Conservatives and Wall Street - Cracks appearing


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?


Ummmm, there are more democrat billionaires than there are repub. Wall street did better under obummer than they did under Trump.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.

There is nothing conservative about prioritizing the profit margins of multinational corporations over the safety and well being of your nation and your children.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.

There is nothing conservative about prioritizing the profit margins of multinational corporations over the safety and well being of your nation and your children.
Not only not conservative but pretty short sighted also.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?


Funny how Twitter and many other companies had no problem with people's lies about Trump ?Russia collusion. When it came to telling lies about Trump, Tech giants threatened to silence no one.

I guess as long as Republicans make it easy for these tech giants to continue business as usual with Communist China, they will all get along just fine.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Your love of multinational mega corporations is duly noted. They piss on the middle class and close our manufacturing plants, in favor of Chinese slave labor. Your contempt for middle class Americans is echoed by the twats on Twitter. It’s going to be fun the next several years watching who can kiss the CCP’s ass more, you nitwits or the oligarchs you worship.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
And a poor attempt to divide trump supporters from republican.....

socialist/communist stunt to divide and conquer
Of course “cracks” will appear in the “partnership” between Wall Street and Conservatives. Since when is insurrection good for business? The lies perpetuated by Trumpist regarding election fraud and their constant attack on the democratic institutions of this country have reached the breaking point. Business needs a stable and functional government to thrive. Anyone know how many successful businesses have come out of Somalia or Syria lately?
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
And a poor attempt to divide trump supporters from republican.....

socialist/communist stunt to divide and conquer
Simply stating the facts. I am pretty well anti- right and anti- left. I miss normal republicans helping keep things between the rails, but still trying to get things done, no matter who was in office.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
And a poor attempt to divide trump supporters from republican.....

socialist/communist stunt to divide and conquer
Simply stating the facts. I am pretty well anti- right and anti- left. I miss normal republicans helping keep things between the rails, but still trying to get things done, no matter who was in office.
No, you are about as far Left as they get. Who the fuck are you kidding?
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
My interpretation of your post is that the Trump economic team of Navarro and Lighthiezer were America First negotiators, and the globalists on Wall Street are China First. Now we have Putin's whore in the WH who is Russia First.
The GOP needs the corporate money to survive. That is why the GOP needed Citizen's United. Without more campaign money, the GOP has nothing.
The GOP record is total failure, the GOP can not run on their record at all, because the GOP record is abysmal at best:
Bush inherited a balance budget and projected surplus and then proceeded to totally crash the economy and start 2 losing wars we didn't need, AND couldn't win those wars. Trump fucked up covid something fierce with the US having the most deaths and cases in the world, then trump lost the election and incited an insurection at the capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened.

The GOP needs corporate money because as we all can see the GOP record in the 21st century is abhorrent.
You are what your record says you are.
Of course “cracks” will appear in the “partnership” between Wall Street and Conservatives. Since when is insurrection good for business? The lies perpetuated by Trumpist regarding election fraud and their constant attack on the democratic institutions of this country have reached the breaking point. Business needs a stable and functional government to thrive. Anyone know how many successful businesses have come out of Somalia or Syria lately?
There was no "insurrection", that was a voter fraud protest.
The partnership between the globalists on Wall Street and "globalist conservatives" has been severed. The GOP is now a "populist" and "America First" party. The party of fair trade deals, so the US oligarchs give way more "dark money" to democrats. No wonder, they are globalists too. Inflation is just starting, wait to see what happens in 2022 and 2024, don't be surprised when voters vote for the GOP.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

This is not surprising. Republicans have all but abandoned their fiscal responsibility mantle in favor of pure culture wars, which often pits them against these companies.

What choice has Wall Street been given? Tax and spend is more fiscally responsible than whatever crazy is happening on the "other side".
citing misinformation (a polite term for lies)
No, that can't be it as social media is STILL full of lies! From the Left! And I don't see any of them being banned from their services!

communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital.
Yes, it was a very good squad.

Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power.
By being even bigger bullies themselves. Funny all this angst over "misinformation," yet, I'm still loathed to find ONE PERSON who can actually DEMONSTRATE HOW AND WHERE any election misinformation occurred! Big Tech just calls anything which aides Trump and the GOP "misinformation" then bans it while proving the misinformation to no one.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?


The Us Intel agencies and Obama built up Google, Facebook and Twitter. They visited the Obama WH countless times. This was the Plan all along, make the modern Nazi democrats in charge of all communications.

No to worry: Google will be made a public utility aspects of Facebook and Amazon will be turned into modern phone company type utilities as well
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The GOP needs the corporate money to survive. That is why the GOP needed Citizen's United. Without more campaign money, the GOP has nothing.
The GOP record is total failure, the GOP can not run on their record at all, because the GOP record is abysmal at best:
Bush inherited a balance budget and projected surplus and then proceeded to totally crash the economy and start 2 losing wars we didn't need, AND couldn't win those wars. Trump fucked up covid something fierce with the US having the most deaths and cases in the world, then trump lost the election and incited an insurection at the capitol based on lies of election fraud that never happened.

The GOP needs corporate money because as we all can see the GOP record in the 21st century is abhorrent.
You are what your record says you are.
1. The GOP should just let the dems raise taxes, then the oligarchs can decide which party to support.
2. The GOP record in the 21st century is just fine thanks. Dubya, BO, Trump, Xiden. Fairly even, not "abhorrent".
3. My wife just came back from the supermarket. The democrats are in real trouble in 2022 and 2024, just watch.

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