Platinum Member
- Apr 25, 2015
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This is going to be fun.
Glad to see this. Blanket pardons for crimes people have not been charged with is a dangerous precedent, As BIDEN, SCHUMER, AND SCHIFF have all claimed.
Good thing Congress is going to look into this potential abuse of Presidential power.
Schumer and Schiff claimed blanket pardons prove guilt.
Problem is, they are basically investigating themselves, unless they just got there in congress. TRUMP is a BILLIONAIRE, and congress wants their cut, Dem or GOP.
How many think it is likely that they will/would pursue Nancy Pelosi? She is the poster child for insider the very least, it looks that way. But, if they go after her, how will congresscritters become MILLIONAIRES?!?!?!?!
Look at the people in congress from BOTH sides of the aisle, who have been there for a significant amount of time. Almost every one of them is RICH! Now, if they were rich before running for office and it just continued on, no harm, no foul........but if they got extremely wealthy while in congress, we just can NOT let this go by, but congress will! Why? Because unless you are already rich, what I am telling you is a fact------------>power is wonderful; everybody wants it. But power alone for these people, does not make it.......they want to be wealthy also. Realize that these people are NOT paid a vast sum. I can bet that if you and your wife work at decent jobs, you make as much or MORE than they did in the past. Are you multi MILLIONAIRES? And when I say MULTI, I mean more than 2 or 3 million, and most of it is LIQUID assets. Doesn't that make you wonder?
How did the WHOLE damn Biden family get rich? What about the tricky Mitch Mcconnel family, who's wife is actually in a large family of contractor/builder of defense ships, for China, lol. (bet you didn't know that one, look it up. Most of their wealth came from China)
And so.........we will probably now be witness to another "dog and pony show" in congress, as they pretend to investigate who ILLEGALLY got rich, but that would be most of them who have been seated for extended periods of time.
Remember this fact going forward-------->the most EXPENSIVE property values are NOT in California, nor New York, they are in Maryland and Washington DC. The reason is........that all the LOBBYISTS live there, and their job is to get YOUR congress to go along with what they want, while also getting the Feds to use YOUR tax dollars, to buy their products and services; making them all filthy rich!
How do YOU think they convince them!?!?!?!?!?! I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st two do not count-)