Cops kill black girl in Ohio

  • They need to get their children to school and for parents to participate in their own children's upbringing.

And how SPECIFICALLY would you get this accomplished?

Not my problem to get it accomplished. It's South Chicago's problem to get it solved.

So you have no realistic solution. Got it.

“Hey guys, maybe we should fix culture instead of police reform.”

“Ok. How do we do that?”

“I dunno. Not my problem.”

Great. Thanks for your super helpful contribution there.

I propose that we also try eliminating cancer, poverty, and crime while we’re at it. Just don’t ask me about the details. See how helpful I am?

I told you what has to happen to fix the problems in the black communities in cities like Chicago. I didn't offer to be the project manager. In fact, I could easily manage that project but I am certainly not going to present a project plan to you here on this forum; that's a complete waste of time.

I gave you a complete, bulleted, list of the project milestones:

Just as soon as someone offers me the job, paid or unpaid, of implementing that project, I'll work out the details. But don't pretend my answer was simply, "not my problem". I have the solutions but building out a detailed project plan here on this forum on your demand isn't going to do a damn thing to help.

You're a very typical racist Democrat; ignoring the solutions and lying about what solutions are offered. You are doing all you can to make sure that no solution is ever provided to the problems facing black and brown people in the United States.

You have no realistic solution.

Your response is as useful as suggesting that someone cure cancer.
Well.......according to the new rules...created by the Chauvin is exactly better that criminals are no longer arrested......they will simply be informed....on tv, that they need to proceed to the nearest police station to surrender themselves into their earliest convenience, if they feel like it.....

Cops execute 10 million arrests a year without shooting anyone.

Maybe the cop was justified here, but he was still reckless. He could have just as easily hit the girl in pink who was about to be stabbed.

Reckless? The choice was life or death. It would have sucked if the cop hit the victim and it would have sucked for the cop. He took a huge chance to try to save a life, putting her life above even his own. You can talk about all the shit that could have happened but none of that means a thing. He fired 4 times and hit his target each and every shot.

That's the problem with Democrats; they have no balls and they try to strip the balls of of everyone else. This reminds me of the Democratic objections to Trump's Right-to-Try policy. People who were dying weren't allowed to try new drugs because it might kill them.
I agree, we should let Chicago impose gun bans like we had before 2010.

Because south Chicago was safe before McDonald? And because all those shootings are by people who have legally purchased guns complying with all of Chicago's and Illinois' current gun laws?
My solution is simple:

Staff only black police officers in black areas. Take the racism out of the equation so we can see that it is the crime rate in these areas are the issue.

If people of color don't want police, then do not staff the areas that don't want police. Increase the number of Counsellors and double the number of coroners though.
Reckless? The choice was life or death. It would have sucked if the cop hit the victim and it would have sucked for the cop. He took a huge chance to try to save a life, putting her life above even his own. You can talk about all the shit that could have happened but none of that means a thing. He fired 4 times and hit his target each and every shot.

Yes, that would be fine, except his target was a 16 year old girl who had called for help because people were attacking her in her own home.

That's the problem with Democrats; they have no balls and they try to strip the balls of of everyone else. This reminds me of the Democratic objections to Trump's Right-to-Try policy. People who were dying weren't allowed to try new drugs because it might kill them.

Yes, funny thing, when Trump got sick, he didn't drink the bleach or the fish tank cleaner he was telling everyone else to try. He got an experimental drug the rest of us still don't have access to.

Because south Chicago was safe before McDonald? And because all those shootings are by people who have legally purchased guns complying with all of Chicago's and Illinois' current gun laws?

The murder rate before McDonald was half of what it is now... Obviously, we aren't going to get rid of all gun murders until we buckle down, ban guns nationwide and send the ATF out to confiscate them all. But Sweet Evil Jesus, let's at least try to keep guns out of the hands of the crazies, okay?
Reckless? The choice was life or death. It would have sucked if the cop hit the victim and it would have sucked for the cop. He took a huge chance to try to save a life, putting her life above even his own. You can talk about all the shit that could have happened but none of that means a thing. He fired 4 times and hit his target each and every shot.

Yes, that would be fine, except his target was a 16 year old girl who had called for help because people were attacking her in her own home.

That's the problem with Democrats; they have no balls and they try to strip the balls of of everyone else. This reminds me of the Democratic objections to Trump's Right-to-Try policy. People who were dying weren't allowed to try new drugs because it might kill them.

Yes, funny thing, when Trump got sick, he didn't drink the bleach or the fish tank cleaner he was telling everyone else to try. He got an experimental drug the rest of us still don't have access to.

Because south Chicago was safe before McDonald? And because all those shootings are by people who have legally purchased guns complying with all of Chicago's and Illinois' current gun laws?

The murder rate before McDonald was half of what it is now... Obviously, we aren't going to get rid of all gun murders until we buckle down, ban guns nationwide and send the ATF out to confiscate them all. But Sweet Evil Jesus, let's at least try to keep guns out of the hands of the crazies, okay?

How does it make a difference who called? If I call the cops on you and come after you with a knife I should be allowed to stab you because I called?

The only one making the claim that Bryant was the one who called 911 was the non-custodial mother who was not there at the time. The caller said someone was attacking them with a knife. The police got there and Bryant was attacking two unarmed women with a knife. It really makes zero difference who called at that point; the attacker had to be stopped. But there's nothing at all that indicates that Bryant made the call; Bryant certainly didn't say so.

Are you suggesting that increased murder rates are due to the McDonald ruling instead of no-bail releases of violent criminals, DAs who refuse to prosecute violent criminals, and judges and prisons who release those few who did get charged without serving any meaningful terms?
How does it make a difference who called? If I call the cops on you and come after you with a knife I should be allowed to stab you because I called?

It would depend on who started the fight. She was in her own home, being attacked. (Although it isn't clear if the girls attacking her already lived there or came over to attack her.) If it was a white bubba with a gun, you'd be claiming self-defense.

The only one making the claim that Bryant was the one who called 911 was the non-custodial mother who was not there at the time. The caller said someone was attacking them with a knife. The police got there and Bryant was attacking two unarmed women with a knife. It really makes zero difference who called at that point; the attacker had to be stopped. But there's nothing at all that indicates that Bryant made the call; Bryant certainly didn't say so.

well, no, because the cop killed her without trying to sort it all out. Frankly, I look a that tape, and not only does everyone else there have a "What the fuck did you do?" look, but the other cops had a 'WHat the fuck did you do?" Look.

Are you suggesting that increased murder rates are due to the McDonald ruling instead of no-bail releases of violent criminals, DAs who refuse to prosecute violent criminals, and judges and prisons who release those few who did get charged without serving any meaningful terms?

I'm not suggesting it, I'm saying it straight up. McDonald let the Gun Industry flood our city with their product, and we went from 400 murders a year to 800 murders a year in less than a decade. Had nothing to do with Kim Fox getting rid of the bail system, becuase those murders spiked in 2016, when useless sack of shit Anita Alvarez was there.


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I'm curious why the cop didnt use a tazer on this girl. They seem pretty effective and immediate. I really doubt she would be capable of stabbing anyone if she were tazed

When asked why the officer did not use a Taser, Woods said "when officers are faced with someone employing deadly force, deadly force can be the response officers give."

The dispatch call the LEO got was there was a fight going on and someone was wielding a knife.
In this case the LEO is REQUIRED to draw his gun first. Had he drawn his Taser, first which according to current tests can fail to work over 20% of the time and had the then hippo stabbed the other hippo the LEO would have been charged with at least negligence leading to the death of a person.
Crump would be in front of the CNN cameras accusing the LEO of "purposely choosing the wrong weapon b/c the LEO hated all negroes."
How does it make a difference who called? If I call the cops on you and come after you with a knife I should be allowed to stab you because I called?

It would depend on who started the fight. She was in her own home, being attacked. (Although it isn't clear if the girls attacking her already lived there or came over to attack her.) If it was a white bubba with a gun, you'd be claiming self-defense.

The only one making the claim that Bryant was the one who called 911 was the non-custodial mother who was not there at the time. The caller said someone was attacking them with a knife. The police got there and Bryant was attacking two unarmed women with a knife. It really makes zero difference who called at that point; the attacker had to be stopped. But there's nothing at all that indicates that Bryant made the call; Bryant certainly didn't say so.

well, no, because the cop killed her without trying to sort it all out. Frankly, I look a that tape, and not only does everyone else there have a "What the fuck did you do?" look, but the other cops had a 'WHat the fuck did you do?" Look.

Are you suggesting that increased murder rates are due to the McDonald ruling instead of no-bail releases of violent criminals, DAs who refuse to prosecute violent criminals, and judges and prisons who release those few who did get charged without serving any meaningful terms?

I'm not suggesting it, I'm saying it straight up. McDonald let the Gun Industry flood our city with their product, and we went from 400 murders a year to 800 murders a year in less than a decade. Had nothing to do with Kim Fox getting rid of the bail system, becuase those murders spiked in 2016, when useless sack of shit Anita Alvarez was there.

There was no self defense in the kicking on the ground of victim 1 and the attempted stabbing of unarmed victim 2, both after the cop was there. Doesn't matter, at that point, who started the fight. In any case, only the one with the knife was killed and only her non-custodial mother, the mother stripped of parental rights, the mother who had her child taken to a foster home, the mother who knew absolutely nothing except that she's going to be rich, made the claim that the knifer made the 911 call.

There was not a single second, literally not one single second, to sort it all out. The victim in pink would have been dead had the officer spent a split second to try to sort it out and you, and every racist and cop hater on the planet knows it, even though you, and they, are using this to push your racist agenda.
I'm trying to imagine a world where two children are having a knife fight in the front yard and the parents shrug it off and let them settle it for themselves; it's just a knife fight.

All of you on this thread, everyone in the MSM, pro sports, or anywhere else, that are making the claim the cop was wrong, if it was your daughter and someone had a large knife swinging to her throat, would you insist that the cops do not shoot the attacker but, instead, try to sort it out? And don't lie. Ok... I know you're going to lie so get on with it.
Are you suggesting that increased murder rates are due to the McDonald ruling instead of no-bail releases of violent criminals, DAs who refuse to prosecute violent criminals, and judges and prisons who release those few who did get charged without serving any meaningful terms?
I'm not suggesting it, I'm saying it straight up. McDonald let the Gun Industry flood our city with their product, and we went from 400 murders a year to 800 murders a year in less than a decade. Had nothing to do with Kim Fox getting rid of the bail system, becuase those murders spiked in 2016, when useless sack of shit Anita Alvarez was there.

I don't believe that even you believe what you're saying. Most of the murders in Chicago, 90+ percent, are not committed with legally owned guns, owned by Illinois FOID card holders, and you know it. You're intentionally lying; making it up.
There was no self defense in the kicking on the ground of victim 1 and the attempted stabbing of unarmed victim 2, both after the cop was there. Doesn't matter, at that point, who started the fight. In any case, only the one with the knife was killed and only her non-custodial mother, the mother stripped of parental rights, the mother who had her child taken to a foster home, the mother who knew absolutely nothing except that she's going to be rich, made the claim that the knifer made the 911 call.

There was not a single second, literally not one single second, to sort it all out. The victim in pink would have been dead had the officer spent a split second to try to sort it out and you, and every racist and cop hater on the planet knows it, even though you, and they, are using this to push your racist agenda.

Actually, there were a bunch of things that cop should have tried before shooting her. Shit, look at the tape, even the other cops have a look on their faces like, "What the fuck did you just do?"

I don't believe that even you believe what you're saying. Most of the murders in Chicago, 90+ percent, are not committed with legally owned guns, owned by Illinois FOID card holders, and you know it. You're intentionally lying; making it up.

You miss the point. More guns means there are just more guns to steal... That's why the murder rate spiked right after the gun industry started flooding out street with guns after McDonald.

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