Conspiracy Theories

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
Too many true believers of conspiracy theories (CT) have denied Reality.

Barr is under attack by more than the Democrats, real Republicans and real patriots see the precedent being set by trump, and the support by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer will effect future administrations.

Sinclair Lewis' novel, "It Can't Happen Here" was prophetic, even those who believe it does not apply to trump, should realize a future POTUS can have it happen here.

The 1935 novel that predicted the rise of Donald Trump
Trump is the poster boy for Conspiracy Theories
He has never met one he didn’t like

Trump sure has a talent for making you leftards go off the rails with your paranoid conspiracy theories. Like the three-year long Trump/Russia collusion hoax, for instance.

Many of you people still don't believe it was a fraud, and are still convinced that he's a "Russian agent."

Idiots. Your lying media strung you breathlessly along for years, with stories about Russian hookers peeing on beds. :21:
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Trump is the poster boy for Conspiracy Theories
He has never met one he didn’t like

Trump sure has a talent for making you leftards go off the rails with your paranoid conspiracy theories. Like the three-year long Trump/Russia collusion hoax, for instance.

Many of you people still don't believe it was a fraud, and are still convinced that he's a "Russian agent."

Idiots. Your lying media strung you breathlessly along for years, with stories about Russian hookers peeing on beds. :21:
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server
real Republicans and real patriots

Clearly you are neither so how the fuck would you know what defines either?

Real Republican
Stupid term.
In fact so is the term Democrat at this point.

We have left and right radicals, conservatives & liberals.

Just as the modern day Democrat party has been hijacked by radical loons the Republican party has also given up on their once solid platform.

Both parties are dead husks at this point. Democrats no longer represent the working man and woman and the GOP no longer represents smaller more responsible government.

But you shallow thinkers get stuck on the designation letter.
real Republicans and real patriots

Clearly you are neither so how the fuck would you know what defines either?

Real Republican
Stupid term.
In fact so is the term Democrat at this point.

We have left and right radicals, conservatives & liberals.

Just as the modern day Democrat party has been hijacked by radical loons the Republican party has also given up on their once solid platform.

Both parties are dead husks at this point. Democrats no longer represent the working man and woman and the GOP no longer represents smaller more responsible government.

But you shallow thinkers get stuck on the designation letter.
I agree with you. The only way to change it is to refuse to vote for the unacceptable leaders they offer us to "choose" from. A massive refusal that will actually get their attention. I dreamed of it in 2016 and I dream of it still. People seem to think if both candidates are kinda crazy that one must be better than the other and will come out in droves to ruin the one they think is worse. That is ridiculous if you take a minute to step back and think about it.
Of course, the massive refusal will still have a bunch of fucking Trump supporters going to the polls like programmed robots, so he would win.
There is no answer. But I still wish someone would figure out a way...
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Spoiler alert: What happens if Trump gets another term.

IMO, if trump is not impeached and convicted by the Senate, and if he wins in Nov. 2020 election, I fear trump's megalomania will became more harmful to the rule of law then what I've seen during the past few years.

Most past presidents have been annoyed by the Press (Media) and the Congress, trump has gone well beyond anything any other president has done since FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court.

As we all know, McConnell (conspired with trump???) to refuse to bring Obama's choice to a vote, leaving the court with one less justice.

Q. Has McConnell a conflict of interest [his wife serves at the pleasure of trump's cabinet].
Trump is the poster boy for Conspiracy Theories
He has never met one he didn’t like

Trump sure has a talent for making you leftards go off the rails with your paranoid conspiracy theories. Like the three-year long Trump/Russia collusion hoax, for instance.

Many of you people still don't believe it was a fraud, and are still convinced that he's a "Russian agent."

Idiots. Your lying media strung you breathlessly along for years, with stories about Russian hookers peeing on beds. :21:
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server

please continue -

24 outlandish conspiracy theories Donald Trump has floated over the years
Trump is the poster boy for Conspiracy Theories
He has never met one he didn’t like

Trump sure has a talent for making you leftards go off the rails with your paranoid conspiracy theories. Like the three-year long Trump/Russia collusion hoax, for instance.

Many of you people still don't believe it was a fraud, and are still convinced that he's a "Russian agent."

Idiots. Your lying media strung you breathlessly along for years, with stories about Russian hookers peeing on beds. :21:
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server

Don't care where Obama was born, he's still a POS.

Don't care about vaccinations or autism, except for the autistic screeching from the left, every time Trump tweets.

Man-made climate change is not only a "myth", it's a lie.

Wind turbines are a cancer.

Don't care whether Muslims can dance or not.

Millions of illegal Mexicans did manage to vote, the the Democrats are trying to ensure that they do again.

Don't care who has the DNC server. We already know much of what's on it.
Trump is the poster boy for Conspiracy Theories
He has never met one he didn’t like

Trump sure has a talent for making you leftards go off the rails with your paranoid conspiracy theories. Like the three-year long Trump/Russia collusion hoax, for instance.

Many of you people still don't believe it was a fraud, and are still convinced that he's a "Russian agent."

Idiots. Your lying media strung you breathlessly along for years, with stories about Russian hookers peeing on beds. :21:
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server

please continue -

24 outlandish conspiracy theories Donald Trump has floated over the years

How could I forget that Trump accused Ted Cruz’s father of killing JFK
Trump is the poster boy for Conspiracy Theories
He has never met one he didn’t like

Trump sure has a talent for making you leftards go off the rails with your paranoid conspiracy theories. Like the three-year long Trump/Russia collusion hoax, for instance.

Many of you people still don't believe it was a fraud, and are still convinced that he's a "Russian agent."

Idiots. Your lying media strung you breathlessly along for years, with stories about Russian hookers peeing on beds. :21:
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server

Don't care where Obama was born, he's still a POS.

Don't care about vaccinations or autism, except for the autistic screeching from the left, every time Trump tweets.

Man-made climate change is not only a "myth", it's a lie.

Wind turbines are a cancer.

Don't care whether Muslims can dance or not.

Millions of illegal Mexicans did manage to vote, the the Democrats are trying to ensure that they do again.

Don't care who has the DNC server. We already know much of what's on it.

You are as nutty as our President
Trump is the poster boy for Conspiracy Theories
He has never met one he didn’t like

Trump sure has a talent for making you leftards go off the rails with your paranoid conspiracy theories. Like the three-year long Trump/Russia collusion hoax, for instance.

Many of you people still don't believe it was a fraud, and are still convinced that he's a "Russian agent."

Idiots. Your lying media strung you breathlessly along for years, with stories about Russian hookers peeing on beds. :21:
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server

Don't care where Obama was born, he's still a POS.

Don't care about vaccinations or autism, except for the autistic screeching from the left, every time Trump tweets.

Man-made climate change is not only a "myth", it's a lie.

Wind turbines are a cancer.

Don't care whether Muslims can dance or not.

Millions of illegal Mexicans did manage to vote, the the Democrats are trying to ensure that they do again.

Don't care who has the DNC server. We already know much of what's on it.

You are as nutty as our President

Not near as "nutty" as you people will be on 12 PM EST Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021.

I am really going to enjoy too. Be sure to wear your little pink pussy hat on that day.
Most past presidents have been annoyed by the Press (Media) and the Congress, trump has gone well beyond anything any other president has done since FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court.

Congress and the MSM have gone well beyond anything done to a sitting President in the last 150 years. Trump's greatest contribution so far is calling them out for it.

P.S. Interesting that you compare him to FDR. Are you a fan of neither or both?
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server

Climate change is a religion.
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server

Trump ate a cheeseburger and called it a hamburger
Trump is the poster boy for Conspiracy Theories
He has never met one he didn’t like

Trump sure has a talent for making you leftards go off the rails with your paranoid conspiracy theories. Like the three-year long Trump/Russia collusion hoax, for instance.

Many of you people still don't believe it was a fraud, and are still convinced that he's a "Russian agent."

Idiots. Your lying media strung you breathlessly along for years, with stories about Russian hookers peeing on beds. :21:
Conspiracy Theories supported by Trump

Obama was born in Kenya
Vaccinations cause Autism
Climate change is a myth
Windmills cause cancer
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Millions of illegal Mexicans voted in 2016
Ukraine is secretly hiding the DNC Server

Don't care where Obama was born, he's still a POS.

Don't care about vaccinations or autism, except for the autistic screeching from the left, every time Trump tweets.

Man-made climate change is not only a "myth", it's a lie.

Wind turbines are a cancer.

Don't care whether Muslims can dance or not.

Millions of illegal Mexicans did manage to vote, the the Democrats are trying to ensure that they do again.

Don't care who has the DNC server. We already know much of what's on it.

You are as nutty as our President

Not near as "nutty" as you people will be on 12 PM EST Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021.

I am really going to enjoy too. Be sure to wear your little pink pussy hat on that day.
So you are admitting that you have to be nutty to vote for Trump
Got it

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