Corona Virus, perfect timing from of all nations...China


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So, this apparently came from a bat, though it occurred near a place they do biochemical manipulation (I notice not too many MSM talk about this at all anymore...).

This happens just as the U.S election is going on, right during the Dem Primary. Now people are talking out about Trump still having campaign rallies and suggesting he is putting people in harms way.

If I am Communist China and I am looking to hurt Trumps chances and ensure a pro China-First patsy replaces him in office, what better way than with this virus? Not only does it hurt Trumps biggest asset (the economy), it impacts his ability to speak to the nation, and in turn, his re-election campaign.

If and when China controls the world, maybe this moment will be the turning point.
I don't think they specifically aimed it at Trump. I think it just got away from them.
Yeah, a Chinese bat in a lab coat.

I'm not a conspiracy guy per se, even as I have every reason to be one based on what I've experienced in Canada. Without question though, the timing, method and location demand a great number of questions to be asked and answered, but the Wests media apparently are told by their global communist masters to "not ask questions, you racist!"

I also find it especially astounding that nobody under a particular age has even picked up the virus. It's as if it was perfectly designed to "humane" to the youth so as to not be viewed as too evil if the source were ever revealed.

Also, as a crazy aside, imagine this was being developed for future use against a nation one wanted to conquer, wouldn't it make sense for them to have a group of youth to "lead" when they took over the nation? It's possible it was leaked from the lab, or, in the process of being stolen (double agent in China?) and it got loose. Something out of a movie.

Hey, all just my space cowboy mind taking this all in with some skepticism. I might be wrong about everything, but it's particularly specific on so many metrics.
Why would China aim it at themselves first? Why not send a few infected Chinese over here to visit instead?
Why would China aim it at themselves first? Why not send a few infected Chinese over here to visit instead?

"Why would China aim it at themselves first? Why not send a few infected Chinese over here to visit instead?"

to present the "illusion" that they were the first victims of this "bio-attack from the USA"?

that is a tactic the bad guys like to use....

garner sympathy
Why would China aim it at themselves first? Why not send a few infected Chinese over here to visit instead?

Yes, I thought this as well, but then I had to consider the government. They are authoritarian, ethno-communists.

For just the reason that it would still have a great global impact, especially against Trump; but it wouldn't look as if it were self inflicted. They might not have expected so many to perish, or, they did and didn't care.

So, this is why I consider that it may have been smuggled out by a scientist, double agent of the West or what have you, but the action went awry for one reason or another.

This would also explain why the silence on the lab there which had been spoken about for a couple of days but not since. U.S government could have demanded big media stop talking about it (as it might point to their agent in China, who probably already perished in the infection anyways). To not only save face, but to not have the Communists figure out what they might not currently know.

Again, I put this in conspiracy for a reason lol. I laugh, but the entire issue is obviously deadly serious.
So, this apparently came from a bat, though it occurred near a place they do biochemical manipulation (I notice not too many MSM talk about this at all anymore...).

This happens just as the U.S election is going on, right during the Dem Primary. Now people are talking out about Trump still having campaign rallies and suggesting he is putting people in harms way.

If I am Communist China and I am looking to hurt Trumps chances and ensure a pro China-First patsy replaces him in office, what better way than with this virus? Not only does it hurt Trumps biggest asset (the economy), it impacts his ability to speak to the nation, and in turn, his re-election campaign.

If and when China controls the world, maybe this moment will be the turning point.
Yeah completely shut down my country's entire economy and kill off thousands of my own people just to spite Trump! Brilliant! Wait, is ITALY in on it too? Damn did they shut down their entire country JUST TO GET TRUMP??? WHY ISN'T THE MEDIA REPORTING THAT??????
This is all totally stupid. It is a naturally occurring virus in the same family as several other viruses (including the Spanish Flu, btw) and for some reason -- maybe because of the strange critters they eat -- China is a breeding ground for some of these bugs.

You all do this for entertainment, right? You certainly don't actually believe any of this, do you?
This is all totally stupid. It is a naturally occurring virus in the same family as several other viruses (including the Spanish Flu, btw) and for some reason -- maybe because of the strange critters they eat -- China is a breeding ground for some of these bugs.

You all do this for entertainment, right? You certainly don't actually believe any of this, do you?
Anyone who knows the subject can tell you that there is alot of suspicious activity going on here.

  • The virus isn't naturally occurring because it came from one area in China that has a bio-research facility
  • The virus has a longer than normal incubation period (two weeks)
  • The virus only effects a specific age group (60-above)
  • The virus can live on surfaces for almost a month
All of this points to only one thing....this is a genetically engineered bio-agent.

This is a tailor-made communist bio-agent. It leaves the more impressionable youth of a country alone while ravaging the elderly and less impressionable voters. What better way to totally change a country than killing off those who have lived life long enough to know what communism is and how horrible it effects a society.
So, this apparently came from a bat, though it occurred near a place they do biochemical manipulation (I notice not too many MSM talk about this at all anymore...).

This happens just as the U.S election is going on, right during the Dem Primary. Now people are talking out about Trump still having campaign rallies and suggesting he is putting people in harms way.

If I am Communist China and I am looking to hurt Trumps chances and ensure a pro China-First patsy replaces him in office, what better way than with this virus? Not only does it hurt Trumps biggest asset (the economy), it impacts his ability to speak to the nation, and in turn, his re-election campaign.

If and when China controls the world, maybe this moment will be the turning point.
tenor (9).gif
So, this apparently came from a bat, though it occurred near a place they do biochemical manipulation (I notice not too many MSM talk about this at all anymore...).

This happens just as the U.S election is going on, right during the Dem Primary. Now people are talking out about Trump still having campaign rallies and suggesting he is putting people in harms way.

If I am Communist China and I am looking to hurt Trumps chances and ensure a pro China-First patsy replaces him in office, what better way than with this virus? Not only does it hurt Trumps biggest asset (the economy), it impacts his ability to speak to the nation, and in turn, his re-election campaign.

If and when China controls the world, maybe this moment will be the turning point.
I did a search Wuhan, USA but there are no results.

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