Compulsory workplace vaccination rules cannot apply to vegans

Only when it comes to childen do we tend to intervene to protect them from their own stupidity (or more likely that of a parent)

Like passing on trillions of dollars of debt to them because of parent stupidity?

Is that what you mean?

Oh, wait. Ha. We make an exception for that. Funy how all of our concern goes only so far as our wants.

One thing is for sure, this whole covid thing sure has generated a lot of debt.

Central bankers are probably laughing their rear ends all the way to the central bank. Zee great reset is upon us.
Actually, I suppose this thread could be moved elesewhere. Whatever. The ethical premise of these particular refuseniks is why I put it here.

I can tell it's gonna naturally drift into areas of other relevance. It will if I keep responding anyway.

Of course, that's assuming anyone even finds it interesting.

Unless of course someone wants to make a faith based argument in a way that's aligned with ethical veganism and these compulsory workplace rules and the court rulings supporting these ethical rights. That's not really within my scope of knowledge.
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Like passing on trillions of dollars of debt to them because of parent stupidity?

Is that what you mean?

Oh, wait. Ha. We make an exception for that. Funy how all of our concern goes only so far as our wants.

One thing is for sure, this whole covid thing sure has generated a lot of debt.

Central bankers are probably laughing their rear ends all the way to the central bank. Zee great reset is upon us.
Well you are complaining about politics now, not ethics and most of our national debt is an illusion that never has to be repaid. It is money we owe to ourselves.
Here you go, doc...

"So-called ethical veganism was ruled to be a protected characteristic at a tribunal last year, meaning employers would risk legal action if they order staff to be vaccinated."

Veganism is a philosophical belief and is therefore protected by law, judge rules

But if you're getting a paywall on the topical content, you might get a paywall on this one, too.
Looks like the same site - Nope. Regardless, this is one judge. It would never be held up on appeal. This has been tried with child vaccinations also and no dice. The only way kids in the US have been able to skirt the public school demand for multiple vaccinations is a religious exemption. Christian Science maybe? - I forget.

That was the case when I was in school. We had one kid who qualified. He wasn't allowed to sit through anything involving germs either. Library pass. It was just weird.

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Well you are complaining about politics now, not ethics and most of our national debt is an illusion that never has to be repaid. It is money we owe to ourselves.

I'm not really what you'd call a complainer. More of a pointer outerer.

It is a very broad issue, though. It doesn't really seem like it should be, but with all of the outliers involved, it gets complex.
I'm not really what you'd call a complainer. More of a pointer outerer.

It is a very broad issue, though. It doesn't really seem like it should be, but with all of the outliers involved, it gets complex.

Our currency is debt-backed, as is most fiat currency. The only way to expand our currency supply is to grow our "debt". We sell the fed treasuries that disappear into their "independent" balance sheets in order to get them to "pay" us more money and the "profits" they make have to be returned to the government. Your grandchildren are not paying the debt back and never will. You are "paying" the debt by reduced purchasing power of a dollar here and now in real time.
Unless of course someone wants to make a faith based argument in a way that's aligned with ethical veganism and these compulsory workplace rules and the court rulings supporting these ethical rights. That's not really within my scope of knowledge.
Does anyone have statistics/percentages on those who get Covid and survive?

I am not an anti-vaxxer; selfishly, I encourage those who can to get the vaccine, while at the same time maintaining the individual right to make his/her own decision. Most of my family and those around me do not react to vaccinations. I do--and this started when I was a baby. I tried flu shots and got so, so sick. I react to over-the-counter medications (never take anything stronger than aspirin) and yes I feel the effects of aspirin. Took me a month to recover from the anesthetic given me to take my appendix out. Cannot drink more than a sip or two of liquor. Did not take anything during childbirth. Therefore, I will not get the Covid shot(s) and hope to be protected by herd immunity.

Other people are against the shot due to embryo ingredients; others to animal testing; others due to push back because of government mandates. I put a lot of thought into my decision and trust my fellow citizens to given the same amount of thought to theirs. Let the government leave us alone.
I am fine with this decision. Vegans are such sickly people, covid clearing them off my employment rolls would be a wink from Baby Jesus.

:bs1: In my experience and also statistically, the opposite is true. I was just saying to someone the other day that I never get sick anymore, since going vegan 5 years ago. Even when people around me are sick.

Some relevant reading for you:

But when researchers asked nearly 70,000 volunteers about their diets, then tracked them over time, they found lower cancer rates among people who didn't eat meat at all.
In fact, vegans — those who don't eat any animal products including fish, dairy or eggs — appeared to have the lowest rates of cancer of any diet. Next in line were vegetarians, who avoid meat but may eat fish or foods that come from animals, such as milk or eggs.
Diets higher in plant foods and lower in animal foods were associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a general population.
The benefits of all types of vegetarian diets in the prevention and treatment of diabetes have been well established.

I could go on if I wanted to!
:bs1: In my experience and also statistically, the opposite is true. I was just saying to someone the other day that I never get sick anymore, since going vegan 5 years ago. Even when people around me are sick.

Some relevant reading for you:

But when researchers asked nearly 70,000 volunteers about their diets, then tracked them over time, they found lower cancer rates among people who didn't eat meat at all.
In fact, vegans — those who don't eat any animal products including fish, dairy or eggs — appeared to have the lowest rates of cancer of any diet. Next in line were vegetarians, who avoid meat but may eat fish or foods that come from animals, such as milk or eggs.
Diets higher in plant foods and lower in animal foods were associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a general population.
The benefits of all types of vegetarian diets in the prevention and treatment of diabetes have been well established.

I could go on if I wanted to!

Strange you forgot to mention that vegans have a higher risk of stroke and are plagued with B12 deficiency.
Though a Legal argument, the premise for the argument seems to fall under ethics. And apparently some ethical arguments seem to carry more weight than others.

So, uh...who wants a cucumber sandwich? Ha.

The firm said that ''some ethical vegans may disagree with vaccinations on the basis that they inevitably have been tested on animals'' adding that ethical veganism has been found to amount to a belief by employment tribunal.

Report - Compulsory workplace vaccination rules cannot apply to vegans

Putting that aside, naturally one might ask why ones's belief in natural immunity is not equally protected. At least one would think.

Of course, natural immunity is science rather than a belief. So there's that. Certainly there are no sacred truths in science.'s also clearly observable that all of these power grabs are an act of political science. The terms of controversy clearly haven't been consistent, and in most cases contradictory, depending on the political motivation. In fact, the've actually basatardized actual science in the process, to the point that people are starting to reject actual science as a consequence.

So there's also that. I suppose that's the flip side of the flip side.

Oh, what a tangled web. Sigh...
Some beliefs are more equal than others.

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