Congress seeks to rescind Medals of Honor

The massacre of American Indians was a shameful part of American history but why does congress want to open up that 150 year old can of worms at this time? Col Tibbets who piloted the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima was awarded the Military's 2nd highest award. What's the difference between incinerating a entire city of women and children in Japan in 1945 and and murdering a village of American Indians back in the 1870's? The perceived threat was the same.
The massacre of American Indians was a shameful part of American history but why does congress want to open up that 150 year old can of worms at this time?
To right a wrong.
Col Tibbits who piloted the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima was awarded the Military's 2nd highest award. What's the difference between incinerating a entire city of women and children in Japan in 1945 and and murdering a village of American Indians back in the 1870's? The threat was the same.
No difference whatsoever, including who was responsible.
To right a wrong.

No difference whatsoever, including who was responsible.
The government was responsible. The question is whether the current government wants to open up a discussion about 19th century atrocities for votes from American Indians while ignoring (race based?) atrocities in the 20th century that tended to achieve the same results.
You think that soldiers who not only murdered women and babies (as well as men) who then cut the breasts off dead women and tossed them around like a football, and did the same with dead babies is worthy of a medal?
Can you prove that is what all the medal winners did?
To right a wrong.

No difference whatsoever, including who was responsible.
Just so Im tracking.

Some people who weren't involved in the incident and didn't know anyone involved in the incident are apologizing to people who weren't victims in the incident nor do they know anyone who was a victim in the incident. In fact the only thing relating anyone to this incident is their respective skin colors. And this is important because.....

The wounded knee massacre was terrible. But no one involved in the wounded knee massacre is alive. We are talking 4-5 generations in the past. I guess I dont understand why anyone on either side of this gives a shit.

I say again we have become an unserious society.
Were they ordered to fight? If so, they deserve the medals. Soldiers do not choose who they fight. More anti-American bullshit from the poorest excuse for an American I know.
So there should have been medals awarded for the My Lai massacre then?
Thread summary:

Some Republicans get very angry when genocidal racists aren't honored.
Correction: many libtards and Dumbocraps imagine that wasting time on ancient issues is more important than addressing the actually pressing urgent matters of our time.

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