Congressional panel investigating the origins of Covid finds that the virus originated in a lab .

Don't think so. March 16th, right around the time frame I showed in post #665.

Mar 16, 2020 3:38 PM EST

WASHINGTON — The White House on Monday urged all older Americans to stay home and everyone to avoid crowds and eating out at restaurants as part of sweeping guidelines meant to combat an expected surge of coronavirus cases.
President Donald Trump, in a marked shift in tone about a crisis that has enveloped the globe, for the first time acknowledged that the pandemic may send the U.S. economy into a recession and suggested that the nation may be dealing with the virus until “July or August.”

They guy shouldn't have waited until March 16th to do his damned job.

Wrong on every point!
Yet dancing circles around you.
Nobody cares that you consider women sports a joke.
Then don't whine when the 'boys" beat you.
Biden was in a hurry to get out of Afghanistan and didn't give a shit.
As well he should have been. WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE STILL BEEN IN AFGHANISTAN IN 2021!. Bush, Obama and Trump just kept kicking that can down the road.

The Fact remains that Putin did not continue to move on Ukraine until Biden was in office.

Not True, he was still fighting in the Donbas. Pretty happy that Trump was slowing down weapons shipments to keep that Pee Tape under wraps.

Trump got elected now you might have to work for a living
Uh, dude, you are here at 930 AM when most people are woking... maybe you should be worried about working for a living.

Let me guess, you are on a disability.
They guy shouldn't have waited until March 16th to do his damned job.

Yet dancing circles around you.

Then don't whine when the 'boys" beat you.

As well he should have been. WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE STILL BEEN IN AFGHANISTAN IN 2021!. Bush, Obama and Trump just kept kicking that can down the road.

Not True, he was still fighting in the Donbas. Pretty happy that Trump was slowing down weapons shipments to keep that Pee Tape under wraps.

Uh, dude, you are here at 930 AM when most people are woking... maybe you should be worried about working for a living.

Let me guess, you are on a disability.
They guy shouldn't have waited until March 16th to do his damned

Yet dancing circles around you.
You scoff at a free education. I find it easy to disprove everything that you say, not sure why you choose to be ignorant . . Tell me would you refuse a $2,000 check from China as they owe us at least a trillion dollars for the virus they put in our country? I bet you'd be elbowing little old ladies out of line to get up to the counter to cash that you fucking fool!
Then don't whine when the 'boys" beat you.
LOL you advocate for men in womens sports. Weak
As well he should have been. WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE STILL BEEN IN AFGHANISTAN IN 2021!. Bush, Obama and Trump just kept kicking that can down the road.
The fact is we were there and Biden made a mess of the withdrawal . Caused all kinds of complications showing all kindS of weakness. MAGA
Not True, he was still fighting in the Donbas. Pretty happy that Trump was slowing down weapons shipments to keep that Pee Tape under wraps.
No, he waited till Trump left office then massed at the border. He invaded when Biden was president. He also took Crimea when Obama was President. Two of our weak leaders. Thank God it looks like we have some strength and honesty coming into leadership roles in the White House coming up in 5 days. LOL there was no pee tape, just gullible's spouting nonsense like you.
Uh, dude, you are here at 930 AM when most people are woking... maybe you should be worried about working for a living.
I worked all my life and I'm retired. I've taken the job of educating you and I'm doing a pretty decent job, you've earned about a D far as you are pretty stupid.
I worked all my life and I'm retired.

So you are on a commie welfare program. Got it.

Amazing how many wingnuts who are on some form of government payment are the first ones whining about the government paying people.

Writes resumes?

I doubt he could... he seems fact challenged.

OF course Resume writing is only one of three streams of income that I have. The other is helping my wife run her business, and I have a full time job.
So you are on a commie welfare program. Got it.

So you are on a commie welfare program. Got it.
Again you proved to be a presumptuous fool. I paid into Social Security all my life and that is not my only form of income. I am comfortable and satisfied with just teaching you a lesson at this point.
Amazing how many wingnuts who are on some form of government payment are the first ones whining about the government paying people.
That is the system that is set up. Would you rather live in China?
OF course Resume writing is only one of three streams of income that I have. The other is helping my wife run her business, and I have a full time job.
So you basically live off your wife. I've thought all along that you were a parasite. I was right, I'm always right. The more you know....
So you are on a commie welfare program. Got it.

Amazing how many wingnuts who are on some form of government payment are the first ones whining about the government paying people.

I doubt he could... he seems fact challenged.

OF course Resume writing is only one of three streams of income that I have. The other is helping my wife run her business, and I have a full time job.
Very important in resume writing to declare pronouns Joe. The more you know....
Again you proved to be a presumptuous fool. I paid into Social Security all my life and that is not my only form of income. I am comfortable and satisfied with just teaching you a lesson at this point.

That is the system that is set up. Would you rather live in China?

So you basically live off your wife. I've thought all along that you were a parasite. I was right, I'm always right. The more you know....

Guy, if you want to keep patting yourself on the back, go ahead, but you really aren't adding anything to a conversation, and trying to sift through a pile of shit to find a point to argue is tiring.

Also, attack on family reported.

(For the record, the money from her business that gets thrown into the "household fund" is probably less than 10% of the budget. The rest either covers operational expenses or are her funds she gets to keep.)
So you are on a commie welfare program. Got it.

Amazing how many wingnuts who are on some form of government payment are the first ones whining about the government paying people.

I doubt he could... he seems fact challenged.

OF course Resume writing is only one of three streams of income that I have. The other is helping my wife run her business, and I have a full time job.
Welfare eh ?

Go to hell demon boy..

Working all one's life while paying exorbitant taxes in which Democrat's have made a way for some very shady characters to get for nothing, ummmm is a huge fist in the face to all working class blue collar people..FACT !!...
Giving it to the real bums in life is the type of welfare we are seeing today, but for the person drawing SSI, then he or she only gets back a tiny fraction of the income that was paid in by those types of recipients who usually work a minimum of 40 year's of hard work.

Hard working tax payers are not the same as those who won't work or make terrible choices that put them in a situation where society turns on them in life, and we as good citizen's should be allowed to ask that they show some damned gumption in their lives before just giving them welfare for nothing.

Of course the Democrat's won't agree.. NEVER will their brainwashed ace's agree !!!
Working all one's life while paying exorbitant taxes in which Democrat's have made a way for some very shady characters to get for nothing, ummmm is a huge fist in the face to all working class blue collar people..FACT !!...
Giving it to the real bums in life is the type of welfare we are seeing today, but for the person drawing SSI, then he or she only gets back a tiny fraction of the income that was paid in by those types of recipients who usually work a minimum of 40 year's of hard work.

Hard working tax payers are not the same as those who won't work or make terrible choices that put them in a situation where society turns on them in life, and we as good citizen's should be allowed to ask that they show some damned gumption in their lives before just giving them welfare for nothing.

Of course the Democrat's won't agree.. NEVER will their brainwashed ace's agree !!!

Here's the problem with the "I worked hard for my social security" mantra.

You didn't.

First, half the money in SS is paid by EMPLOYERS, not employees.

Second, if you retire at 65 and live to be 72, you will get back everything you paid into Social Security. So beyond that, it's welfare. The average lifespan in the US is 78. So on average, other people will pay most of your social security.

Now, I'm fine with Social Security. I don't think it's sustainable the way it's running now, but I'm fine with the principle that when you are too old to work, they should take care of you.

Just don't pretend it's not another form of "welfare" because you give it a nice name like "Entitlement".
Guy, if you want to keep patting yourself on the back, go ahead, but you really aren't adding anything to a conversation, and trying to sift through a pile of shit to find a point to argue is tiring.

Also, attack on family reported.

(For the record, the money from her business that gets thrown into the "household fund" is probably less than 10% of the budget. The rest either cover s operational expenses or are her funds she gets to keep.)
Oh you're reporting me now, what a loser you are, along with being a parasite. All you do is lie and parrot propaganda. Luckily I've dedicated myself to your education in my retirement. You know you could just ignore me, I've contemplated ignoring you but I dedicated myself to doing a favor to society. MAGA
Well, see, here's where you are being ignorant.

That's something I would never recommend to a client.

Now, a linked in profile is something different, that was a fad for about a minute but it seems to be fading.
LOL gotcha 😃
Here's the problem with the "I worked hard for my social security" mantra.

You didn't.

First, half the money in SS is paid by EMPLOYERS, not employees.

Second, if you retire at 65 and live to be 72, you will get back everything you paid into Social Security. So beyond that, it's welfare. The average lifespan in the US is 78. So on average, other people will pay most of your social security.

Now, I'm fine with Social Security. I don't think it's sustainable the way it's running now, but I'm fine with the principle that when you are too old to work, they should take care of you.

Just don't pretend it's not another form of "welfare" because you give it a nice name like "Entitlement".
7 year's can be paid back to a hard worker between the age of 65 years to 72 years old ? A worker that paid in for 40+ year's can be treated fairly you say ? Have you been hitting the wine early again JoeB ?
7 year's can be paid back to a hard worker between the age of 65 years to 72 years old ? A worker that paid in for 40+ year's can be treated fairly you say ? Have you been hitting the wine early again JoeB ?

Okay, so how about this. You only get back what you paid in. Period.

You're done at 72

Just don't pretend it's earned... it's welfare other people are paying and it always has been.

Isn't that what a military pension shakes out to be?

Pretty much. (If this is a subtle jab at me, I wasn't in long enough to get a pension.)

So are Veteran's benefits, for that matter.

We spend far more on Middle Class Entitlements than we do on Poverty Relief.

Of course guys like you and Dave and that clown I just put on ignore will scream all day about welfare for poor people who actually need the help, and not so much about entitlements for people who do.
We spend far more on Middle Class Entitlements than we do on Poverty Relief.
We do? Never ran across a poor person who wasn't on Medicaid, SSI or Snap.......
Between people who worked and those who didn't, the entitlements, are a huge burden on our debt.

In 2023, entitlement programs accounted for 55% of federal spending in the United States. Entitlement programs are social welfare programs that include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs.

FYI- IMHO, people who resort to the ignore feature are panty waists who sit down to pee.
We do? Never ran across a poor person who wasn't on Medicaid, SSI or Snap.......

Um, yeah, look at the comparative budgets.

We spend 1.5 Trillion on Social Security,
980 Billion on Medicare
480 Billion on Veteran's Benefits
63 Billion on unemployment insurance in 2021, but only 14 billion in 2023.

compared to.

112 Billion for SNAP
32 Billion for Section 8.
33.9 Billion for TANF
871 Billion for Medicaid (which I will get back to.)

Now, the Medicaid number might seem impressive, until you realize where most of that money goes. It doesn't go to poor people as much as to paying for nursing home care for the elderly.
FBI Director Christopher Wray has previously said the agency assessed that a leak from a lab in Wuhan “most likely caused the COVID-19 pandemic.”

When you take a valve cap and reverse it to let air out of your tire, that is also a "leak". When the government hands out classified information to a house reporter, that also is a "leak".

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