According to a poll, trump supporters admire Putin more than three other world democracy leaders


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

Awwww little snowflake pretending like he doesn't admire Pinochijoe's boyfriend.

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

Why incredible? Putin is a far more effective leader for his country (whether you agree with his actions or not) than Biden can ever hope to be for the United States.

It's not a question of admiration, but of output.

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

Why incredible? Putin is a far more effective leader for his country (whether you agree with his actions or not) than Biden can ever hope to be for the United States.

It's not a question of admiration, but of output.

His brand of poison is a hit with assassins.

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

You already created this exact same thread a few days ago. Do you have dementia like Joe?

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

It's not deep admiration. More like a comparison of leadership ability.
Our leader is worried about getting in trouble if he answers questions. At least with Putin you know he's the person in charge. That doesn't mean we think he's a good leader.....just a better leader than the prick in the White House. It's more a reflection of what we're stuck with right now.

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

This stuff has been common knowledge for quite some time, but they've really been out in the open with this since Biden won.

A major American party, on the side of the murderous thug Putin. Hard to imagine, but true.

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

Why incredible? Putin is a far more effective leader for his country (whether you agree with his actions or not) than Biden can ever hope to be for the United States.

It's not a question of admiration, but of output.

How so?

Do they have a good economy?

How about their wages, have they gone up for Russians or down?

Do they have freedom of the press to post whatever they want?

Do they democratically pick their leaders?

is their govt chosen by the people to rule them?

I think it's a perfect time for you Putin lovers to move to Russia and experience what you believe....that Putin runs his country better than Biden.

GO FOR IT! please go for it!

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

Why incredible? Putin is a far more effective leader for his country (whether you agree with his actions or not) than Biden can ever hope to be for the United States.

It's not a question of admiration, but of output.

Actually he's kind of bad for Russia. He just plays a tough guy and you guys can't see past that.
What the Russian people admire about Putin is that he puts Russia's interests first in his policy decisions with other countries, and has imprisoned or expelled the billionaire jewish globalist's that were pillaging the country. ... :cool:

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

This stuff has been common knowledge for quite some time, but they've really been out in the open with this since Biden won.

A major American party, on the side of the murderous thug Putin. Hard to imagine, but true.

The racist came crawling out of the woodwork.....well, the ones that are not on the Putin payroll.
What the Russian people admire about Putin is that he puts Russia's interests first in his policy decisions with other countries, and has imprisoned or expelled the billionaire jewish globalist's that were pillaging the country. ... :cool:
You need a ticket to Moscow, Comrade? I guess repubs hate the Jewish people too?
They aught to be Pootin supporters since most of them are Ruskie plants.
I am tired of the real hate. The real venomous hate that infects everything but leaves the promoters clean as the driven snow. So I ask and demand.. Cut the taxes big time mutha phukas. Cut the taxes big time on all. Kill the entertainers and media who promote Socialist dreams if it is truly believed and the result is not that. They will accept it. They will wrap it around their Prog propaganda agendas...Moonglow...demand that as and example...Brian Stelter will see he and his family exterminated for the cause.

Just incredible! It is called the trump beat down. He has shown he deep admiration for, the killer, Vladimir Putin for over five years. I think they have some kind of mutual goal to kill our country.

They have a man-crush on Putin like their lard & orange god, trump.

America must die. really...nothing to lose.

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