Congratulations to Macron. Decency 1 Putin 0

Letting each state battle COVID on it's own is like how they began in WWII. With France putting on a strong "Maginot Line" defense, only to have it's neighbor provide an invasion pathway. A valuable lesson about something that's communicable from all sides.

I still firmly believe that each state had its own right to do what they thought best.
Yeah, the only way to change the system is the way you rubes want to do it.

That's it. That's the only way. That way or no way.

Silly Trumpster.

There's your way, but many people don't have the criminal capacity to do it:
Bottom Line: trump refused to lead the country during the worst health crisis in over 100 years. He proved he was more interested in being re-elected than saving lives. He Lost...

Refused to lead? He initiated Operation Warp Speed. Y'all never give him credit for that. He sent hospital ships to NYC, but the governor refused them and instead sent covid patients to quarantine in retirement homes. He made it so that millions of tests were being produced and distributed.

Trumps response to covid wasn't perfect. I'll admit that. Could he have done better? I think so. Could Biden have done better? I think so. It's still here even with the vax, drastic lockdown measures, masking and social distancing.
They weren't killed, they effectively committed suicide, refusing to get vaccinated, refusing to wear masks, and refusing to socially distance. Relying on quack drugs like hydroxychloroquine.
They stupidly sacrificed themselves.
And listening to quack news stations like FOX.
I still firmly believe that each state had its own right to do what they thought best.
Would you run a football team that way? Letting each player decide for himself what he wants to do? That would result in the chaos we saw with the individual state response to COVID.
Trumps response to covid wasn't perfect. I'll admit that. Could he have done better? I think so. Could Biden have done better? I think so. It's still here even with the vax, drastic lockdown measures, masking and social distancing.

Actually states rights, meant states that removed restrictions too soon. Outlawing vaccine passports, and masks, and social distancing.
We've already seen how you brownshirts want to "fundamentally change" the system:
  1. RIOTS and mayhem.
  2. Closed elections no one can question.
  3. Silence criticism.

Maybe you can answer?
Under Trump we had riots, and looting, and arson (oh my...)
But with Biden in charge, why have the riots stopped?
Black men are still getting killed, but nobody is burning the place down over it.

What is Biden doing different from Trump?
I cant believe the thick fucker said that.
Believe it. After years of talk radio and the internet, their thought processes have become calcified into a simplistic, binary cement.

Either/or, one or the other, this or that, Good vs. Evil. Only. That's it. Period.

It's scary, and it only appears to be getting worse.
Apparently Putin gave Le Pen £9m. That isnt much to destabilise a country.
At that level pf expense the problem isnt going away.
Are any Goppers getting russian money for this election ?
Believe it. After years of talk radio and the internet, their thought processes have become calcified into a simplistic, binary cement.

Either/or, one or the other, this or that, Good vs. Evil. Only. That's it. Period.

It's scary, and it only appears to be getting worse.

^^^Says the guy who believes men can get pregnant.

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