Congressman Alcee Hastings (D) Says $174K Salary Isn't Enough to Live On

rep hastings was rated as the LEAST wealthiest us representative in Congress..... I don't know if that justifies his opinion on getting a raise, but he is clearly not richer than any person in congress, he is the poorest person in Congress...and probably has money problems imo....

doesn't each congressmen get an additional allowance for their staying in washington dc? And don't they get their airfare paid, back and forth to their home states by the gvt? Or does that come out of their own salary?

And, I've always wondered, WHY are they even paid with federal money? Why aren't the States paying for their own US congressmen and their own US Senators?

to me, 174k seems like a lot of money to pay congressmen...when we are running deficits....but, I don't know what all they have to pay for out of their own pockets...

Regardless of our deficits...we should still pay a salary they can live on.
Sorry...but these are not median wage workers

They are the top of the federal scale and determine the wage all federal executives should be paid
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.

If you counted the per diems of people making 90k in DC that were actually out of their home towns for work most of the year, it would probably total well over 174k. Congressmen have to essentially maintain two separate residences - they need one in DC because they work there, but they also must maintain their home residence or they become ineligible to run for reelection.

Are you kidding me? Who the hell cares about their problems. "they need one in DC because they work there".......Lol. Whores and prostitutes do a better job than they do.
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.
And yet I and many others manage to do so on far less than $174k a year.
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.
And yet I and many others manage to do so on far less than $174k a year.

Does your job require you to maintain two full-time residences, one of them in the 4th most expensive city in the country?
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.
And yet I and many others manage to do so on far less than $174k a year.

Does your job require you to maintain two full-time residences, one of them in the 4th most expensive city in the country?
Each state knows they have to send Congressmen and Senators to Washington. They should have bought houses by now that they can make available to their representative
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.
And yet I and many others manage to do so on far less than $174k a year.

Does your job require you to maintain two full-time residences, one of them in the 4th most expensive city in the country?
No but my job does require that raises be based on job performance not how expensive the city is to live in. If Congress wants a raise so bad here is an idea try doing your job better because god knows none of us would get one if we did our job the way Congress has.
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.
I can make $174k go a very long way. That makes me a helluva lot smarter than this fucking guy.
or....This goes to show the arrogance and elitism of some of our Senators and House members.
This asshole should be run out of office. Yesterday
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.

If you counted the per diems of people making 90k in DC that were actually out of their home towns for work most of the year, it would probably total well over 174k. Congressmen have to essentially maintain two separate residences - they need one in DC because they work there, but they also must maintain their home residence or they become ineligible to run for reelection.
SO what.....We have to live within our means. So should they....Tough shit.
Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage
The "best and brightest" argument?.....We've tried that. All we got is arrogance and elitism....We have people in the public sector getting a much better deal than the people they serve. That is unjust.
Did he run for office to get rich, or serve the people?

If it was to get rich, I doubt anyone would be upset about him looking for a better paying job.

He ran for power and wealth. Just like 90% of the other folks do.
Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage
The "best and brightest" argument?.....We've tried that. All we got is arrogance and elitism....We have people in the public sector getting a much better deal than the people they serve. That is unjust.

Indeed. Bravo.
Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage
Competitive? Yes.....Congressional salaries together with their benefits and pensions are absurdly high.
And don't forget the per diems which really pile up....
It must really suck to be the Congressman or Senator who draws the short straw on having to publicly make the case for raises.

You guys do realize that every single one of them wants that raise, right?
Yes....And they don't deserve one more penny.....In fact, they should have their pay CUT
rep hastings was rated as the LEAST wealthiest us representative in Congress..... I don't know if that justifies his opinion on getting a raise, but he is clearly not richer than any person in congress, he is the poorest person in Congress...and probably has money problems imo....

doesn't each congressmen get an additional allowance for their staying in washington dc? And don't they get their airfare paid, back and forth to their home states by the gvt? Or does that come out of their own salary?

And, I've always wondered, WHY are they even paid with federal money? Why aren't the States paying for their own US congressmen and their own US Senators?

to me, 174k seems like a lot of money to pay congressmen...when we are running deficits....but, I don't know what all they have to pay for out of their own pockets...

he is the poorest person in Congress...and probably has money problems imo....

With all of his experience taking bribes....he's still poor? LOL!
When I worked in NY, every year there would be a bill in the State Senate to raise senator's wages by almost 300%. It would never get out of committee, but the raise was always for the same amount. I asked one of my colleagues what that was about, and he said that that raise would have just topped how much the New York City Council made.
The NYC council members are another bunch of overpaid, over stuffed, over indulged jerks.

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