Conservatives and Wall Street - Cracks appearing

The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
My interpretation of your post is that the Trump economic team of Navarro and Lighthiezer were America First negotiators, and the globalists on Wall Street are China First. Now we have Putin's whore in the WH who is Russia First.
Then why do you call them "globalist" if you think the really just support China. China is big, but it ain't the globe. dude? Putin's whore was voted out of office.
1. Globalists outsource US jobs all over the globe. Populists like Trump were bringing jobs back to the US. Now that Xiden is in, jobs are going out again, just like the globalists paid him for. Here's one example, GM making EVs in Mexico, there are many others.

2. Putin's whore took Trump's sanctions off of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. I'm sure the Xiden's got paid well for giving Putin cash to modernize his military. So the US is paying to keep troops in the EU to protect them from Russia, and the EU now buys gas from Russia. Trump's policy made sense, Xiden's is beyond stupid.
Yes, but trump had a history in office of inducing them to stay in a flashy show for the right wing press, only to later do exactly what the industry planned in the first place. This was seen in air conditioning, motor cycles, cars and other industry segments.
I am not impressed with your point, if you had one.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
My interpretation of your post is that the Trump economic team of Navarro and Lighthiezer were America First negotiators, and the globalists on Wall Street are China First. Now we have Putin's whore in the WH who is Russia First.
Then why do you call them "globalist" if you think the really just support China. China is big, but it ain't the globe. dude? Putin's whore was voted out of office.
You mean America's advocate. Bi-Dumb is a fucking Chinese whore.
No. We got rid of this guy.
View attachment 500426
Then we need to pull a Grover Cleveland and bring him back!
Putin has not gone anywhere. The party in power is just not sucking up to him anymore, as we really don't care for totalitarian, murderous, strongman leaders, going against our interests or those of the free world as a day-to-day policy.
You're joking, right? Democrats have ALWAYS sucked up to Communists. Their stated and intended goal is to make America into a Communist nation. ONLY Conservatives have gotten in their way. This is why we REAL Americans consider this an all out war for the very soul of the country.
That is just your dipshit political opinion. We all watched Donnie side with, suck up, openly admire, Putin live in foreign countries on the world stage. You talk your vague pronouncement of things made up or from no telling how far in the past as if political truths, when just the ravings of a partisan. It does not change what the whole world watched live over the last 4 years. I have been watching between 50 and 60 years. No Democrat or for that matter, no Republican president in that time, ever sucked up to the leader of Russia or the Soviet Union. Everybody on this board will bear out what I said. You, on the other hand, are just a partisan clown.
No, it is fact. Obongo and BiDumbfuck are both Communists.
No Democrat or for that matter, no Republican president in that time, ever sucked up to the leader of Russia or the Soviet Union. Everybody on this board will bear out what I said. You, on the other hand, are just a partisan clown.

Remember when Ted Kennedy wanted Andropov's help to defeat Reagan?

That was awesome!!!
And President Ronald Wilson Reagan went on to bitchslap the Democrats with the greatest and most lopsided win in US history. Now if he had a Republican House AND Senate, imagine the great things that could have been accomplished.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
My interpretation of your post is that the Trump economic team of Navarro and Lighthiezer were America First negotiators, and the globalists on Wall Street are China First. Now we have Putin's whore in the WH who is Russia First.
Then why do you call them "globalist" if you think the really just support China. China is big, but it ain't the globe. dude? Putin's whore was voted out of office.
You mean America's advocate. Bi-Dumb is a fucking Chinese whore.
No. We got rid of this guy.
View attachment 500426
Then we need to pull a Grover Cleveland and bring him back!
Putin has not gone anywhere. The party in power is just not sucking up to him anymore, as we really don't care for totalitarian, murderous, strongman leaders, going against our interests or those of the free world as a day-to-day policy.
You're joking, right? Democrats have ALWAYS sucked up to Communists. Their stated and intended goal is to make America into a Communist nation. ONLY Conservatives have gotten in their way. This is why we REAL Americans consider this an all out war for the very soul of the country.
That is just your dipshit political opinion. We all watched Donnie side with, suck up, openly admire, Putin live in foreign countries on the world stage. You talk your vague pronouncement of things made up or from no telling how far in the past as if political truths, when just the ravings of a partisan. It does not change what the whole world watched live over the last 4 years. I have been watching between 50 and 60 years. No Democrat or for that matter, no Republican president in that time, ever sucked up to the leader of Russia or the Soviet Union. Everybody on this board will bear out what I said. You, on the other hand, are just a partisan clown.
No, it is fact. Obongo and BiDumbfuck are both Communists.
No. They are not and never were. You are really eaten up with your partisan fanaticism.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
My interpretation of your post is that the Trump economic team of Navarro and Lighthiezer were America First negotiators, and the globalists on Wall Street are China First. Now we have Putin's whore in the WH who is Russia First.
Then why do you call them "globalist" if you think the really just support China. China is big, but it ain't the globe. dude? Putin's whore was voted out of office.
1. Globalists outsource US jobs all over the globe. Populists like Trump were bringing jobs back to the US. Now that Xiden is in, jobs are going out again, just like the globalists paid him for. Here's one example, GM making EVs in Mexico, there are many others.

2. Putin's whore took Trump's sanctions off of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. I'm sure the Xiden's got paid well for giving Putin cash to modernize his military. So the US is paying to keep troops in the EU to protect them from Russia, and the EU now buys gas from Russia. Trump's policy made sense, Xiden's is beyond stupid.
Yes, but trump had a history in office of inducing them to stay in a flashy show for the right wing press, only to later do exactly what the industry planned in the first place. This was seen in air conditioning, motor cycles, cars and other industry segments.
I am not impressed with your point, if you had one.
I like the way you say shit without proving any of it. Look at the facts. You are wrong. My point is that Trump, Navarro, and Lightheizer worked hard to bring back US manufacturing jobs. If you look at the chart from 2017-2020 you can see that the line was flat for BO's last 2-years, but shot up in 2017 before plunging because of Covid. That is America First populism.

Now that the democrats are in-charge, the jobs are being outsourced again. My point being that GM is building its new EV plant in Mexico. Putin's Bitch doesn't care, I'm sure he or Hunter got a cut.


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No Democrat or for that matter, no Republican president in that time, ever sucked up to the leader of Russia or the Soviet Union. Everybody on this board will bear out what I said. You, on the other hand, are just a partisan clown.

Remember when Ted Kennedy wanted Andropov's help to defeat Reagan?

That was awesome!!!
Did not remember that, but I am only in my upper 60s. Congrats to you on still being alive. I paid no attention. Looking gun tube to gun tube across Czech border focuses the mind on other thing. Glad you slept well and kept track. I voted for Big Ron both times he won. Of course that was long before conservatives were demonized by the new GOP that embraces Russia, simply because elections over there don't really matter, and they get to keep their strong man, lying totalitarian c#ocksucker and the trumpers didn't.
The partnership between Americas business community and the Republican party goes back many decades. Lately however that "bromance" has cooled off a lot. Twitter and many other companies will no longer do business with our former President, or many of his supporters, citing misinformation (a polite term for lies) and the social media communications between members of the good squad that assembled, and attacked our nations capital. Tech giants; eager to escape government regulation have been banning whom they see as those who would use violence to bully their way into power. To be fair, some of those banned have also been left wing rioters who have also caused much property damage, but most of the "self regulating" from the tech giants has been aimed at the right wing.

So - can Conservatives patch up their differences with these tech giants and continue their partnership with Wall Street, or are these fences too damaged to mend?

Their problems have not been with conservatives, but with trumpists. There is nothing conservative about trumpists acting like trumpist in the markets or on main street. They are obsessed with absolutism if they could get it and proven willing to do just about anything to get it, and that is bad for business.
My interpretation of your post is that the Trump economic team of Navarro and Lighthiezer were America First negotiators, and the globalists on Wall Street are China First. Now we have Putin's whore in the WH who is Russia First.
Then why do you call them "globalist" if you think the really just support China. China is big, but it ain't the globe. dude? Putin's whore was voted out of office.
You mean America's advocate. Bi-Dumb is a fucking Chinese whore.
No. We got rid of this guy.
View attachment 500426
Then we need to pull a Grover Cleveland and bring him back!
Putin has not gone anywhere. The party in power is just not sucking up to him anymore, as we really don't care for totalitarian, murderous, strongman leaders, going against our interests or those of the free world as a day-to-day policy.
You're joking, right? Democrats have ALWAYS sucked up to Communists. Their stated and intended goal is to make America into a Communist nation. ONLY Conservatives have gotten in their way. This is why we REAL Americans consider this an all out war for the very soul of the country.
That is just your dipshit political opinion. We all watched Donnie side with, suck up, openly admire, Putin live in foreign countries on the world stage. You talk your vague pronouncement of things made up or from no telling how far in the past as if political truths, when just the ravings of a partisan. It does not change what the whole world watched live over the last 4 years. I have been watching between 50 and 60 years. No Democrat or for that matter, no Republican president in that time, ever sucked up to the leader of Russia or the Soviet Union. Everybody on this board will bear out what I said. You, on the other hand, are just a partisan clown.
No, it is fact. Obongo and BiDumbfuck are both Communists.
Cute funny little names. Still visit the playground to play on the swings?
No Democrat or for that matter, no Republican president in that time, ever sucked up to the leader of Russia or the Soviet Union. Everybody on this board will bear out what I said. You, on the other hand, are just a partisan clown.

Remember when Ted Kennedy wanted Andropov's help to defeat Reagan?

That was awesome!!!
Did not remember that, but I am only in my upper 60s. Congrats to you on still being alive. I paid no attention. Looking gun tube to gun tube across Czech border focuses the mind on other thing. Glad you slept well and kept track. I voted for Big Ron both times he won. Of course that was long before conservatives were demonized by the new GOP that embraces Russia, simply because elections over there don't really matter, and they get to keep their strong man, lying totalitarian c#ocksucker and the trumpers didn't.

Did not remember that, but I am only in my upper 60s.

Sorry to hear about your cognitive decline.

Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. "The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations," the memorandum stated. "These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."

Of course that was long before conservatives were demonized by the new GOP that embraces Russia,

No fair, only the Dems can embrace Russia.


No Democrat or for that matter, no Republican president in that time, ever sucked up to the leader of Russia or the Soviet Union. Everybody on this board will bear out what I said. You, on the other hand, are just a partisan clown.

Remember when Ted Kennedy wanted Andropov's help to defeat Reagan?

That was awesome!!!
Did not remember that, but I am only in my upper 60s. Congrats to you on still being alive. I paid no attention. Looking gun tube to gun tube across Czech border focuses the mind on other thing. Glad you slept well and kept track. I voted for Big Ron both times he won. Of course that was long before conservatives were demonized by the new GOP that embraces Russia, simply because elections over there don't really matter, and they get to keep their strong man, lying totalitarian c#ocksucker and the trumpers didn't.

Did not remember that, but I am only in my upper 60s.

Sorry to hear about your cognitive decline.

Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. "The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations," the memorandum stated. "These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."

Of course that was long before conservatives were demonized by the new GOP that embraces Russia,

No fair, only the Dems can embrace Russia.

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To say nothing of the fact that the lying media have never, and I mean NEVER looked upon Republicans favorably. Look at all the venom spewed at Nixon, Ford, Reagan, both Bushes, and now Trump. Yet they get away with softball questions towards Democrats.

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