Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

“The Republicans are in deep trouble.”

A conservative pollster has some bad news for the GOP: President Donald Trump’s sagging poll numbers could cost the party control of both houses of Congress.

“I think the Republicans are in deep trouble in the House and the Senate as well,” Frank Luntz said on Sunday on Fox News. “If the election were held today, frankly, I think Republicans would lose both.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) admitted the party was facing a “challenging” year.

“We know the wind is going to be in our face,” he told Kentucky Today. “We don’t know whether it’s going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) issued an even starker warning last month.

“If conservatives are complacent, and mark my words, we are going to see historic turnout from the extreme left in November,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt in early March. “Which means if conservatives stay home, we have the potential, we could lose both houses of Congress.”

More: Conservative Pollster Sounds The Alarm: GOP Could Lose Both House And Senate

Frank Luntz's predictions are also echoed by the Cook Political Report, FiveThirtyEight, and others.
Globalist ,neo-Con Luntz gave you a wetty?
View attachment 186935

Frank Luntz is having a hard time rationalizing the possibility of a second term for President Trump.

He's about as conservative as toro.


Here it comes.

Always show Rasmussen and none of the others.

No one else gets even close to 50%, the last three before this were below 40%, his average is 38.4%, Obama's was 47.9%

It's hilarious to watch them whistle past the political graveyard.
polls polls polls, do you take meds for your obsession?

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