “If it bleeds, it leads.” A viral outbreak is the perfect story, on par with a missing Malaysian airliner or a celebrity football player named OJ on trial for murder.
The added bonus is that any negative news can be laid at the feet of a president loathed by the media, who just so happens to be running for reelection. The media is in full campaign mode, trying desperately to drag the carcass of one of their corpselike candidates across the presidential finish line.
~~ Snip ~~
Despite the hair-on-fire reporting of Coronavirus virus news, let’s look at some actual numbers, rather than the codswallop from CNN or MSNBC. Statistics from the Centers of Disease Control and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard are illustrative.

Look also at past viral illnesses, far more lethal than coronavirus. The fatality rate for MERS and SARS was 34.4 and 9.5% respectively. Neither illness generated as much media hysteria as coronavirus.
Swine flu, also known as H1N1, happened on Obama’s watch. With over 60 million cases in the U.S., and over 12,000 deaths, where was the vitriol hurled at Obama, compared to what we are seeing directed toward Trump?
Another number ignored by the media is the number of cases of coronavirus per capita. The U.S. rate is obviously far lower than China, South Korea, and Japan, but also lower than Italy, France, Germany, and Spain.
President Trump’s decisive actions, again contrary to media reporting, are responsible for keeping U.S. numbers down due to his travel ban.
For additional perspective, heart disease kills 1774 persons a day, cancer 1641, accidents 466, and strokes 401 per day. A recent tornado in Tennessee claimed 24 lives, almost twice the number of Americans who died from coronavirus thus far.
Numbers are inconvenient to the media. Particularly the math challenged like MSNBC’s Brian Williams and NY Times editor Mara Gay discussing Bloomberg’s campaign spending, being off by a factor of a million. How can we trust these people reporting on coronavirus numbers?
President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” If you watch the evening news or read the daily newspaper, you will be inundated with fear. Take the constant barrage of coronavirus codswallop with a grain of salt and keep things in perspective.

As I have been writing, COVID-19 is no different than other Coronaviruses. DJT and those he's appointed to handle this new virus created in China.
The fear mongering media and "Snowflakes" screaming that the sky is falling are hoping that their cries will scare the uninformed and ignorant of the U.S. population.
Seems that there has been cycles recurrence of Coronaviruses every ten to twenty years.
In my memory the biggest scare was in 1949 when mass vaccinations of Smallpox were mandated in New York City. Can anyone remember that one?
Creating a crisis is SOP for the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left and is co-conspirator media are more than willing to spread the word. I smell a Cloward-Piven Strategy brewing. I won’t be surprised if the narrative will be we need a Medicare for all government run healthcare solution to prevent and solve this type of crises. They're already trying to call this the "Trump Virus" or "Trump's Katrina" which is typical PMS/DSA Leftist "Codswallop"....

and thenn there is this


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