Comrade refuses to release names of most Mara-la-go visitors

Anyone who wants to know who Trump is seeing at Mar-a-largo is a liberal. You are a hypocrite. Who a President is meeting with should be publicly known unless there is a security reason for not knowing. Doesn't matter whether it is Republican or Democrat.

1. YOU, my dear, are the ONLY one who has declared that anyone who wants to know who Trump is seeing at Mar-a-lago is a Liberal. I didn't.

2. I am a hypocrite? How so, dear? I did not say people should NOT know who Trump is seeing. I just pointed out that the some of snowflakes playing this political 'gottcha' game with the Visitor's Log are the same ones who actually 'swallowed - hook, line, and sinker - Barry's WH explanation that the 'Jeremiah Wright' and 'Bill Ayers' who visited Barry in the WH was not THE 'Jeremiah Wright' and THE 'Bill Ayers'...right before Barry SEALED the WH Visitor Logs, befofe being pressured to unseal them.

I totally agree with you that the Visitor Logs should be TRANSPARENT. I am just glad Barry FINALLY agreed with that as well, especially after vowing to run the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh'. I completely agree with you that party affiliation SHOULD not enter into the equation regarding transparency.

Do you think that k*nt would be demanding to know the identify of every, single person that Hillary was meeting if that lying, crooked bitch had been elected? Fuck no, but he wouldn't be able to lick her skank snatch hard enough. LOL. GTFO.
The Russian Bots are working overtime defending the Comrade, I see!

I'm still waiting for you one of you k*nts to tell us who it's imperative to the security of the American people that the entire world knows the identity of every, single person with whom the president communicates. Cue the k*nt act.
The Russian Bots are working overtime defending the Comrade, I see!

Yes they are. Now run quickly, and don't look behind any doors. Don't go by any beds where Russians may be hiding. Look out! There is one right behind you! DON'T OPEN THAT CLOSET DOOR!!!!!
Trump refuses to disclose most Mar-a-Lago visitors

Why not promise to release them and not do it, like his tax returns?

Like he said of the states refusing to release voter roll information, "I wonder what they are hiding?"

What a piece of Shit this man is...

Hey man.... Remember when Obama was going to disclose all visitors to the White House?

How did that work out? :rofl:

This must be the longest tax audit in US history or.....did the Comrade lie again, and again, and again, and again?
This must be the longest tax audit in US history or.....did the Comrade lie again, and again, and again, and again?
It's the IRS...when they dig in they really dig in. I guess you were never self employed as a builder and a developer in NY.
This must be the longest tax audit in US history or.....did the Comrade lie again, and again, and again, and again?

Even if he did, so what? If you were at a bar and another patron stated they were going to attack you when you left, would you fetch them the bat to assault you with?

Trump is smart: don't give your enemies the ammunition to harm you with.
Trump refuses to disclose most Mar-a-Lago visitors

Why not promise to release them and not do it, like his tax returns?

Like he said of the states refusing to release voter roll information, "I wonder what they are hiding?"

What a piece of Shit this man is...

Are snowflakes THIS intentionally disingenuous / hypocritical or do they really have the (selective) memory of a damn goldfish?

Barry sealed his WH Visitor's Log in 2009 when the media reported 'Jeremiah Wright', Obama's admitted anti-American, hate-spewing, racist mentor, and 'William Ayers', Obama's domestic terrorist buddy who bombed his own country and killed 1st Responders, visited the WH. Of course the WH responded by declaring that 'Jeremiah Wright' and 'William Ayers' who had visited Barry were not THE Jeremiah Wright and THE Bill Ayers. (When pressed on 'then which Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers were they' the WH couldn't come up with a believable answer.)

Later, after Barry reportedly told Wright he could not visit anymore, the 'frowned upon guests' stopped coming / were wiped from the books Obama re-opened / released the Visitors / Logs.

Snowflakes, as usual, defended Barry , but now they are suddenly interested in Trump's visitor logs...

I can't figure out if 'hypocrisy' is like air to snowflakes - they are filled with it, or if it is just a by-product of their breathing. :p Bwuhahaha.....

Anyone who wants to know who Trump is seeing at Mar-a-largo is a liberal. You are a hypocrite. Who a President is meeting with should be publicly known unless there is a security reason for not knowing. Doesn't matter whether it is Republican or Democrat.

Who gets to decide if it is a security issue? You?

Oh please don't be so stupid. It is easy to determine whether security issues are involved.
Trump refuses to disclose most Mar-a-Lago visitors

Why not promise to release them and not do it, like his tax returns?

Like he said of the states refusing to release voter roll information, "I wonder what they are hiding?"

What a piece of Shit this man is...
Good it's none of your damn business who has stayed at Maralago..... none what so ever...

Yes it is our business. If lobbyists and people with business before the government are using Mar-a-Lago to talk to Trump, it is our business. Amazing how Trump supporters make a big deal about draining the swamp yet they are fine with special interests talking to Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Rank hypocrisy.
Trump refuses to disclose most Mar-a-Lago visitors

Why not promise to release them and not do it, like his tax returns?

Like he said of the states refusing to release voter roll information, "I wonder what they are hiding?"

What a piece of Shit this man is...
Good it's none of your damn business who has stayed at Maralago..... none what so ever...

Yes it is our business. If lobbyists and people with business before the government are using Mar-a-Lago to talk to Trump, it is our business. Amazing how Trump supporters make a big deal about draining the swamp yet they are fine with special interests talking to Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Rank hypocrisy.

Except there is no evidence that says Trump talked to anybody but his wife. Why do you leftist keep asking our politicians on the right to prove something you created out of thin air? Even if he provided any stupid list of yours, it still doesn't prove anything. It just gives you leftists something to caterwaul about.
Yes it is our business. If lobbyists and people with business before the government are using Mar-a-Lago to talk to Trump, it is our business. Amazing how Trump supporters make a big deal about draining the swamp yet they are fine with special interests talking to Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Rank hypocrisy
No you are wrong it's not your business. Trump is not under investigation for Russian collusion nor dirty business at his hotel. IF you ever find such evidence of dirty dealings in Maralago than you would have a point, but there isn't. The president of the United States should not be under constant suspicion and endless investigation. The left will continue to pay dearly with lost seats if this kind of nonsense continues.
Trump refuses to disclose most Mar-a-Lago visitors

Why not promise to release them and not do it, like his tax returns?

Like he said of the states refusing to release voter roll information, "I wonder what they are hiding?"

What a piece of Shit this man is...

Are snowflakes THIS intentionally disingenuous / hypocritical or do they really have the (selective) memory of a damn goldfish?

Barry sealed his WH Visitor's Log in 2009 when the media reported 'Jeremiah Wright', Obama's admitted anti-American, hate-spewing, racist mentor, and 'William Ayers', Obama's domestic terrorist buddy who bombed his own country and killed 1st Responders, visited the WH. Of course the WH responded by declaring that 'Jeremiah Wright' and 'William Ayers' who had visited Barry were not THE Jeremiah Wright and THE Bill Ayers. (When pressed on 'then which Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers were they' the WH couldn't come up with a believable answer.)

Later, after Barry reportedly told Wright he could not visit anymore, the 'frowned upon guests' stopped coming / were wiped from the books Obama re-opened / released the Visitors / Logs.

Snowflakes, as usual, defended Barry , but now they are suddenly interested in Trump's visitor logs...

I can't figure out if 'hypocrisy' is like air to snowflakes - they are filled with it, or if it is just a by-product of their breathing. :p Bwuhahaha.....

Anyone who wants to know who Trump is seeing at Mar-a-largo is a liberal. You are a hypocrite. Who a President is meeting with should be publicly known unless there is a security reason for not knowing. Doesn't matter whether it is Republican or Democrat.

Who gets to decide if it is a security issue? You?

Oh please don't be so stupid. It is easy to determine whether security issues are involved.

Like I said, who gets to decide?
Trump refuses to disclose most Mar-a-Lago visitors

Why not promise to release them and not do it, like his tax returns?

Like he said of the states refusing to release voter roll information, "I wonder what they are hiding?"

What a piece of Shit this man is...
Good it's none of your damn business who has stayed at Maralago..... none what so ever...

Yes it is our business. If lobbyists and people with business before the government are using Mar-a-Lago to talk to Trump, it is our business. Amazing how Trump supporters make a big deal about draining the swamp yet they are fine with special interests talking to Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Rank hypocrisy.

First, you would have to prove that anything of that was in fact occurring. Then you would have to provide proof that something illegal was taking pace, and then you would have to get a judge to issue a subpoena.

You aren't even at step one, so why not just shut up until you do have something?

The endless whining by the left is going to make 2018 a cakewalk in Congress for conservatives.
Oh please don't be so stupid. It is easy to determine whether security issues are involved.

In violation of US Law requiring official government computers, servers, and classified information to be stored, secured, encrypted, and handled in extremely specific ways outlined in government laws and regulations, Hillary Clinton stored Top Secret Compartmentalized Information on a personal server that was stored in an unapproved non-secure location (the BATHROOM of an IT company that did not have the proper security clearance required to possess, store, and maintain Top Secret Information), was not encrypted as per government laws / regulations, was mishandled / shared with individuals who had no security clearance, and documents/files/devices/devices were illegally destroyed NOT in compliance with specific government laws / regulations.

The Obama administration, the DOJ, and FBI clearly disregarded the proven violations in the law.

yes, it IS easy to determine whether security issues are involved, when national security is jeopardized, and when laws have obviously been broken. It is, as democrats proved, extremely hard for the laws to be enforced when partisans are more interested in protecting their fellow party members than actually enforcing the laws.
Trump refuses to disclose most Mar-a-Lago visitors

Why not promise to release them and not do it, like his tax returns?

Like he said of the states refusing to release voter roll information, "I wonder what they are hiding?"

What a piece of Shit this man is...

No kidding, this somehow sounds familiar.
Obama blocks list of visitors to White House

The Left gets its panties in a bunch about a private residence not releasing list of visitors yet had no problem when Obama blocked the list of visitors to the White House; which is publicly-owned by the US Taxpayer; Mar-a-Lago is not.

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