Red Dawn
Senior Member
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough says Palin "just seems out of her league."
National Review Editor Rich Lowry called her performance "dreadful."
Dallas Morning News columnist Rod Dreher described the CBS interview as a "train wreck."
Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker urged Palin to quit the race, saying: "If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself."
Howard Kurtz - 'Substantive' Press Is Taken for a Spin -
National Review Editor Rich Lowry called her performance "dreadful."
Dallas Morning News columnist Rod Dreher described the CBS interview as a "train wreck."
Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker urged Palin to quit the race, saying: "If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself."
Howard Kurtz - 'Substantive' Press Is Taken for a Spin -