Conservatives who falsely insist that Democrats support socialism help Democrats - a lot!

Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

You are hopelessly confused.

Democrats despise socialists and socialism.

That has as much accuracy
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


^ Most Useful Idiot of the Week!
I don't know if you're a useful idiot or not, but claiming that the Democrat Party is socialist makes conservatives look foolish (if not crazy), and helps the Democrats enormously, so useful idiocy may be an issue.
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
Ok thank you….
The ACA is a REPUBLICAN idea first put forward by none other than Newt Gingrich and implemented in Mass by Romney when he was Gov.

Real socialists huh?

Is Social Security and Medicare , "socialism"?

Good luck taking that away from all those red state Republican "socialist" seniors
Anything which many conservatives think they don't like for vague and unsupported reasons appears to be randomly labeled "socialist."

While M4A won't happen in the US for another 20 years, if ever, other countries - as you know, we're the only industrialized country that doesn't have this sane & humane policy - call it common sense smart.

But neither major party supports it.
The ACA is a REPUBLICAN idea first put forward by none other than Newt Gingrich and implemented in Mass by Romney when he was Gov.

Real socialists huh?

Is Social Security and Medicare , "socialism"?

Good luck taking that away from all those red state Republican "socialist" seniors
Your argument amounts to nothing more than "The Republicans are just as much of a bunch of socialists as the Democrats are" which, while true, doesn't change the fact that Democrat Party agenda is in general a socialist agenda and has been for quite some time.

It's way past time that they just be candid about it so we can at least have a shot at an intellectually honest debate regarding whether socialism is the cure to what ails us.
Simply not true, though professional Democrats will say ANYTHING to get elected - not unlike professional Republicans. Pro tip: Believe NOTHING a major party politician says.

See above.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


.What is obvious to anyone with over a double digit IQ, is that socialism does not work, is a failure that produces poverty, not prosperity….yet it is taking over the Democrat Party.


The Democrats are raising to the level of a catechism that what is missing from America is the sense of redistributive social justice, and income equality.

And, what the dopes who vote for this miss, or refuse to admit, is that it requires the complete take-over of the economy by big government.

Socialism can be boiled down to “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” It can only be assured by centralization and nationalization of all resources and industries.
Sound familiar? If you vote Democrat, you vote for this.

Ben Shapiro is all over this....
Ben Shapiro On The False Claims of the Socialist Democratic Party

Whom The Gods Would Destroy they first make mad. Soooo….the Democrat Party is racing full bore to, once again, being the Socialist Party….and destroying itself.


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

“It is far more common to believe that [Nazi socialism] represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed.

The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.” Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

View attachment 502779
Socialism, or aspects thereof, may or may not work, but that "socialism is taking over the Democrat Party" is simply false.

Both parties serve power, and the US PTB (powers that be) do NOT support socialism.

Having said that, I do see that Democrat conduct over the past 5 years has been very concerning in many areas, including blind support for some pretty scary stuff, all of it pimped by the PTB via the media they own.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

What is false about it Looneybin?
Hi Looneybin!

Why do you think so-called conservatives are working so hard to help the Democrats by falsely labeling them socialists?

Is RINOism that rampant?
Oh ok, then fascists? Nazis? Does that fit you better Herr Himmler? Wacko.
Democrat behavior over the last 5 years HAS, in some respects been fascist, yes. That's extreme, but I suppose anything's possible; we're not there yet. Are you saying you're Himmler and a wacko? (Sorry to hear this, and hope you get help.)
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

You are hopelessly confused.

Democrats despise socialists and socialism.
Hahahahahahahaha you America haters eat socialism for breakfast doofus.
A perfect example of the problem; it's simply unhinged.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Why are you bitching about it if it helps your Democrats?
They're not "my Democrats" - what a bizarre assumption.

Can you address the topic?

Why have conservatives embraced this insane idea, and why do they trumpet it?

The two main results are:

1) It makes conservatives look foolish and/or crazy.

2) It helps Democrats by spreading the lie that they're not simply the OTHER pro-corporate criminal gang/party doing the dirty work of the permastate.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Conservatives don't do this for policy reasons...

They do this in order to demonize the other side and also to obfuscate from the fact that policy wise -- those "Democrat policies" they claim as socialism/communism/etc are historically more successful and popular than their own...

So they have to rely on hyperbole and demonization
Good answer.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


For several reasons.

They themselves are terrified of socialism and communism.

In a way demonize Democrats to get stupid people to hate Democrats, they use words they believe are the most scariest words to scare people into hating Democrats.

Words like socialism, communism, fascist and a long list of others.

It all it does is show intelligent people just how down right stupid and pathetic the conservatives are.
well communism has killed over 120 million people since it has been applied,,
I would say thats something to be afraid of, wouldnt you??
Irrational fear is what keeps people in the GOP base and it has been that way my whole life. It is one thing to live a cautionary life. The current propaganda being pushed by magaturds is fear pushed to the point of psychopathy. Radicalization through fear is the GOP way.
I see this in both major parties, particularly in the last 5 years, but I don't disagree with it as a blanket statement applying to both tribes.

The Democrat Party at this time is as dangerous as the Republican Party was between 2001 and 2009; they're just waiting for the 9/11-style "crisis" to happen in order to unfurl the next phase of the PTB's agenda, which I'm guessing includes a third world war.

If before 9/11 someone had told you - for instance - that you, your spouse, your children must submit to being imaged naked in order to fly, you would have said that was crazy, that people would refuse and resist.

But here we are.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


Once again we have a left wing liar who does not understand the current GOP.

The pre 1998 GOP of Reagan and Gingrich did not support socialism.

The post 1998 Zionist 911 traitors GOP do. This is because they are not conservatives or patriotic Americans. They are Zionist traitors, and the Christians who are dumb enough to support them are too dumb to understand basic math and truth like

W and the post 1998 GOP socialized senior drugs (really opium in a pill).

And that was bad.... Really....
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


For several reasons.

They themselves are terrified of socialism and communism.

In a way demonize Democrats to get stupid people to hate Democrats, they use words they believe are the most scariest words to scare people into hating Democrats.

Words like socialism, communism, fascist and a long list of others.

It all it does is show intelligent people just how down right stupid and pathetic the conservatives are.
well communism has killed over 120 million people since it has been applied,,
I would say thats something to be afraid of, wouldnt you??
Irrational fear is what keeps people in the GOP base and it has been that way my whole life. It is one thing to live a cautionary life. The current propaganda being pushed by magaturds is fear pushed to the point of psychopathy. Radicalization through fear is the GOP way.
Once again, a brainless Dim has it all backwards. Your ilk threatens us all with their Gestapo tactics and mandates, not the GOP.
I think it's true of BOTH party's adherents of late, but calling people "Dims" is a great way to look unreasonable and foolish, and lose support for what you claim to care about, so why do it?
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

You are hopelessly confused.

Democrats despise socialists and socialism.

That has as much accuracy
It is the Prog controlled directives that are destroying anyone who does not march to the defenders of the left wing realm.
The democrat party is further left than basic socialist.

It is somewhere currently between national socialist and Marxist.

A socialist tolerates dissent and free speech. The current democrats do not.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Don't fall into the trap of proclaiming that socialism is a bad word.

What it really is is socially responsible government in the world's leading democracies, that's wrongly termed as 'socialism' by most Americans.

Why do conservatives try to make it out to be socialism?

Simply because they have been brainwashed into supporting the very wealthy's agenda of income inequality.

Call it communism and that works even better! fkng losers who have been duped into believing they're FREE!
Socialism is a bad word and socialky responsible government merely means an incompetant government which ever increases totalitarian control.

The wealthy have no such agenda. Income inequality is sikjply a reflection of people who are neveer equal in out come and should never be forced to be equal. Income inequality harms no one.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


For several reasons.

They themselves are terrified of socialism and communism.

In a way demonize Democrats to get stupid people to hate Democrats, they use words they believe are the most scariest words to scare people into hating Democrats.

Words like socialism, communism, fascist and a long list of others.

It all it does is show intelligent people just how down right stupid and pathetic the conservatives are.
well communism has killed over 120 million people since it has been applied,,
I would say thats something to be afraid of, wouldnt you??
Irrational fear is what keeps people in the GOP base and it has been that way my whole life. It is one thing to live a cautionary life. The current propaganda being pushed by magaturds is fear pushed to the point of psychopathy. Radicalization through fear is the GOP way.
Once again, a brainless Dim has it all backwards. Your ilk threatens us all with their Gestapo tactics and mandates, not the GOP.
I think it's true of BOTH party's adherents of late, but calling people "Dims" is a great way to look unreasonable and foolish, and lose support for what you claim to care about, so why do it?
Because Dim is short for dimwit and that perfectly describes you America hating Democrats. That's why.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


Once again we have a left wing liar who does not understand the current GOP.

The pre 1998 GOP of Reagan and Gingrich did not support socialism.

The post 1998 Zionist 911 traitors GOP do. This is because they are not conservatives or patriotic Americans. They are Zionist traitors, and the Christians who are dumb enough to support them are too dumb to understand basic math and truth like

W and the post 1998 GOP socialized senior drugs (really opium in a pill).

And that was bad.... Really....
Corporate welfare was alive and well under Reagan. Right-wingers only have a problem with welfare for the Poor under our form of Capitalism.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


.What is obvious to anyone with over a double digit IQ, is that socialism does not work, is a failure that produces poverty, not prosperity….yet it is taking over the Democrat Party.


The Democrats are raising to the level of a catechism that what is missing from America is the sense of redistributive social justice, and income equality.

And, what the dopes who vote for this miss, or refuse to admit, is that it requires the complete take-over of the economy by big government.

Socialism can be boiled down to “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” It can only be assured by centralization and nationalization of all resources and industries.
Sound familiar? If you vote Democrat, you vote for this.

Ben Shapiro is all over this....
Ben Shapiro On The False Claims of the Socialist Democratic Party

Whom The Gods Would Destroy they first make mad. Soooo….the Democrat Party is racing full bore to, once again, being the Socialist Party….and destroying itself.


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

“It is far more common to believe that [Nazi socialism] represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed.

The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.” Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

View attachment 502779
Socialism, or aspects thereof, may or may not work, but that "socialism is taking over the Democrat Party" is simply false.

Both parties serve power, and the US PTB (powers that be) do NOT support socialism.

Having said that, I do see that Democrat conduct over the past 5 years has been very concerning in many areas, including blind support for some pretty scary stuff, all of it pimped by the PTB via the media they own.

You are truly a fool.

Here is Tom Perez, who served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, calling you a liar.

DNC chairman Tom Perez s
aid Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”

One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

The Democratic Socialists of America behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.

Among so many things you don't know, who Tom Perez is is one more glaring example.

Tom Perez​

Former United States Secretary of Labor



Thomas Edward Perez is an American politician and attorney who served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee from February 2017 until January 2021. Perez was previously Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights and United States Secretary of Labor. Wikipedia
Born: October 7, 1961 (age 59 years), Buffalo, NY
Spouse: Ann Marie Staudenmaier
Party: Democratic Party
Education: Harvard Kennedy School (1987), Harvard Law School (1987), Brown University (1
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Why are you bitching about it if it helps your Democrats?
They're not "my Democrats" - what a bizarre assumption.

Can you address the topic?

Why have conservatives embraced this insane idea, and why do they trumpet it?

The two main results are:

1) It makes conservatives look foolish and/or crazy.

2) It helps Democrats by spreading the lie that they're not simply the OTHER pro-corporate criminal gang/party doing the dirty work of the permastate.
I’m a conservative and I dont support it, but I don’t support Republicans either. So are you talking Republicans or Conservatives? To me Liberals and Conservatives are different than Republicans and Democrats. I’d never want to be associated with either corrupt party.

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