Completely Disgusting...Thanks for Killing People


May 23, 2014
Chinese communist slaughtered people worldwide in cold blood. Now that admit the lie our not?
Chinese communist slaughtered people worldwide in cold blood. Now that admit the lie our not?

I am waiting for the chinese to say a panda bear bit a naked Chinese man on the ass in the woods
What scum....what communist criminal scum eating dogs and cats in those disgusting wet markets!

Hell has a place for them, soulless evil beings.
Chinese communist slaughtered people worldwide in cold blood. Now that admit the lie our not?

I am waiting for the chinese to say a panda bear bit a naked Chinese man on the ass in the woods

Just wow, call me jr. Nostradamus..

While rumors have swirled that the coronavirus pandemic originated in bats and then infected another animal that passed it onto people at a market in the southeastern Chinese city of Wuhan, scientists have not yet determined exactly how the new coronavirus infected people.

Anybody criticizing the Chinese for these wet markets has never had a dog steak. They're delicious.
Anybody criticizing the Chinese for these wet markets has never had a dog steak. They're delicious.
Anyone who eats a dog by choice is ticketed for a rocket ship to hell.
Dogs are the only animals that rely on another species for their survival. Humans engineered their evolution to that effect. That’s what makes abusing them psychopathic.
Chinese communist slaughtered people worldwide in cold blood. Now that admit the lie our not?
As I said recently, Mao is their George Washington. When their founding father is a mass murderer on a scale of Hitler and Stalin combined, it would be foolish to trust them with anything.
Wuhan virus is a Chinese WMD.
i'm certain all the Chinese people would love to have beef on their table vs the wild animals in market.....

I suppose they don't have mega cattle farms there? Or it is too expensive to buy? Or there are not refrigerate grocery stores with assortments of beef, pork and chicken???

Would people starve there, without the wild animal market???

if you watch any of the living off the grid shows in the wilderness, they eat racoon, or possum, or squirrel or deer or moose, or rabbit, or muskrat and all knds of things that simply are repulsive to me..... BUT it is all they got, to eat.... so it is understandable, I suppose?

I wouldn't blame the Chinese people for me, gross stuff.... because they are too poor to eat the meats we are familiar with....

that's their government's fault....

as with not telling us about this virus.... they cut off the internet so they, the people there, would not tell us or inform us of what was happening....

you have to know, thousands more died in China than what they are telling us from this corona virus....

the Chinese gvt, screwed their own people big time.... they have to be really upset.... losing so many relatives....
Anybody criticizing the Chinese for these wet markets has never had a dog steak. They're delicious.
Anyone who eats a dog by choice is ticketed for a rocket ship to hell.
Dogs are the only animals that rely on another species for their survival. Humans engineered their evolution to that effect. That’s what makes abusing them psychopathic.

If we have dogs why are wolves still around?

Just a simple question?
Anybody criticizing the Chinese for these wet markets has never had a dog steak. They're delicious.
Anyone who eats a dog by choice is ticketed for a rocket ship to hell.
Dogs are the only animals that rely on another species for their survival. Humans engineered their evolution to that effect. That’s what makes abusing them psychopathic.

If we have dogs why are wolves still around?

Just a simple question?
Because the wolves that didn’t become dogs got to the campsite too late.
Anybody criticizing the Chinese for these wet markets has never had a dog steak. They're delicious.
Anyone who eats a dog by choice is ticketed for a rocket ship to hell.
Dogs are the only animals that rely on another species for their survival. Humans engineered their evolution to that effect. That’s what makes abusing them psychopathic.

If we have dogs why are wolves still around?

Just a simple question?
Because the wolves that didn’t become dogs got to the campsite too late.
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