Conservatism Is Dead

Conservatives retreated to the US Constitution and became Constitutionalists.

No they haven't. They've cherry picked certain parts of the Constitution to emphasize, like the Second Amendment, and then twisted them beyond recognition. Conservatives ignore the "militia qualifier" as the reason for the right to bear arms. The Founders lived in an era of single shot muskets, and canon. The country had no real infrastructure or government, and the land wasn't entirely settled or safe.

Anyone who thinks that their guns will protect them from a "tyrannical government" should google the Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas. The government drove a tank through their heavily armed "fortress". It was over in minutes. If a tyrannical government comes for you, you're fucked. They have smart missiles, killer drones, tanks and nukes, not to mention "The Mother of All Bombs". Time for sensible gun control legislation that gets hand guns off the streets, and reduces the body count.

Other countries have managed to protect the rights of hunters and the 'rural way of life", without turning their nations into armed camps, with more guns than people. Americans always quote "self defence" and fear being left "defenceless" without their guns, even as 35,000 Americans die every single year, in gun violence and police are shooting over 1000 citizens per year.
Thanks for the post Votto.

But you missed the point. Authoritarianism and leftism is only here because conservatism has failed. You detailed many of its failures.
Man fails just as Adam did in the Garden, that is our nature.

Authoritarianism and abuse are the only possible fruits of such failure.

The only remedy is to turn to God. If nothing else, he can free someone's chains from within even if they are a literal prisoner in chains in some authoritarian jail.

Now Marx was a man who admired the morality of Christianity, but ultimately rejected the author of it. Put simply Christ changed the world, even Marx although he would probably would never admit it. Before Christ no one cared about the poor. There was no call to help the poor in government, this came later. So Marx started a secular movement with the morals of Christ to try and help the poor, and we see the result. It is a horrific history of death with more people being murdered by communist regimes in the 20th century than by any other group in human history. This is the result of God being taken out of our lives, even when we try to use his morals along the way. Even Marx would be appalled at how his ideology had been applied, but this is the only possible result when God is taken out of our lives.

And Leftists know this inherently, which is why they seek to destroy Christianity and morals within a society. They may not be able to verbalize such rational intentions, but are driven towards it just the same. Soon, the state will seek to impose a mark that is required for all to sell and buy as we read of in Revelation, and then the end will come. This is also the reason that the state must destroy Christianity as well. The only ones who will refuse to take the mark are the crazy Christians.

But knowing this, is fighting a battle we know we will lose politically at some point futile? For example, consider North Korea. Was the Korean war worth it? Was such a stand against despotism worth it considering the US now finds itself still in South Korea to protect them and facing a possible nuclear confrontation. But as we look at the night sky of both North Korea and South Korea, one is lit up and the other dark as night. One people have some level of freedom and the others have none. For those people with freedom, the obvious answer is yes, it was worth it, despite knowing that the entire world seems to be headed the direction of North Korea, because it is only human nature.

For me, fighting battles that we know we will lose can be worth fighting, because at the end of the day we will win the war.
Conservatives retreated to the US Constitution and became Constitutionalists.

Constitutionalist still has the same super-loser ring to it. Standing for a legal document is not good enough.

They need to start defending the West and America, and push far leftists such as Dragonlady back to Canada where they belong.
Tim Pool takes on the conservative blunder.

Even liberals view conservatives as jokes.
Thanks for the post Votto.

But you missed the point. Authoritarianism and leftism is only here because conservatism has failed. You detailed many of its failures.

Authoritarianism is the exteme of both left and right wing governments. Authoritarianism is here because white men don't want to share power or lose their privilege.

What you're so pissed about is that despite all of your efforts to preserve your privilege, you can't fire or evict people just because you don't like the way they live. You've lost the right to treat others badly for no good reason.

Conservatism has failed because, despite promising everyone that they will be better off by eliminating unions, social programs, labour law, and "free shit", doing so has not resulted in the prosperty conservatives promised for hourly rated workers. 40% of American workers have seen no benefit at all from the conservative economic policies, and are worse off than they were when Reagan was elected. Manufacturing and service jobs which pay a living wage have all but disappeared, replaced with McJobs, which pay subsistence level wages, and which required supplementing with second or third jobs, and/or government handouts.
Thanks for the post Votto.

But you missed the point. Authoritarianism and leftism is only here because conservatism has failed. You detailed many of its failures.

Authoritarianism is the exteme of both left and right wing governments. Authoritarianism is here because white men don't want to share power or lose their privilege.

What you're so pissed about is that despite all of your efforts to preserve your privilege, you can't fire or evict people just because you don't like the way they live. You've lost the right to treat others badly for no good reason.

Conservatism has failed because, despite promising everyone that they will be better off by eliminating unions, social programs, labour law, and "free shit", doing so has not resulted in the prosperty conservatives promised for hourly rated workers. 40% of American workers have seen no benefit at all from the conservative economic policies, and are worse off than they were when Reagan was elected. Manufacturing and service jobs which pay a living wage have all but disappeared, replaced with McJobs, which pay subsistence level wages, and which required supplementing with second or third jobs, and/or government handouts.

Absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Please, go back to the far left plantation you came from.

Folks, it has been proven, immigrating these folks is a deadly mistake. They believe they should tell Americans how to live when not even yet being in the country. Absolute lunacy.
Conservatives retreated to the US Constitution and became Constitutionalists.

Constitutionalist still has the same super-loser ring to it. Standing for a legal document is not good enough.

They need to start defending the West and America, and push far leftists such as Dragonlady back to Canada where they belong.
The Constitution is like the Bible. It is a source of wisdom and a warning.

When violated, no bolt of lightening will come down to strike you dead, but as you violate them over time you may wish it had as we all suffer from the consequences of those who discarded them.
Conservatives retreated to the US Constitution and became Constitutionalists.

No they haven't. They've cherry picked certain parts of the Constitution to emphasize, like the Second Amendment, and then twisted them beyond recognition. Conservatives ignore the "militia qualifier" as the reason for the right to bear arms. The Founders lived in an era of single shot muskets, and canon. The country had no real infrastructure or government, and the land wasn't entirely settled or safe.

Anyone who thinks that their guns will protect them from a "tyrannical government" should google the Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas. The government drove a tank through their heavily armed "fortress". It was over in minutes. If a tyrannical government comes for you, you're fucked. They have smart missiles, killer drones, tanks and nukes, not to mention "The Mother of All Bombs". Time for sensible gun control legislation that gets hand guns off the streets, and reduces the body count.

Other countries have managed to protect the rights of hunters and the 'rural way of life", without turning their nations into armed camps, with more guns than people. Americans always quote "self defence" and fear being left "defenceless" without their guns, even as 35,000 Americans die every single year, in gun violence and police are shooting over 1000 citizens per year.

Your rants are disconnected from the facts and reality.
"Cause of death: Not conserving anything."

Here is a brilliant speech on why conservatism is dead, and why conservatives failed conserving anything. The speaker is an Amazon best seller, the author of classics such as "Cuckservative" as well as "Why SJWs Always Lie".

Conservatives need to watch it on repeat (until 34:00). The speech will be only available for the next day or two.
- If what you believe in is Western civilization, you need to stand up behind it, and against its enemies. Conservatives stand for nothing.
- Conservatives lie about immigration, which historically equals war.
- Conservatives lie about race.
- Conservatives lie to themselves.
- Communism conserves a nation better than conservatism.
- There is no happy ending to the conservative failure, and even liberals (such as Sam Harris) know what is coming by now. Will you continue to be ignorant?

Highly recommended for those who wonder how we ended up in the current predicament.

You people would boo Reagan at Trump's request. And Goldwater would have kicked the birthers' asses
Nothing got conserved. He's right.

What exactly do you wish to conserve? We live in a universe based upon entropy. All that you see around you is continually changing, and will ultimately vanish into nothingness.

And no, mankind won't save the world as the sun slowly expands to one day engulf and vaporize it into nothingness.

So the better question is, how do we provide the best life we have now with what we have?

Remember, the Left is all about conservation as well. They wish to conserve our natural resources by limiting/killing off the population.

Although not a Christian or conservative, George Carlin has a fun time with the Left and their ideas of conservation

But the Left will save or conserve us, even if it kills us.

As C. S. Lewis once wrote,

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
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Every last apex empire in thousands of years of human history has fallen. To me it looks like the USA is on this same path to failure. Spiraling out of control spending and debt. Stupid shits in charge of government. Rampant corruption and ignoring laws. Traitors among the Democrats who have allied with illegal invading hoards. Morals, values, common decency on the decline. Some asshole black guy just punched a 92 year old white grandmother in the face. She was walking down a NYC street with her walker. The creep punched her in the face and she hit her head on a fire hydrant as she fell to the ground. That's the kind of animals roaming our streets.
Every last apex empire in thousands of years of human history has fallen. To me it looks like the USA is on this same path to failure. Spiraling out of control spending and debt. Stupid shits in charge of government. Rampant corruption and ignoring laws. Traitors among the Democrats who have allied with illegal invading hoards. Morals, values, common decency on the decline. Some asshole black guy just punched a 92 year old white grandmother in the face. She was walking down a NYC street with her walker. The creep punched her in the face and she hit her head on a fire hydrant as she fell to the ground. That's the kind of animals roaming our streets.
Na, all we need is Orange man gone.

Then the news will pipe down and go back to sleep, the lamb will lie with the lion, and we will have our socialist utopia once again..
"Cause of death: Not conserving anything."

Here is a brilliant speech on why conservatism is dead, and why conservatives failed conserving anything. The speaker is an Amazon best seller, the author of classics such as "Cuckservative" as well as "Why SJWs Always Lie".

Conservatives need to watch it on repeat (until 34:00). The speech will be only available for the next day or two.
- If what you believe in is Western civilization, you need to stand up behind it, and against its enemies. Conservatives stand for nothing.
- Conservatives lie about immigration, which historically equals war.
- Conservatives lie about race.
- Conservatives lie to themselves.
- Communism conserves a nation better than conservatism.
- There is no happy ending to the conservative failure, and even liberals (such as Sam Harris) know what is coming by now. Will you continue to be ignorant?

Highly recommended for those who wonder how we ended up in the current predicament.

"Conservatism" (such as it was) was on life support when Reagan unexpectedly won...Though it's arguable that he may have stabilized the patient, he did precious little to advance the ideology (i.e his smallest budget was bigger than Carter's biggest, and the bloat of the bureaucratic state continued apace) ...Then Bush41 won in '88 and put it on a morpheme drip.

Today's "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's even supposed to mean anymore) are controlled opposition, and that's it....They've been sandbagging Trump just as much as the democrats have been.