Corona drama in Leipzig: almost every fourth resident of a retirement home dead after vaccination. "The old people are dying like flies there."


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

/----/ "If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."—from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol
Yes, we will all die sooner or later.

From what I read, the virus spread through the nursing home after the first vaccination. Two are required to provide immunity. Claiming the vaccination caused these deaths is simply inaccurate.
Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

Russian propaganda site. No doubt idiots believe it
Yes, we will all die sooner or later.

From what I read, the virus spread through the nursing home after the first vaccination. Two are required to provide immunity. Claiming the vaccination caused these deaths is simply inaccurate.

There have been numerous clusters of deaths associated with vaccines administered in nursing homes. Ignoring them does not make the vaccine safe for everybody. Even the WHO has said that individual assessment is needed for frail patients before being given the Pfizer jab.
Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

/----/ "If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."—from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol

The entirely scamdemic is genocide against humankind
Yes, we will all die sooner or later.

From what I read, the virus spread through the nursing home after the first vaccination. Two are required to provide immunity. Claiming the vaccination caused these deaths is simply inaccurate.

There is no killer virus, it's a huge lie to reduce humanity by 90%
As long idiots believe fairy tales of corrupted satanic governments more people will die.
Merkel, Biden, Macron, Putin, Erdogan & Co, all of them are satanists who want to eliminate humanity.
Take the jab and die!

Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

Russian propaganda site. No doubt idiots believe it

Which refers to the German local source


Because MS western presstitutes never write the truth only RT remains as an objective source.
Even FOX gotta be a piece of sh..
Yes, we will all die sooner or later.

From what I read, the virus spread through the nursing home after the first vaccination. Two are required to provide immunity. Claiming the vaccination caused these deaths is simply inaccurate.

There have been numerous clusters of deaths associated with vaccines administered in nursing homes. Ignoring them does not make the vaccine safe for everybody. Even the WHO has said that individual assessment is needed for frail patients before being given the Pfizer jab.

Humanity can't grasp until now satanists want to wipe it out.
Putin, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Schwab & Co are satanists and freemasons.
They deliberately destroy our economies to force us to accept the jab.
They want to murder us, only cretins can't understand it.
Read about the teaching of satanists, there is no difference between insects and humans for them.

The 'God' of almost all politicians in higher offices.He demands blood of man, a see of blood, an ocean.

Yes, we will all die sooner or later.

From what I read, the virus spread through the nursing home after the first vaccination. Two are required to provide immunity. Claiming the vaccination caused these deaths is simply inaccurate.

There is no killer virus, it's a huge lie to reduce humanity by 90%
As long idiots believe fairy tales of corrupted satanic governments more people will die.
Merkel, Biden, Macron, Putin, Erdogan & Co, all of them are satanists who want to eliminate humanity.
Take the jab and die!

You are a raving lunatic. My wife had the jab as soon as it was available (works at Emory Hospital). She is healthier than I am. As for the entire covid-19 virus being a scam, you are just wrong. People have died from it. I personally know 4 otherwise healthy people who died from it. So spare me your Qnon Conspiracy theories. The shit is real.
Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

Russian propaganda site. No doubt idiots believe it
The article isn´t claiming the vaccine killed the people. You should not be that biased, it just transports statements made by the home and the city.
Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

A friend of mine and his wife got the Moderna vaccine. Mild side effects at first, like soreness at injection spot. But my friend a week later developed a bruise on his hand. He didn’t do anything at first but it just got worse. He finally went to the doctor, and they did blood tests. His blood platelets were dangerously low, like near death low. He was hospitalized immediately. They gave him an infusion and several other treatments, and he eventually got better. They diagnosed it as ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia) probably caused by the vaccine. I’ve heard of other stories of the low platelet thing killing otherwise healthy people, but this was the first time it was someone I know.

No fucking way am I taking that mRNA bullshit.
There is no way on this earth that I will let them inject me with that "vaccine".

If they inject a shot of Vitamin B12, like they do to politicians just for publicity effect, may be then I will say yes.....and that very reluctantly.
There is no way on this earth that I will let them inject me with that "vaccine".

If they inject a shot of Vitamin B12, like they do to politicians just for publicity effect, may be then I will say yes.....and that very reluctantly.
But Trump says its good. Follow your leader.
There is also drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia, so what other meds may be implicated? We take note of this vaccine reaction because it links megakaryocytes in COVID-19 autopsies and dengue virus, as can be seen in the Snake Meat thread, post #667 of 2 Jul 2020 (article from the Washington Post). From an Ap 2017 publication, we link immune thrombocytopenia to megakaryocytes:

Immune Thrombocytopenia / Megakaryocytes
’....inappropriate bone marrow production also exacerbates thrombocytopenia due to an immune response against megakaryocytes....’

Indeed, badger’s Pfizer vaccination used a thin-gauge needle that hits the bone.
1) people are known to drop their guard after first shot, some idiots on tv brag they will finally see their grandkids and no-one interviewing them bothers to correct them with facts about the 4-8 week waiting period after the 2nd shot.
This could be the culprit of the spread including facilities laxing their dining policies after the first shot.
2) cross contamination at the vaccine site, the administering nurse could have infected them.
3) shots administered wrong or were tampered.
4)bad batch, my own mother's facility everyone got real ill on the second shot. Which vaccine I've yet to find out yet. Does anyone know which ones are having these anomolies?
Yes, we will all die sooner or later.

From what I read, the virus spread through the nursing home after the first vaccination. Two are required to provide immunity. Claiming the vaccination caused these deaths is simply inaccurate.

Old people aren't the only ones affected. It's also taking a toll on the un-born.

3 Dozen Cases of Spontaneous Miscarriages, Stillbirths Occurring After COVID-19 Vaccination

Thirty-four cases of pregnant women experiencing spontaneous miscarriages or stillbirths after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine have been submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is a passive reporting system that allows people to submit a report of an adverse event after vaccination and is run by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Research funded by the CDC has shown that fewer than 1 percent of reactions from vaccinations are being reported on VAERS.

Reports made to VAERS do not necessarily mean that a vaccine may have caused the event or reaction. Miscarriages are labeled as spontaneous abortions or abortions in the reporting system.

Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

A friend of mine and his wife got the Moderna vaccine. Mild side effects at first, like soreness at injection spot. But my friend a week later developed a bruise on his hand. He didn’t do anything at first but it just got worse. He finally went to the doctor, and they did blood tests. His blood platelets were dangerously low, like near death low. He was hospitalized immediately. They gave him an infusion and several other treatments, and he eventually got better. They diagnosed it as ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia) probably caused by the vaccine. I’ve heard of other stories of the low platelet thing killing otherwise healthy people, but this was the first time it was someone I know.

No fucking way am I taking that mRNA bullshit.

Unfortunately anyone accepted the jab of Biden, Merkel, Macron, Putin, Xi Jinping, Gates & Co dies within few years.
They want to kill us, we are too much!

Why Merkel isn't still in prison and charged for genocide and mass murder?
It should be pretty clear. ANYONE will die after the 'vaccination' sooner or later, don't believe anything you told by presstitutes or satanic politicians. They will kill you, can't you grasp it?

After an as-yet unexplained Corona outbreak in a Leipzig nursing home, 16 of the facility's 70 residents died within a month. The wave of infection had spread shortly after vaccinations against the virus began, the city announced Thursday.
Although the outbreak began on January 18, it only became known now through a tip from a relative of the home. She described the extent of the tragedy to the Leipziger Volkszeitung:
"The old people are dying like flies there."

A friend of mine and his wife got the Moderna vaccine. Mild side effects at first, like soreness at injection spot. But my friend a week later developed a bruise on his hand. He didn’t do anything at first but it just got worse. He finally went to the doctor, and they did blood tests. His blood platelets were dangerously low, like near death low. He was hospitalized immediately. They gave him an infusion and several other treatments, and he eventually got better. They diagnosed it as ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia) probably caused by the vaccine. I’ve heard of other stories of the low platelet thing killing otherwise healthy people, but this was the first time it was someone I know.

No fucking way am I taking that mRNA bullshit.

Unfortunately anyone accepted the jab of Biden, Merkel, Macron, Putin, Xi Jinping, Gates & Co dies within few years.
They want to kill us, we are too much!


Is this the new conspiracy theory now? I guess the last one of ppl dying immediately after the shot didn't work out since ppl are still alive. Oh well.

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