Contrary to popular belief, Canada does not treat refugees very well at all


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Americans believe in humanity, civil liberty and human rights. You have many citizens of Faith in your country, this disposition helps form your nations soul. Canada has, well, let's just say our Charter of Rights and Freedoms is ignored. Especially in Toronto... Opinion | Contrary to popular belief, Canada does not treat refugees very well at all.
June 1, the cash-strapped city of Toronto began diverting refugee claimants away from its overrun city shelters to “federal programs” that reserve 500 shelter beds each night for refugee claimants.
But after arriving at the shelter intake site at 129 Peter Street, the refugees quickly found out the shelter they were promised through said programs was non-existent. It too was far over capacity.
So dozens of newly-arrived asylum seekers and their families have been camping out on the sidewalk ever since, through recurring heat advisories, hoping for the mere possibility of shelter...
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I blame Charles III ...
Only Obama called out Canadas human right abuses, quite publicly while in our Parlaiment. Reagan did so privarely with Mulroney. If America.would do more of this you might not have a province in Ontario whos systems is more aligned with the old Soviet Union than with America.
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Only Obama called out Canadas human right abuses, quite publicly while in our Parlaiment. Reagan did so privarely with Mulroney. If America.would do more of this you might not have a province in Ontario who systems is more aligned.with the old.Soviet Union than with America.

I was not aware Canada was actively seeking the death of English peerage ... can you expand a little on that ... think `France 1792` and `Russia 1918` ...

Canada was quite endearing to the white-skinned refugees during the Vietnam draft ... your problem is a racist King ... maybe skip him and print your new money with William IX's portrait ... save some tax-payer money ...
I was not aware Canada was actively seeking the death of English peerage ... can you expand a little on that ... think `France 1792` and `Russia 1918` ...

Canada was quite endearing to the white-skinned refugees during the Vietnam draft ... your problem is a racist King ... maybe skip him and print your new money with William IX's portrait ... save some tax-payer money ...
Society under peerage has always been a poverty stricken mess. You say Socialism is worse? Maybe it is but if the fat cats would not have been exploiting the people to the point of existential threat, it would not have been invented in the first place.
True, and all for the good conscience of the do-gooders.
Having a good conscience is critical in a civilized society. More G_d in our life would be better but that's another topic. The issue is promising but not delivering, a Canadian tradition from our Charter of Rights and Freedoms on out.
Having a good conscience is critical in a civilized society. More G_d in our life would be better but that's another topic. The issue is promising but not delivering, a Canadian tradition from our Charter of Rights and Freedoms on out.
I agree. Being nice is ok. But is it nice to import millions of criminals? America is in luck, because Latinos are not an invasive alien species. We in Europe get people who hate us and our way of life, of them the lowest and most criminal forms of life is what arrives here. The fucks are destroying every aspect of life here and the politicians remain inactive, have only some nice words becaue the right-wing oppsotion is growing, not because of omnipresent migrant violence. They simply don´t care.

Americans believe in humanity, civil liberty and human rights. You have many citizens of Faith in your country, this disposition helps form your nations soul. Canada has, well, let's just say our Charter of Rights and Freedoms is ignored. Especially in Toronto... Opinion | Contrary to popular belief, Canada does not treat refugees very well at all.
June 1, the cash-strapped city of Toronto began diverting refugee claimants away from its overrun city shelters to “federal programs” that reserve 500 shelter beds each night for refugee claimants.
But after arriving at the shelter intake site at 129 Peter Street, the refugees quickly found out the shelter they were promised through said programs was non-existent. It too was far over capacity.
So dozens of newly-arrived asylum seekers and their families have been camping out on the sidewalk ever since, through recurring heat advisories, hoping for the mere possibility of shelter...
Anyone who has crossed the border from the US to Canada knows that Canadian government officials are anything but welcoming--even for tourists bringing $$. Typical communist tactics. The duck loves the CCP and advocates that treatment.
Anyone who has crossed the border from the US to Canada knows that Canadian government officials are anything but welcoming--even for tourists bringing $$. Typical communist tactics. The duck loves the CCP and advocates that treatment.
They are unwelcoming to Canadians returning! Google the unhappy Canadian who say the are treated better by U.S Customs, I know I was. G_d is not in the soul of many of tue apparatuses here. :(

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