Corey Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened.”

LONDON ― Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski credited FBI Director James Comey with giving Trump a “spring in his step” that helped him defeat Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election.

Speaking at the Oxford Union during a trip to the U.K. Wednesday evening, Lewandowski told Americans protesting the election result that they ought to do so “respectfully” and accept that Clinton lost.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened. The FBI director, James Comey, came out on a Friday and said they may be reopening the investigation into ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton’s emails,” Lewandowski said.

“What that did,” he went on, “was remind people that there are two different rules in Washington ― those of the elites, for the privileged, and those for everybody else.”

Comey’s unprecedented move was criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike. Less than two weeks before Election Day, Comey announced the FBI was investigating new emails that could be relevant to the question of whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private server when she was secretary of state.

His letter was vague, creating confusion and renewed public suspicion of Clinton, who had already been cleared of wrongdoing. Comey’s letter also flew in the face of long-standing convention that the FBI and the Justice Department not give the appearance of trying to influence an election.

On Nov. 6, two days before the election, Comey announced that nothing in the newly discovered emails changed his conclusion that Clinton should face no charges.

The Clinton campaign has indicated that it believes Comey contributed to Trump’s win.

In the days after the election, Navin Nayak, the head of the campaign’s opinion research division, sent a memo to staffers that read: “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters ― particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Some 20 or 30 students protested Lewandowski’s appearance outside the venue Wednesday, with chants of “No borders, no nation, stop the deportation,” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” and “Dump Trump, dump Corey and their pet the fucking Tories.” Another protester inside the hall unfurled a sign and shouted at Lewandowski before being escorted out by security.

More: Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Yep, there is no doubt that Comey cost Hillary the election. Mark Zuckerberg and his "fake news" also helped. Both of them should pay a heavy price!
Imagine how NaziCons would be whining if the IRS had released Trump's tax returns - or the RNC emails.
pussy cory needs an asswhippin' of epic proportions ..
Even if it was true, which it isn't, she wasn't charged and the media exonerated her. If you were for or against her before you didn't change positions.

BUT the media hammered Trump relentlessly from day one and the libs are crying unfair?
Say libs. very cool, the election isn't over cuz you say so. Proof you're rational people. I understand you want to substitute the constitution for something that suits you. Have you also been put in-charge of declaring a POUS victor, and when can we expect the announcement?
Corey was fired from the Trump Campaign in June not exactly in a position to represent anything other than his own opinion.
Imagine how NaziCons would be whining if the IRS had released Trump's tax returns - or the RNC emails.
I've heard that Trump didn't really even want to be president, he was just getting sick of being audited by liberals and the conservative crony capitalists every year. So he asked his tax advisor if there was anyway to get the government to stop their harassment, and his lawyers told him that the only thing they could think of was for him to get control of the IRS.

. . . well, I guess the IRS pissed him off one too many times. :lmao:


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