Confusing Poor Bernie Sanders Fans . . . (again)


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Apparently poor Bernie Sanders fans are easily duped, but again, how bright can you be and still support a jackal like him? So can it really be any surprise that when legendary country singer Garth Brooks recently took to stage in Detroit and wanted to give tribute to a college alumni and famed Detroit Lions Running Back by wearing a jersey of Barry Sanders then posted a picture of it to his Facebook account, he was inundated by a large number of people who apparently don't know the difference between Barry Sanders the football player and BERNIE Sanders the hipster-doodle socialist presidential candidate!

People mad online at Garth Brooks because they don't know Barry Sanders from Bernie Sanders

Apparently, we don't need any Russians on FB to make horse's asses out of voters these days. It doesn't take much to cornfuse government-educated, low-IQ voters.


Apparently Barry has now also offered to make Garth his new VP running mate.
Apparently poor Bernie Sanders fans are easily duped, but again, how bright can you be and still support a jackal like him? So can it really be any surprise that when legendary country singer Garth Brooks recently took to stage in Detroit and wanted to give tribute to a college alumni and famed Detroit Lions Running Back by wearing a jersey of Barry Sanders then posted a picture of it to his Facebook account, he was inundated by a large number of people who apparently don't know the difference between Barry Sanders the football player and BERNIE Sanders the hipster-doodle socialist presidential candidate!

People mad online at Garth Brooks because they don't know Barry Sanders from Bernie Sanders

Apparently, we don't need any Russians on FB to make horse's asses out of voters these days. It doesn't take much to cornfuse government-educated, low-IQ voters.

View attachment 309420

Apparently Barry has now also offered to make Garth his new VP running mate.
It's a good thing Colonel Sanders isn't in the mix........
Apparently poor Bernie Sanders fans are easily duped, but again, how bright can you be and still support a jackal like him? So can it really be any surprise that when legendary country singer Garth Brooks recently took to stage in Detroit and wanted to give tribute to a college alumni and famed Detroit Lions Running Back by wearing a jersey of Barry Sanders then posted a picture of it to his Facebook account, he was inundated by a large number of people who apparently don't know the difference between Barry Sanders the football player and BERNIE Sanders the hipster-doodle socialist presidential candidate!

People mad online at Garth Brooks because they don't know Barry Sanders from Bernie Sanders

Apparently, we don't need any Russians on FB to make horse's asses out of voters these days. It doesn't take much to cornfuse government-educated, low-IQ voters.

View attachment 309420

Apparently Barry has now also offered to make Garth his new VP running mate.
It's a good thing Colonel Sanders isn't in the mix........
Apparently poor Bernie Sanders fans are easily duped, but again, how bright can you be and still support a jackal like him? So can it really be any surprise that when legendary country singer Garth Brooks recently took to stage in Detroit and wanted to give tribute to a college alumni and famed Detroit Lions Running Back by wearing a jersey of Barry Sanders then posted a picture of it to his Facebook account, he was inundated by a large number of people who apparently don't know the difference between Barry Sanders the football player and BERNIE Sanders the hipster-doodle socialist presidential candidate!

People mad online at Garth Brooks because they don't know Barry Sanders from Bernie Sanders

Apparently, we don't need any Russians on FB to make horse's asses out of voters these days. It doesn't take much to cornfuse government-educated, low-IQ voters.

View attachment 309420

Apparently Barry has now also offered to make Garth his new VP running mate.
It's a good thing Colonel Sanders isn't in the mix........
Thanks! I'm no longer confused about which Sanders is which. You COULD say I'm now up to date on my San(ders) Whiches!
It's no secret that a Bernie Sanders fan launched a suicide attack on a republican baseball team a couple of years ago. James Hodgkinson lived out of his van in Washington D.C. for about a month and it's possible (and likely) that during that time he met with Sanders. It's possible that Sanders supplied Hodgkinson with the practice schedule and maybe even the names of conservative republican congresspeople that were found on Hodgkinson's body. The media doesn't seem interested.
It's no secret that a Bernie Sanders fan launched a suicide attack on a republican baseball team a couple of years ago. James Hodgkinson lived out of his van in Washington D.C. for about a month and it's possible (and likely) that during that time he met with Sanders. It's possible that Sanders supplied Hodgkinson with the practice schedule and maybe even the names of conservative republican congresspeople that were found on Hodgkinson's body. The media doesn't seem interested.
You have no evidence for any of that other than he lived in his van and somehow found out where they practices; however, the Left is VERY comfortable with political violence from their side. Marxism and Communism is always about promoting revolution.

Look through the lifetime of Sanders writing, he too is always looking for the revolution.

Their problem here is that sovereignty resides in WE THE PEOPLE, so we have no reason to revolt to "obtain" power, we already HOLD the power. And, I think we will use it to re-elect Trump!


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