conservatives "Devastated As Poll Finds That Americans Love Their Obamacare"

Sniff, blubber, whimper. I'm so devasted about...errr, what was that I'm supposed to be so devastated about, Jake?

Fakey likes to pretend that his opposite numbers (i.e, thinking people, such as conservatives and so forth) will be upset because a poll appears to "show" that "newly" insured folks under Obumblercare tend to like it.

Of course, back in the realm of reality, nobody on the right ever said that folks who get freebies or heavily subsidized largesse would be opposed to it.

Fakey is so illogical, and so transparent in his abject boundless dishonesty and fraudulence that it is almost painful to watch his imbecility so often on display. I am beginning to pity that poor dishonest rat twat.
It took time to get Americans involved in Medicare and Social Security. Even though Republicans dream of ending those programs and screwing over as many Americans as possible, they don't dare.

And Medicare was a total mess when it was first enacted.

Now, its very effective and within budget.
rofl what retard... effective and within budget ROFL

It started out as a 2% tax to help out people that had lived past the average life expectancy... Now it's a 15% tax to redistribute income from grand-kids to grand-parents. It is THE OPPOSITE OF EFFECTIVE and it is OVER BUDGET.

Ironic that you would call someone else a "retard" when you are so ignorant of the actual medicare tax rate.

The current rate for Medicare is1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.
Shut up bitch, I'm talking about all of SS/Med.

Luddly was talking about medicare only. As far as SS goes it has ALWAYS operated on a pay as you go basis. If you have only just figured that out now you obviously cut social studies classes or your home schooling was subpar.
It took time to get Americans involved in Medicare and Social Security. Even though Republicans dream of ending those programs and screwing over as many Americans as possible, they don't dare.

And Medicare was a total mess when it was first enacted.

Now, its very effective and within budget.
rofl what retard... effective and within budget ROFL

It started out as a 2% tax to help out people that had lived past the average life expectancy... Now it's a 15% tax to redistribute income from grand-kids to grand-parents. It is THE OPPOSITE OF EFFECTIVE and it is OVER BUDGET.

Ironic that you would call someone else a "retard" when you are so ignorant of the actual medicare tax rate.

The current rate for Medicare is1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.
Shut up bitch, I'm talking about all of SS/Med.

Luddly was talking about medicare only. As far as SS goes it has ALWAYS operated on a pay as you go basis. If you have only just figured that out now you obviously cut social studies classes or your home schooling was subpar.
Yeah and medicare won't stay as 2.9%.. just as SS grew from 2% so will medicare, just watch.

And Medicare was a total mess when it was first enacted.

Now, its very effective and within budget.
rofl what retard... effective and within budget ROFL

It started out as a 2% tax to help out people that had lived past the average life expectancy... Now it's a 15% tax to redistribute income from grand-kids to grand-parents. It is THE OPPOSITE OF EFFECTIVE and it is OVER BUDGET.

Ironic that you would call someone else a "retard" when you are so ignorant of the actual medicare tax rate.

The current rate for Medicare is1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.
Shut up bitch, I'm talking about all of SS/Med.

Luddly was talking about medicare only. As far as SS goes it has ALWAYS operated on a pay as you go basis. If you have only just figured that out now you obviously cut social studies classes or your home schooling was subpar.
Yeah and medicare won't stay as 2.9%.. just as SS grew from 2% so will medicare, just watch.


Remove the income cap from SS and the problem disappears overnight.
rofl what retard... effective and within budget ROFL

It started out as a 2% tax to help out people that had lived past the average life expectancy... Now it's a 15% tax to redistribute income from grand-kids to grand-parents. It is THE OPPOSITE OF EFFECTIVE and it is OVER BUDGET.

Ironic that you would call someone else a "retard" when you are so ignorant of the actual medicare tax rate.

The current rate for Medicare is1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total.
Shut up bitch, I'm talking about all of SS/Med.

Luddly was talking about medicare only. As far as SS goes it has ALWAYS operated on a pay as you go basis. If you have only just figured that out now you obviously cut social studies classes or your home schooling was subpar.
Yeah and medicare won't stay as 2.9%.. just as SS grew from 2% so will medicare, just watch.


Remove the income cap from SS and the problem disappears overnight.
Remove the income cap from SS and you libs will be screaming bloody murder about the Rich receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor.
Remove the income cap from SS and you libs will be screaming bloody murder about the Rich receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor.

BZZZT Wrong!

I didn't say anything about lifting the benefits caps...which means that you will be "screaming bloody murder about the Rich" NOT "receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor"!
Odd, Gallup today has the newest poll on Obolacare !

A record number of Americans are giving Obamacare two thumbs down, even though enrollees like it and plan to renew their insurance coverage.
Some 56% of Americans disapprove of Obamacare, the most ever, a Gallup poll released Monday shows. A record-low 37% of those surveyed support the health reform law.

The poll was released two days after health insurance enrollment began for 2015 and a week after the midterm election, where Republicans retook the Senate. Several Republicans, including the leaders of the House and Senate, have called for overhauling or repealing Obamacare.

Americans don t like Obamacare health insurance even if enrollees do - Nov. 17 2014
Remove the income cap from SS and you libs will be screaming bloody murder about the Rich receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor.

BZZZT Wrong!

I didn't say anything about lifting the benefits caps...which means that you will be "screaming bloody murder about the Rich" NOT "receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor"!
Huh? What benefit caps?

Social Security's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program limits the amount of earnings subject to taxation for a given year. The same annual limit also applies when those earnings are used in a benefit computation. This limit changes each year with changes in the national average wage index. We call this annual limit the contribution and benefit base. For earnings in 2015, this base is $118,500.

Thus as I said you remove the cap on income you remove the amount they get in retirement. Since it's the same limit. You'd have to change the formula and make SS a welfare program.
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Remove the income cap from SS and you libs will be screaming bloody murder about the Rich receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor.

BZZZT Wrong!

I didn't say anything about lifting the benefits caps...which means that you will be "screaming bloody murder about the Rich" NOT "receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor"!
Huh? What benefit caps?

Social Security's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program limits the amount of earnings subject to taxation for a given year. The same annual limit also applies when those earnings are used in a benefit computation. This limit changes each year with changes in the national average wage index. We call this annual limit the contribution and benefit base. For earnings in 2015, this base is $118,500.

Thus as I said you remove the cap on income you remove the amount they get in retirement. Since it's the same limit. You'd have to change the formula and make SS a 100% welfare program.

Once again your abysmal ignorance is on display.
Remove the income cap from SS and you libs will be screaming bloody murder about the Rich receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor.

BZZZT Wrong!

I didn't say anything about lifting the benefits caps...which means that you will be "screaming bloody murder about the Rich" NOT "receiving SS checks that are 100 times the amount going to the poor"!
Huh? What benefit caps?

Social Security's Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program limits the amount of earnings subject to taxation for a given year. The same annual limit also applies when those earnings are used in a benefit computation. This limit changes each year with changes in the national average wage index. We call this annual limit the contribution and benefit base. For earnings in 2015, this base is $118,500.

Thus as I said you remove the cap on income you remove the amount they get in retirement. Since it's the same limit. You'd have to change the formula and make SS a 100% welfare program.

Once again your abysmal ignorance is on display. 62 48 47 32 31 26 12 11 8 7 6 5 4&docID=13009
ROFL The link you point to states:
The maximumbenefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at fullretirement age in 2014, your maximumbenefit would be $2,642. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2014, your maximumbenefit would be $1,992. If you retire at age 70 in 2014, your maximumbenefit would be $3,425.
IOW the link is providing an example that explains you get more if you wait to retire. However, that number they show is not the maximum benefit that other people get, nor is is a maximum cap. LOL Dude learn to read before you go providing a link that does not support your claims.
However, that number they show is not the maximum benefit that other people get, nor is is a maximum cap.

You screech and rave about SS but you are utterly clueless as to how it works.

I have already pointed out that removing the maximum cap will ensure that it fully funded.

The maximum benefit is based upon if you had been earning up to the maximum cap during 35 years of your working life. That is the most that SS will pay out in benefits irrespective of how much you actually earned.

Removing the earnings cap is NOT the same thing as removing the benefits cap. SS can maintain the benefits cap while removing the earnings cap.

Please continue to demonstrate that you are whining from a point of abject ignorance when it comes to Social Security.
However, that number they show is not the maximum benefit that other people get, nor is is a maximum cap.

You screech and rave about SS but you are utterly clueless as to how it works.

I have already pointed out that removing the maximum cap will ensure that it fully funded.

The maximum benefit is based upon if you had been earning up to the maximum cap during 35 years of your working life. That is the most that SS will pay out in benefits irrespective of how much you actually earned.

Removing the earnings cap is NOT the same thing as removing the benefits cap. SS can maintain the benefits cap while removing the earnings cap.

Please continue to demonstrate that you are whining from a point of abject ignorance when it comes to Social Security.
There is only one cap DUMB ASS.
However, that number they show is not the maximum benefit that other people get, nor is is a maximum cap.

You screech and rave about SS but you are utterly clueless as to how it works.

I have already pointed out that removing the maximum cap will ensure that it fully funded.

The maximum benefit is based upon if you had been earning up to the maximum cap during 35 years of your working life. That is the most that SS will pay out in benefits irrespective of how much you actually earned.

Removing the earnings cap is NOT the same thing as removing the benefits cap. SS can maintain the benefits cap while removing the earnings cap.

Please continue to demonstrate that you are whining from a point of abject ignorance when it comes to Social Security.
There is only one cap DUMB ASS.

Prove it!

However, that number they show is not the maximum benefit that other people get, nor is is a maximum cap.

You screech and rave about SS but you are utterly clueless as to how it works.

I have already pointed out that removing the maximum cap will ensure that it fully funded.

The maximum benefit is based upon if you had been earning up to the maximum cap during 35 years of your working life. That is the most that SS will pay out in benefits irrespective of how much you actually earned.

Removing the earnings cap is NOT the same thing as removing the benefits cap. SS can maintain the benefits cap while removing the earnings cap.

Please continue to demonstrate that you are whining from a point of abject ignorance when it comes to Social Security.
There is only one cap DUMB ASS.

Prove it!

I already did, dumb ass.
However, that number they show is not the maximum benefit that other people get, nor is is a maximum cap.

You screech and rave about SS but you are utterly clueless as to how it works.

I have already pointed out that removing the maximum cap will ensure that it fully funded.

The maximum benefit is based upon if you had been earning up to the maximum cap during 35 years of your working life. That is the most that SS will pay out in benefits irrespective of how much you actually earned.

Removing the earnings cap is NOT the same thing as removing the benefits cap. SS can maintain the benefits cap while removing the earnings cap.

Please continue to demonstrate that you are whining from a point of abject ignorance when it comes to Social Security.
There is only one cap DUMB ASS.

Prove it!

I already did, dumb ass.

And so die the far left drones link!
Republicans Devastated As Poll Finds That Americans Love Their Obamacare

A new Gallup poll released today contained some devastating news for Republicans who are hell-bent on repealing the ACA. The vast majority of Americans love their Obamacare.

The Gallup poll found that the newly insured who bought coverage through the ACA were more satisfied with their health insurance than the overall insured population. Seventy-five percent of the newly insured were satisfied with the cost of their coverage compared to 61% of total insured population. Sixty-eight percent of the newly insured plan on renewing their current policy, 7% will get a different policy on the exchange, 15% will get a different policy from somewhere else, and 2% plan on having no health insurance.

Since 4 of 5 that got their coverage through Obamacare got a subsidy funded by someone else paying for it, there's no surprise they like it. Someone who thinks they deserve someone else's money in order to buy what they should be funding themselves, why wouldn't they like it. I guess if I had the leech mentality, I would, too. Thing is I don't. I'm one funding the subsidies.
Won't be repealed: not a chance. I sincerely hope that is reformed seriously to make sure all are covered in fashion or another without privatizing their premium savings while socializing the cost at our expense.

4% is 13 million folks, sweet checks, in the first year, and it will continue to grow swiftly from year to year.

So you believe one person deserves another person's money? Fuck you.
When we go nowhere with ACA repeal, the butt hurt will spread among the far right. Real, caring mainstream GOP are not bothered by the fact that Americans are happy with the plan.
Jake, I'll bet you a dollar to a that the ACA ill either be repealed or heavily amended.

Got me scratching my head wondering what a "dog nut hole" would be, Hossfly. ;)

But enough with the levity.

The ACA does need to be amended, that was a given from the outset because nothing is ever perfect and certainly nothing as complex as the ACA. So yes, it will probably be amended.

However I would appreciate if you would define what "heavily amended" means in "dog nut holes". (Ok, I lied about that being enough levity.)

As far as being repealed, I will take that bet. The ACA won't be repealed because it would have to overcome both the filibuster and the veto pen. The GOP doesn't have that level of support in the Senate.

So you owe me a "dog nut hole" or you can just send a dollar to my paypal account. :D

That's the problem with those that support Obamacare. They think the subsidies to fund their Obamacare is owed to them.

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