Conservative consider liberals are young and naive

Wisconsin High School Teaches White Privilege Class
2005 Professor Andrew Brantlinger tells how he transformed an ordinary geometry lesson into an analysis of the South Central L.A. community that rioted following the 92 verdict. Students were taught that in 1992, South Central L.A. had no community centers or movie theaters, but had 640 liquor stores. These facts led one student to proclaim, All they want them to do is drink. Brantlinger boasts that he never asked the student who they were. "Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers
" . Apparently this nutty Professor had no concept of supply and demand economics.
"A man who is not a Liberal in his youth, has no heart.

A man who is not a Conservative in his later years, has no brains."

( apocryphyally attributed to Winston Churchill )

And then there are liberals who are simply big government statist thugs at heart....who are just bad people.....
Here is what fourth graders will learn in this book about the life of President Barrack Obama....though he is referred to in this book as simply Barrack.


1. Barrack learned how to be black, which meant cursing, fighting, and smoking, drinking, and doing drugs from watching television.

2. Whites are racist and therefore didnt want to vote for Barrack.

3. Barracks pastor said that God would damn America for mistreating black people. The pastor called our country a failure.

4. Blacks and whites are angry at each other and only Barrack could make the country more perfect.
In 2009, Obama nominated homosexual propagandist Kevin Jennings as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education he was in charge of overseeing the Safe and Drug-Free Schools program. Now the drug education programs I personally have no problem with, but the lefts manipulation of the term safe is where the flakiness comes in. Jennings was in charge of making public schools safe for leftists and homosexuals and to disseminate pro-homosexual propaganda and indoctrination to Americas school children.
Jennings, was a founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network {GLSEN}. The same group that gave courses on Fisting and Spit or swallow Is it rude? 52 members of the house and Senate, wrote to President Obama requesting that he rescind the appointment because Jennings had for more than 20 years, almost exclusively focused on promoting the homosexual agenda. The Obama regime refused to do so.
He masterminded a scheme of gay infiltration
He masterminded a scheme of gay infiltration into the classroom using "tolerance" and anti-bullying programs as a perfect path to classroom indoctrination. In 1995 Jennings made a speech to a Gay Group in which he somewhat outlined the agendas strategy
If the radical right can succeed in portraying us as preying on children, we will lose. Their language .... is laced with subtle and not-so-subtle innuendo that we are after their kids, - He then went on to propose a strategy of how they could get at our kids [Utilizing Framing and Jamming See: Brainwashing Techniques] . - K. Jennings
The Omaha Public Schools took another step toward indoctrinating thousands of school children . Using $130,000 of everyone elses money, this board bought 8,000 copies of a book called **The Cultural Proficiency Journey: Moving Beyond Ethical Barriers Toward Profound School Change
**. The book instructs teachers that they must overcome their irrational fear of homosexuality and reject the color-blind approach to teaching in which teachers treat all children the same. Basically it calls for privileges to be extended to minorities and perverts at the expense of everyone else. It further teaches that white privilege is ingrained in America. The book / propaganda manual is already part of the indoctrination curriculum in Atlanta, San Diego ,Maryland ,Canada and elsewhere. The following are a few excerpts from the book
  • One is compelled to recognize that oppressed groups seeking equality needed to be amended into the Constitution in their quest for justice. On the other hand, heterosexual white men as a group, the unstated norm, have never needed to be amended into the Constitution.
  • It is common for teachers to proclaim they do not see color in children. ...... Colorblindness will not end racism. Pretending race does not exist is not the same as creating equality.
The list is too long to put here, but since age has already been mentioned in this thread, what makes you think all liberals are young?
Well for one thing MOST conservatives like me don't make hyperbolic statements as MOST liberals do i.e. as obviously you have done when you state:
"all liberals are young".
See conservatives like me generally have more experiences then obviously liberals like you do i.e. I have a former brother-in-law same age as me that is as liberal as you can get. My younger brother (65) he loves Obama and Hillary. So right away you've proven the idiocy of most liberals including the previous examples!
They like you are prone to hyperbole. Prone to jumping to conclusions. Prone to taking the EXCEPTION and making it the rule! Prone to believing the extremely
biased liberal media's headlines and then don't read any further! These two liberals I mentioned almost NEVER substantiate their statements which is generally true
for liberals!
For example I just made a statement about biased MSM.
FACT: 88% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

Now when I make a statement as most conservatives do we back it up with substantiation. Most liberals including my two examples don't!
I've been waiting for liberals to counter the above facts but not one has ever come up with a refutation of the above study.

And one of the other characteristics of liberals as my two examples are wont to do is NOT take time to read closely!
This comment will NOT be read closely but as most liberals/FFOs/LIPs as I call them, will attack the messenger rather then provide facts.

Your first sentence is a hyperbolic statement and an example of you not taking the time to read closely. I never made the statement that "all liberals are young". I ask the question "why do you think all liberals are young". Why are you accusing me of crap that I never said?
How do the political beliefs of your relatives prove anything? I'm not the one who made the statement you accused me of.....remember?

So far the beginning and the end of your post has been shown to be crap.
I'm not sure how you might have any idea of the experience I have had, and you didn't state what kind of experience that might have been, so that part is crap as well.

I hear your claims about media bias constantly. Do you believe that people who work for networks should not be allowed to make their own decisions about who they personally support? Your whining because your party is just not acceptable to a certain demographic. The demographic that supposedly is more informed than the average person. If you want more of their support, then quit advocating crazy shit that no one likes.

As expected, Your post is nothing more than false accusations, proof of poor comprehension skills, and more right wing whining. I'm sure it all sounded reasonable in your brainwashed head though.

ACTUALLY you're proving everybody right about liberals. you clearly implied that you believe most people on the right "think all liberals are young". what a joke; hillary is old as dirt and she's a liberal. you demonstrate the liberal inclination for straw man arguments when you ask if people who work for networks sould be allowed to make their own decisions about who they support. What people on the right say is that it (their far-left views) bleeds into their so-called unbiased reporting. ouir Party is becoming more acceptable to certain demographics every day; just look at our candidates.

libs are losers who lie; to themselves

Go back and read the post dumbass. I asked a question.
it's comical really; on the O'Reilly show he sends out this guy to talk to liberals in the street. Nobody makes these libs say what they say, and they prove themselves to be every bit the idiotic brainwashed left-wing idiots they are with their asinine comments!! lol!
And the chances of a liberal that is knowledgeable and presenting his case well ever shown on O'Reilly's show is nonexistant. I would bet that there are gigs of such in his library, if he does not erase it all as soon as he sees it. Trouble with you 'Conservatives' is that you are such easily gulled people. The conservatives that I know would be the first to point out what I just said.
Re-Writing History
. "United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination
" rewrites the Constitution of the United States. The high school textbook contains a summary of each Amendment that alters the actual initial intent -- It quotes the Second Amendment as, "The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia." When the actual amendment states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
A parent of a fifth grader in Texas bought to light another abuse when she objected to a test question following the viewing of a film entitled, Remembering September 11th, which read, Why might the United States be a target for terrorism? The correct answer was Decisions we made in the United States have had negative effects on people elsewhere. Since when did it become acceptable to teach children that we caused the attack on 9/11?
A Massachusetts public school principal, Anne Foley, banned celebrations of Columbus Day and Thanksgiving, labeling them American atrocities parading as historical holidays. She also forbid children to dress up for Halloween. Massachusetts Principal Takes Aim at Fall Holidays, Says Theyre Insensitive
Promoting Left Wing Political Causes
A teacher in Fairfax, Virginia {Michael Denman} gave his students the assignment of doing research on each and every Republican presidential candidate to search for weaknesses in the candidate themselves, as well as their positions. When the information was compiled the students were then told to conspire on a strategy paper on how to best exploit these weaknesses. These papers were to be sent to the Obama campaign. Wow ! Hows that for Objective ?? - Maggies Notebook
Sure. Just like the late night TV shows. You interview enough people, you eventually get enough stupid ones to broadcast. Nothing is said about all the intelligent people that were filmed, but never get shown.

On Waters world they show at least one or two who did get it right, so yes they do get shown
Even on Jay Leno's shows they showed some that got it right.

Some? The purpose of the segment is to laugh at stupid answers. Do you really think they are going to show mostly people who have a full understanding of the question? That would ruin the purpose of the segment.

You are the one who said "never get shown".

I stand corrected. I should have said they are rarely shown. If they didn't emphasize funny stupid answers, there would be no reason for the skit, and we both know it is just a skit designed to make people believe the ones shown are representative of the country as a whole.

But you got to admit that there are plenty of people on automatic pilot out there.
Texting while driving, falling into mall fountains and so on. :)

More than enough.
In 2010 High school teachers held anti war signs during a ceremony honoring grads entering the military! History teacher Marybeth Verani and English teacher Adeline Koscher. They not only imposed their political will, they imposed it at the wrong time, said junior Andrew Bowles Jr. These 2 teachers sat while the names of the students entering the U.S. Marine Corps, Army and National Guard were announced. They remained seated while the rest of those assembled gave a standing ovation. Teachers anti-war message draws fire .
This MAY be why MANY, not all but MANY on the Right believe MANY liberals are YOUNG, silly, brainwashed dupes:

A Rochester, MN public school teacher used school district time and resources to protest the local Tea Party rally
A Texas elementary school held an assembly entitled, A Dream Come True Living in the present by remembering the past and looking forward to the future.
The lyrics of the first song
Feels Like Change: Oh, I tried to believe in George Bush, I tried to trust, But its ashes to ashes now, And its dust to dust. Do you feel it baby? Oh, do you feel it? It feels like change! Basically the entire program was little more than an Obamafest.
Californias state health-care exchange is funneling one million dollars into a Los Angeles school district program to indoctrinate students to promote Obamacare, a spokesperson for the school district stated that the program was designed as a pilot and would serve as a model for similar future projects where both educators and students would serve as leftist propagandists
i see leftard; you just need some examples right?
Look, Mr. Bedowin62, I am one of those Liberals that you are trying to stereotype. So how do I fit? 71 years old. Employed full time, millwright in a steel mill. Taking classes in a University to finish up a degree in Geology. When you 'Conservatives' finally come to your sense, and quit the silly black and white nonsense on every subject, put the men like Governor Huntsman at the head of your party, instead of a bunch of insane fuckers, I will consider voting for a Republican. Have done so in the past, but not since the crazies like you took over the party.
Kids at a Middle School were shown a short video entitled "I pledge" . The video opens with an image of President Obama and part of a speech in which he says, "Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other." The video features celebrities making pledges , and it starts off very good - pledges to some legitimate, noble goals and causes. It ends up being a Democratic Party politicized message.I pledge to be a servant to our president Demi Moore said...I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama - Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis
The School Issued an Apology
"The Middle School and District apologize for the use of the I Pledge video. The reason the video was used was to show students small ways to make a difference in their communities. Most of the video provided viewers with examples like: end hunger in America; volunteer more; always represent your country with pride, dignity and honesty; and care for America elderly. Unfortunately, the video also had a political slant. The District is non-partisan and does not endorse the political messages found in this video. This video will not be used in the District again."
Although, in this particular instance, the abuse by Obamaites was publicized, the video and many others similar in the subtle deviance were shown elsewhere at many other schools, to many other innocent impressionable children.
i see leftard; you just need some examples right?
Look, Mr. Bedowin62, I am one of those Liberals that you are trying to stereotype. So how do I fit? 71 years old. Employed full time, millwright in a steel mill. Taking classes in a University to finish up a degree in Geology. When you 'Conservatives' finally come to your sense, and quit the silly black and white nonsense on every subject, put the men like Governor Huntsman at the head of your party, instead of a bunch of insane fuckers, I will consider voting for a Republican. Have done so in the past, but not since the crazies like you took over the party.

if you re-read your own post; do you REALLY think i should take you seriously, as you cry like a baby about how i am stereotyping people; lecturing me on black and white nonsense; only to say 3 sentences later moronic comments about "insane fuckers' and "crazies took over" my Party?

In 2010 High school teachers held anti war signs during a ceremony honoring grads entering the military! History teacher Marybeth Verani and English teacher Adeline Koscher. They not only imposed their political will, they imposed it at the wrong time, said junior Andrew Bowles Jr. These 2 teachers sat while the names of the students entering the U.S. Marine Corps, Army and National Guard were announced. They remained seated while the rest of those assembled gave a standing ovation. Teachers anti-war message draws fire .
First, I congratulate those entering the service. My dd214 states Honorable. Second, I support the teachers. No war means those entering the service won't leave it in a box. Sometimes we have no choice, but we have seen, in the last 60 years, where there was a choice, and the wrong choice was made, and our sons and daughters paid for that wrong choice with their lives.
i see leftard; you just need some examples right?
Look, Mr. Bedowin62, I am one of those Liberals that you are trying to stereotype. So how do I fit? 71 years old. Employed full time, millwright in a steel mill. Taking classes in a University to finish up a degree in Geology. When you 'Conservatives' finally come to your sense, and quit the silly black and white nonsense on every subject, put the men like Governor Huntsman at the head of your party, instead of a bunch of insane fuckers, I will consider voting for a Republican. Have done so in the past, but not since the crazies like you took over the party.

if you re-read your own post; do you REALLY think i should take you seriously, as you cry like a baby about how i am stereotyping people; lecturing me on black and white nonsense; only to say 3 sentences later moronic comments about "insane fuckers' and "crazies took over" my Party?

LOL yourself. Just look at the people vying for the Presidential nomination in your party and what many of them are saying. The lot of you might just as well be wearing a " I support Hillary " t-shirt. LOL
I wonder if most conservatives are old people? Or did they have an experience of being liberal. I don't understand how they've equated being liberal with being young and having no idea what you're talking about. i tend to disagree with them. Liberals are not welcome of late.
But why do we have such prejudices about them?

have you ever spoke to a young liberal?

totally brainwashed zombies

I wonder if most conservatives are old people? Or did they have an experience of being liberal. I don't understand how they've equated being liberal with being young and having no idea what you're talking about. i tend to disagree with them. Liberals are not welcome of late.
But why do we have such prejudices about them?

have you ever spoke to a young liberal?

totally brainwashed zombies

To be honest, being on forums like this in various countries, having lived in 5 foreign countries, traveled to over 50 countries on 5 continents, I find that most people's views are pretty much brainwashed by someone or other.

One thing you can see when you talk to someone on here, do they speak in simple sentences and don't bother backing themselves up, or do they speak intelligently? I'd say I've found some people who are the latter, but most are the former. Most of the people, doesn't matter which side they're from, they're just here for the fight. They'll fling shit like "liberals are stupid" or "conservatives are stupid" or "brainwashed" or any of that stuff, but most likely those throwing the shit are also part of the shit.

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