Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Look around you at the smoldering ruins of American society, and it’s clear that you owe our garbage Establishment nothing.

Not loyalty.

Not respect.

Not obedience.


It has failed you. And now it is dead to you.

Tear it all down.

Rip out its rotten foundations.

Burn the poisonous debris.

Rebuild it on a foundation of the Constitution.

There was once a social contract out there that we all thought we all signed on to. You know the outlines of the implicit deal. We agreed to give up certain prerogatives and to provide prestige and prosperity to those people – who became the Establishment – who would run our institutions for us. For example, we outsourced our right to avenge ourselves to the justice system and (except for immediate self-defense) to keep order to the police. We would respect and trust the objective, neutral truthtellers, called “journalists,” who would gather and disseminate the news and information we needed to be active citizens. And, in a formal way under our Constitution, we agreed to give government officials enumerated powers and to be bound by the rules implemented via due process and limited by the Bill of Rights.

BJ's Pull Quote -

It was imperfect, as all human endeavors are, but on the whole it worked.

Until now.
Look around you at the smoldering ruins of American society, and it’s clear that you owe our garbage Establishment nothing.

Not loyalty.

Not respect.

Not obedience.


It has failed you. And now it is dead to you.

Tear it all down.

Rip out its rotten foundations.

Burn the poisonous debris.

Rebuild it on a foundation of the Constitution.

There was once a social contract out there that we all thought we all signed on to. You know the outlines of the implicit deal. We agreed to give up certain prerogatives and to provide prestige and prosperity to those people – who became the Establishment – who would run our institutions for us. For example, we outsourced our right to avenge ourselves to the justice system and (except for immediate self-defense) to keep order to the police. We would respect and trust the objective, neutral truthtellers, called “journalists,” who would gather and disseminate the news and information we needed to be active citizens. And, in a formal way under our Constitution, we agreed to give government officials enumerated powers and to be bound by the rules implemented via due process and limited by the Bill of Rights.

BJ's Pull Quote -

It was imperfect, as all human endeavors are, but on the whole it worked.

Until now.
All perfect examples of why we need Trump for 4 more years.
Look around you at the smoldering ruins of American society, and it’s clear that you owe our garbage Establishment nothing.

Not loyalty.

Not respect.

Not obedience.


It has failed you. And now it is dead to you.

Tear it all down.

Rip out its rotten foundations.

Burn the poisonous debris.

Rebuild it on a foundation of the Constitution.

There was once a social contract out there that we all thought we all signed on to. You know the outlines of the implicit deal. We agreed to give up certain prerogatives and to provide prestige and prosperity to those people – who became the Establishment – who would run our institutions for us. For example, we outsourced our right to avenge ourselves to the justice system and (except for immediate self-defense) to keep order to the police. We would respect and trust the objective, neutral truthtellers, called “journalists,” who would gather and disseminate the news and information we needed to be active citizens. And, in a formal way under our Constitution, we agreed to give government officials enumerated powers and to be bound by the rules implemented via due process and limited by the Bill of Rights.

BJ's Pull Quote -

It was imperfect, as all human endeavors are, but on the whole it worked.

Until now.

That's not conservatism. That's radical liberalism.


It has been for hundreds of years.
Law enforcement is supposed to protect us by enforcing the law. Now it lets off rioters but will go gangbusters on you should you defend your family from leftist savages. We have seen that there are always cops who will choose their pension over their duty and bust your church or synagogue for illegal praying. The elite needs minions to do its dirty work and shamefully some doughnut-gobblers have proven themselves only too eager to obey. And even if you do manage to demonstrate that your prosecution is so corrupt that even our garbage DOJ wants to dismiss it, an Establishment judge won’t let you and an appeals court won’t make him even though the law says they must.
Look around you at the smoldering ruins of American society, and it’s clear that you owe our garbage Establishment nothing.

Not loyalty.

Not respect.

Not obedience.


It has failed you. And now it is dead to you.

Tear it all down.

Rip out its rotten foundations.

Burn the poisonous debris.

Rebuild it on a foundation of the Constitution.

There was once a social contract out there that we all thought we all signed on to. You know the outlines of the implicit deal. We agreed to give up certain prerogatives and to provide prestige and prosperity to those people – who became the Establishment – who would run our institutions for us. For example, we outsourced our right to avenge ourselves to the justice system and (except for immediate self-defense) to keep order to the police. We would respect and trust the objective, neutral truthtellers, called “journalists,” who would gather and disseminate the news and information we needed to be active citizens. And, in a formal way under our Constitution, we agreed to give government officials enumerated powers and to be bound by the rules implemented via due process and limited by the Bill of Rights.

BJ's Pull Quote -

It was imperfect, as all human endeavors are, but on the whole it worked.

Until now.

That's not conservatism. That's radical liberalism.


It has been for hundreds of years.

And the establishment is made up of the Democrat party, neocons, the deep state, the MSM, the education cartel, multi national corporations and all the big tech companies. If you're an that list, you're an anti American lowlife rat bastard. Vote for Trump Republicans.
And the establishment is made up of the Democrat party, neocons, the deep state, the MSM, the education cartel, multi national corporations and all the big tech companies. If you're an that list, you're an anti American lowlife rat bastard. Vote for Trump Republicans.
No doubt he has big shoulders to take on all these establishments you mentioned.
Ive heard him say that Big Pharma was one of his biggest challengers.
I proudly voted for him the first term, and early voted for him this time.
Pay close attention: The current campaign is a CLASS WAR. The Democrats want to convert it into a RACE War and a Gender War.

Consider a group of people that is always ignored: People who work in the private sector at REAL JOBS and make under $200k.

They (we) are the majority, and yet there is only one person who speaks for us. It is Donald Trump.

But consider all the people who fall outside this "little group"
  • Government workers,
  • Everyone in Academe,
  • the Media,
  • Entertainment industry,
  • Union bosses,
  • People living off the government (except SS, of course).
It tells you everything you need to know to recognize that we who work in the private sector at real jobs - the people who in fact PAY FOR EVERYTHING - are struggling even to be heard, let alone to elect our President.
Tear it all down.
Rip out its rotten foundations.
Burn the poisonous debris.
Thank you. It's very nice to see one of you admit this.

I really do believe that you are stupid enough to think that.

I thanked you for posting it. Were you lying?

I'm stupid for thanking you?

You are stupid because you are stupid.
Well, anyway, thanks again for the OP. I don't know what you're mad about.

This is a great example of why I'm such an advocate for freedom of expression. Keep talking. Shine that light on yourself and those like you.

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