Conservative consider liberals are young and naive

I wonder if most conservatives are old people? Or did they have an experience of being liberal. I don't understand how they've equated being liberal with being young and having no idea what you're talking about. i tend to disagree with them. Liberals are not welcome of late.
But why do we have such prejudices about them?
Because they're pragmatists, unlike most conservatives who are ideologues.

your posts are comical affirmation of the original notion that too many left-wingers are either brainwashed, naive and gullible, or hypocrites. for a left-winger to be calling anybody an ideologue is simply laughable
[QUOTE="John Lesley, post: 11977903, member: 52445"]But why do we have such prejudices about them?[/QUOTE]

is that meant to be a joke ? seriously.., they are about as intelligent as an Earthworm..., IF that smart !! :up:
Most things they think about liberals just isn't so. The picture that Limbaugh and Hannity and such paint of liberals has to include every derogatory characteristic they can think of so their mindless talk radio followers will have every possible reason to disagree with the left. It's all part of the brainwashing that any right winger has to go through to become a right winger.

No, they paint a picture of liberal leadership....and those liberals who grew old and should have grown up. And considering the brainwashing of every American school kid who attends a government school run by the education wing of the democrat party, it is amazing anyone wakes up and becomes a normal person....12 years of liberal indoctrination, sometimes followed by another 4 years in college.......of course you lefties need 12 years since your ideas are so stupid you have to constantly saturate their minds or they will break free and know the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and evil.......once someone breaks I won't ever get them back....
The list is too long to put here, but since age has already been mentioned in this thread, what makes you think all liberals are young?

We don't, sadly the ones who are old are beyond reach, they will probably never understand truth, reality, good and evil and right and wrong....the best we can do for them is to keep them as far from the levers of power in this country as we can.......perhaps we could send them all to Hawaii...nice climate, nice beaches....and off the continental land mass..........
The list is too long to put here, but since age has already been mentioned in this thread, what makes you think all liberals are young?
Well for one thing MOST conservatives like me don't make hyperbolic statements as MOST liberals do i.e. as obviously you have done when you state:
"all liberals are young".
See conservatives like me generally have more experiences then obviously liberals like you do i.e. I have a former brother-in-law same age as me that is as liberal as you can get. My younger brother (65) he loves Obama and Hillary. So right away you've proven the idiocy of most liberals including the previous examples!
They like you are prone to hyperbole. Prone to jumping to conclusions. Prone to taking the EXCEPTION and making it the rule! Prone to believing the extremely
biased liberal media's headlines and then don't read any further! These two liberals I mentioned almost NEVER substantiate their statements which is generally true
for liberals!
For example I just made a statement about biased MSM.
FACT: 88% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

Now when I make a statement as most conservatives do we back it up with substantiation. Most liberals including my two examples don't!
I've been waiting for liberals to counter the above facts but not one has ever come up with a refutation of the above study.

And one of the other characteristics of liberals as my two examples are wont to do is NOT take time to read closely!
This comment will NOT be read closely but as most liberals/FFOs/LIPs as I call them, will do is attack the messenger rather then provide facts.

And that figure might be low....there are many journalists who will claim to be "objective" who are essentially still liberals but just won't admit it to themselves or others, and they will still cover the news with a liberal slant...
one of the things i believe is true of ALL liberfools, is they believe Hitlery is as honest as Trump :up:

You know Wildman....I don't know if I agree with that....I think they just don't care that she fact, I think they admire her ability to do what she wants and get away with is part of the liberal mind rules, no accountability.....take what you can and screw everyone else.....that is a liberal.
I wonder if most conservatives are old people? Or did they have an experience of being liberal. I don't understand how they've equated being liberal with being young and having no idea what you're talking about. i tend to disagree with them. Liberals are not welcome of late.
But why do we have such prejudices about them?
Because they're pragmatists, unlike most conservatives who are ideologues.

You are saying Liberals are pragmatic?

Let see.... A pragmatist usually has a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach and doesn't let emotion distract her.
pragmatist - Dictionary Definition
So let's analyze this observation:
Most in fact almost ALL FFOs,Liberals, favor "single payer health insurance"... would you agree?
So what would be the practical effect of a totally government run single payer where the Federal government pays health care providers.
A) This would then mean 1,400 private health insurance company payers would go out of business which means:
1) $100 billion a year in Federal, State and local property, income taxes gone. From a practical pragmatic position where will this lost tax revenue come from?
2) 400,000 jobs will be eliminated with single payer. Who will be offering jobs while in the meantime for 99 weeks these unemployed collect?
B) Would lawyers then be able to generate $270 billion a year from the billions in medical malpractice suits as they do now that triggers the $850 billion in defensive costs?
After all the 1946 Federal Tort law reduced lawsuits agains doctors who are under contract, thus with single payer all doctors will be contracted as federal physicians.

So please Clayton... explain how from the "Liberal pragmatic" solution without emotion make that replacement?
"A man who is not a Liberal in his youth, has no heart.

A man who is not a Conservative in his later years, has no brains."

( apocryphyally attributed to Winston Churchill )
Conservatives are even worse. They are aggressive and egoists. They provoke military conflicts, suppress minorities and carry guns.
And this confrontation has no sense for the future. The war between ideologies is senseless while we have external foes.
The list is too long to put here, but since age has already been mentioned in this thread, what makes you think all liberals are young?
Well for one thing MOST conservatives like me don't make hyperbolic statements as MOST liberals do i.e. as obviously you have done when you state:
"all liberals are young".
See conservatives like me generally have more experiences then obviously liberals like you do i.e. I have a former brother-in-law same age as me that is as liberal as you can get. My younger brother (65) he loves Obama and Hillary. So right away you've proven the idiocy of most liberals including the previous examples!
They like you are prone to hyperbole. Prone to jumping to conclusions. Prone to taking the EXCEPTION and making it the rule! Prone to believing the extremely
biased liberal media's headlines and then don't read any further! These two liberals I mentioned almost NEVER substantiate their statements which is generally true
for liberals!
For example I just made a statement about biased MSM.
FACT: 88% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

Now when I make a statement as most conservatives do we back it up with substantiation. Most liberals including my two examples don't!
I've been waiting for liberals to counter the above facts but not one has ever come up with a refutation of the above study.

And one of the other characteristics of liberals as my two examples are wont to do is NOT take time to read closely!
This comment will NOT be read closely but as most liberals/FFOs/LIPs as I call them, will attack the messenger rather then provide facts.

Your first sentence is a hyperbolic statement and an example of you not taking the time to read closely. I never made the statement that "all liberals are young". I ask the question "why do you think all liberals are young". Why are you accusing me of crap that I never said?
How do the political beliefs of your relatives prove anything? I'm not the one who made the statement you accused me of.....remember?

So far the beginning and the end of your post has been shown to be crap.
I'm not sure how you might have any idea of the experience I have had, and you didn't state what kind of experience that might have been, so that part is crap as well.

I hear your claims about media bias constantly. Do you believe that people who work for networks should not be allowed to make their own decisions about who they personally support? Your whining because your party is just not acceptable to a certain demographic. The demographic that supposedly is more informed than the average person. If you want more of their support, then quit advocating crazy shit that no one likes.

As expected, Your post is nothing more than false accusations, proof of poor comprehension skills, and more right wing whining. I'm sure it all sounded reasonable in your brainwashed head though.
it's comical really; on the O'Reilly show he sends out this guy to talk to liberals in the street. Nobody makes these libs say what they say, and they prove themselves to be every bit the idiotic brainwashed left-wing idiots they are with their asinine comments!! lol!

Sure. Just like the late night TV shows. You interview enough people, you eventually get enough stupid ones to broadcast. Nothing is said about all the intelligent people that were filmed, but never get shown.

On Waters world they show at least one or two who did get it right, so yes they do get shown
Even on Jay Leno's shows they showed some that got it right.

Some? The purpose of the segment is to laugh at stupid answers. Do you really think they are going to show mostly people who have a full understanding of the question? That would ruin the purpose of the segment.

You are the one who said "never get shown".

I stand corrected. I should have said they are rarely shown. If they didn't emphasize funny stupid answers, there would be no reason for the skit, and we both know it is just a skit designed to make people believe the ones shown are representative of the country as a whole.
Most things they think about liberals just isn't so. The picture that Limbaugh and Hannity and such paint of liberals has to include every derogatory characteristic they can think of so their mindless talk radio followers will have every possible reason to disagree with the left. It's all part of the brainwashing that any right winger has to go through to become a right winger.

No, they paint a picture of liberal leadership....and those liberals who grew old and should have grown up. And considering the brainwashing of every American school kid who attends a government school run by the education wing of the democrat party, it is amazing anyone wakes up and becomes a normal person....12 years of liberal indoctrination, sometimes followed by another 4 years in college.......of course you lefties need 12 years since your ideas are so stupid you have to constantly saturate their minds or they will break free and know the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and evil.......once someone breaks I won't ever get them back....

Whining about schools as liberal indoctrination is just much conspiracy nut fodder as those who believe our own government brought down the WTC, or believe in bigfoot.
The list is too long to put here, but since age has already been mentioned in this thread, what makes you think all liberals are young?
Well for one thing MOST conservatives like me don't make hyperbolic statements as MOST liberals do i.e. as obviously you have done when you state:
"all liberals are young".
See conservatives like me generally have more experiences then obviously liberals like you do i.e. I have a former brother-in-law same age as me that is as liberal as you can get. My younger brother (65) he loves Obama and Hillary. So right away you've proven the idiocy of most liberals including the previous examples!
They like you are prone to hyperbole. Prone to jumping to conclusions. Prone to taking the EXCEPTION and making it the rule! Prone to believing the extremely
biased liberal media's headlines and then don't read any further! These two liberals I mentioned almost NEVER substantiate their statements which is generally true
for liberals!
For example I just made a statement about biased MSM.
FACT: 88% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

Now when I make a statement as most conservatives do we back it up with substantiation. Most liberals including my two examples don't!
I've been waiting for liberals to counter the above facts but not one has ever come up with a refutation of the above study.

And one of the other characteristics of liberals as my two examples are wont to do is NOT take time to read closely!
This comment will NOT be read closely but as most liberals/FFOs/LIPs as I call them, will attack the messenger rather then provide facts.

Your first sentence is a hyperbolic statement and an example of you not taking the time to read closely. I never made the statement that "all liberals are young". I ask the question "why do you think all liberals are young". Why are you accusing me of crap that I never said?
How do the political beliefs of your relatives prove anything? I'm not the one who made the statement you accused me of.....remember?

So far the beginning and the end of your post has been shown to be crap.
I'm not sure how you might have any idea of the experience I have had, and you didn't state what kind of experience that might have been, so that part is crap as well.

I hear your claims about media bias constantly. Do you believe that people who work for networks should not be allowed to make their own decisions about who they personally support? Your whining because your party is just not acceptable to a certain demographic. The demographic that supposedly is more informed than the average person. If you want more of their support, then quit advocating crazy shit that no one likes.

As expected, Your post is nothing more than false accusations, proof of poor comprehension skills, and more right wing whining. I'm sure it all sounded reasonable in your brainwashed head though.

ACTUALLY you're proving everybody right about liberals. you clearly implied that you believe most people on the right "think all liberals are young". what a joke; hillary is old as dirt and she's a liberal. you demonstrate the liberal inclination for straw man arguments when you ask if people who work for networks sould be allowed to make their own decisions about who they support. What people on the right say is that it (their far-left views) bleeds into their so-called unbiased reporting. ouir Party is becoming more acceptable to certain demographics every day; just look at our candidates.

libs are losers who lie; to themselves
Most things they think about liberals just isn't so. The picture that Limbaugh and Hannity and such paint of liberals has to include every derogatory characteristic they can think of so their mindless talk radio followers will have every possible reason to disagree with the left. It's all part of the brainwashing that any right winger has to go through to become a right winger.

No, they paint a picture of liberal leadership....and those liberals who grew old and should have grown up. And considering the brainwashing of every American school kid who attends a government school run by the education wing of the democrat party, it is amazing anyone wakes up and becomes a normal person....12 years of liberal indoctrination, sometimes followed by another 4 years in college.......of course you lefties need 12 years since your ideas are so stupid you have to constantly saturate their minds or they will break free and know the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and evil.......once someone breaks I won't ever get them back....

Whining about schools as liberal indoctrination is just much conspiracy nut fodder as those who believe our own government brought down the WTC, or believe in bigfoot.

just because you feel no shame making a fool of yourself laughably denying the obvious; doesnt mean you arent making a fool of yourself
it's comical really; on the O'Reilly show he sends out this guy to talk to liberals in the street. Nobody makes these libs say what they say, and they prove themselves to be every bit the idiotic brainwashed left-wing idiots they are with their asinine comments!! lol!

Sure. Just like the late night TV shows. You interview enough people, you eventually get enough stupid ones to broadcast. Nothing is said about all the intelligent people that were filmed, but never get shown.

On Waters world they show at least one or two who did get it right, so yes they do get shown
Even on Jay Leno's shows they showed some that got it right.

Some? The purpose of the segment is to laugh at stupid answers. Do you really think they are going to show mostly people who have a full understanding of the question? That would ruin the purpose of the segment.

You are the one who said "never get shown".

I stand corrected. I should have said they are rarely shown. If they didn't emphasize funny stupid answers, there would be no reason for the skit, and we both know it is just a skit designed to make people believe the ones shown are representative of the country as a whole.

But you got to admit that there are plenty of people on automatic pilot out there.
Texting while driving, falling into mall fountains and so on. :)
The list is too long to put here, but since age has already been mentioned in this thread, what makes you think all liberals are young?

We don't, sadly the ones who are old are beyond reach, they will probably never understand truth, reality, good and evil and right and wrong....the best we can do for them is to keep them as far from the levers of power in this country as we can.......perhaps we could send them all to Hawaii...nice climate, nice beaches....and off the continental land mass..........

You personally might not think that, but that silly accusation is one of the most hurled accusations coming from the right. it's like you are given a list, and that one is near the top.
Most things they think about liberals just isn't so. The picture that Limbaugh and Hannity and such paint of liberals has to include every derogatory characteristic they can think of so their mindless talk radio followers will have every possible reason to disagree with the left. It's all part of the brainwashing that any right winger has to go through to become a right winger.

No, they paint a picture of liberal leadership....and those liberals who grew old and should have grown up. And considering the brainwashing of every American school kid who attends a government school run by the education wing of the democrat party, it is amazing anyone wakes up and becomes a normal person....12 years of liberal indoctrination, sometimes followed by another 4 years in college.......of course you lefties need 12 years since your ideas are so stupid you have to constantly saturate their minds or they will break free and know the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and evil.......once someone breaks I won't ever get them back....

Whining about schools as liberal indoctrination is just much conspiracy nut fodder as those who believe our own government brought down the WTC, or believe in bigfoot.

just because you feel no shame making a fool of yourself laughably denying the obvious; doesnt mean you arent making a fool of yourself

Right. Just keep your tinfoil hat tight, and you should be fine.

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