Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

You may want to add this in some of those info blogs. MSM is trying to make it sound like the GSA director didn't receive personal threats for not giving Biden's team money before protocols were covered. A switch from MSM to she received no threats from the Trump admin to she received no threats for not releasing money prior to it being legal for her to do so. She simply did her job an followed the law and was threatened by the left for doing it properly. Her letter outlining everything including threats to her family, pets, etc...

Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

That's quite a list on how the West was bummed. /wah-wah trumpet :rolleyes-41:
An official monitor in the Wayne County vote counting center says she personally witnessed over 130,000 ballots being delivered between 2.a.m. and 4a.m., in a van accompanied by a Ferrari. This coincides with the time that Trump’s solid lead in MI vanished, in the wee hours of the morning. Status: no investigation of observer’s testimony, no major media attention.

Truthfully now, if you were Trump's lawyer would you take this lady into court as a witness on Trump's behalf based on her video? Watch it again and be honest and tell us what she said claimed to have 'personally witnessed'.
Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

You lost. Get over it, cupcake. The Elect stands no matter what crap you want to post.
First one one your list, the Chairman presented no evidence of massive fraud. Furthermore the FEC deals with Campaign finance law.

As far as the rest goes, which ones were presented and accepted in court somewhere, anywhere?
Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

SO MUCH incriminating evidence that proves Smarttech using Dominion voting systems dumped in thousands of votes for Biden on the one hand, while taking away Trump votes on the other.

The Supreme Court is not going to ignore, or be able to ignore even if they wanted to, the irrefutable case for election fraud and the nullification of Joe Biden and his corrupt campaign.

That's why the chatter and idiocy of trolls doesn't bother me. The Trump campaign will have the last at bat in this game and Sidney Powell and Lin Wood will hit it out of the park because they have ALL the
incontrovertible evidence behind them.

It's all on record, the repetitive timed voting dumps for Joe Biden. It's irrefutable.
The media has willingly played along with the scam and I'd call them shameful but they
are in business of promoting leftist values and coups, so their lies are taken for granted.

And all the poor little trolls! How will they ever recover? Denial, anger, disbelief, surprise...they
will have to cope. Or just wither away like a little noxious weed, hopefully.
Last edited:
Truthfully now, if you were Trump's lawyer would you take this lady into court as a witness on Trump's behalf based on her video? Watch it again and be honest and tell us what she said claimed to have 'personally witnessed'.
And you can absolutely with certainty call this woman a liar? Or at best mistaken?
Where is your proof? What do you gain by trying to impugn this woman?
Truthfully now, if you were Trump's lawyer would you take this lady into court as a witness on Trump's behalf based on her video? Watch it again and be honest and tell us what she said claimed to have 'personally witnessed'.
And you can absolutely with certainty call this woman a liar? Or at best mistaken?
Where is your proof? What do you gain by trying to impugn this woman?

Thanks for quoting me. I do believe the lady is 100% sincere and I had no trouble at all with what she had to say. However, she herself doesn't claim to have 'personally witnessed' anything. I've seen enough of Perry Mason and Matlock to classify her statement as hearsay information. Those I'm calling out as liars are people insinuating that she is passing along 1st hand information.
An official monitor in the Wayne County vote counting center says she personally witnessed over 130,000 ballots being delivered between 2.a.m. and 4a.m., in a van accompanied by a Ferrari. This coincides with the time that Trump’s solid lead in MI vanished, in the wee hours of the morning. Status: no investigation of observer’s testimony, no major media attention.

Truthfully now, if you were Trump's lawyer would you take this lady into court as a witness on Trump's behalf based on her video? Watch it again and be honest and tell us what she said claimed to have 'personally witnessed'.

I wouldn't bring anyone into court before deposing them, cross examining them in private, waiting a few days then doing it again to see if it's the same story. You know, what lawyers do.
Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

American Thinker
Gateway Pundit
Epoch Times
Hashtags, innuendo and wordpress sites.

Complete garbage.
Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

Why are you presenting it to us? Take that load of shit to court if it's real.

(It ain't)
Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

SO MUCH incriminating evidence that proves Smarttech using Dominion voting systems dumped in thousands of votes for Biden on the one hand, while taking away Trump votes on the other.

The Supreme Court is not going to ignore, or be able to ignore even if they wanted to, the irrefutable case for election fraud and the nullification of Joe Biden and his corrupt campaign.

That's why the chatter and idiocy of trolls doesn't bother me. The Trump campaign will have the last at bat in this game and Sidney Powell and Lin Wood will hit it out of the park because they have ALL the
incontrovertible evidence behind them.

It's all on record, the repetitive timed voting dumps for Joe Biden. It's irrefutable.
The media has willingly played along with the scam and I'd call them shameful but they
are in business of promoting leftist values and coups, so their lies are taken for granted.

And all the poor little trolls! How will they ever recover? Denial, anger, disbelief, surprise...they
will have to cope. Or just wither away like a little noxious weed, hopefully.
Dumbfuck, there's no evidence that Smartmatic was used in any of the battleground states. If there was any actual fraud, you wouldn't have to make up false claims of fraud like you're doing.
An official monitor in the Wayne County vote counting center says she personally witnessed over 130,000 ballots being delivered between 2.a.m. and 4a.m., in a van accompanied by a Ferrari. This coincides with the time that Trump’s solid lead in MI vanished, in the wee hours of the morning. Status: no investigation of observer’s testimony, no major media attention.

Truthfully now, if you were Trump's lawyer would you take this lady into court as a witness on Trump's behalf based on her video? Watch it again and be honest and tell us what she said claimed to have 'personally witnessed'.
Not only did that woman not actually witness the events she describes, her claims that ballots were dropped off by a van were completely debunked as it turned out, there was video of that van and it turned out what was dropped off was camera equipment, not ballots.

It's amazing how much fraud the right can't find.
It's amazing how much evidence of election fraud is being found by the RWNJs. But, rumors and innuendo from Face Book or other such sources favored by the RWNJ crowd hasn't been very impressive when used in court.

But, keep digging, you RWNJs need something to occupy your insignificant lives.

An official monitor in the Wayne County vote counting center says she personally witnessed over 130,000 ballots being delivered between 2.a.m. and 4a.m., in a van accompanied by a Ferrari. This coincides with the time that Trump’s solid lead in MI vanished, in the wee hours of the morning. Status: no investigation of observer’s testimony, no major media attention.

Truthfully now, if you were Trump's lawyer would you take this lady into court as a witness on Trump's behalf based on her video? Watch it again and be honest and tell us what she said claimed to have 'personally witnessed'.

I wouldn't bring anyone into court before deposing them, cross examining them in private, waiting a few days then doing it again to see if it's the same story. You know, what lawyers do.

That makes sense but only after determining whether the person has actually personally witnessing anything. The article's writer claimed she did witness what was happening, but in the video link provided, her story was based on what she was told by a person from inside the election center. Her story needs to be tracked back to its original source so that all that lawyer stuff you mention can be conducted with the right person.
Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

SO MUCH incriminating evidence that proves Smarttech using Dominion voting systems dumped in thousands of votes for Biden on the one hand, while taking away Trump votes on the other.

The Supreme Court is not going to ignore, or be able to ignore even if they wanted to, the irrefutable case for election fraud and the nullification of Joe Biden and his corrupt campaign.

That's why the chatter and idiocy of trolls doesn't bother me. The Trump campaign will have the last at bat in this game and Sidney Powell and Lin Wood will hit it out of the park because they have ALL the
incontrovertible evidence behind them.

It's all on record, the repetitive timed voting dumps for Joe Biden. It's irrefutable.
The media has willingly played along with the scam and I'd call them shameful but they
are in business of promoting leftist values and coups, so their lies are taken for granted.

And all the poor little trolls! How will they ever recover? Denial, anger, disbelief, surprise...they
will have to cope. Or just wither away like a little noxious weed, hopefully.

I agree there is plenty of evidence. There are thousands of signed affidavits from Rep and Dem watchers as well. Oh and lets not forget Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

One fraudulent election and I hope it lands in front of the Supreme court.
Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

SO MUCH incriminating evidence that proves Smarttech using Dominion voting systems dumped in thousands of votes for Biden on the one hand, while taking away Trump votes on the other.

The Supreme Court is not going to ignore, or be able to ignore even if they wanted to, the irrefutable case for election fraud and the nullification of Joe Biden and his corrupt campaign.

That's why the chatter and idiocy of trolls doesn't bother me. The Trump campaign will have the last at bat in this game and Sidney Powell and Lin Wood will hit it out of the park because they have ALL the
incontrovertible evidence behind them.

It's all on record, the repetitive timed voting dumps for Joe Biden. It's irrefutable.
The media has willingly played along with the scam and I'd call them shameful but they
are in business of promoting leftist values and coups, so their lies are taken for granted.

And all the poor little trolls! How will they ever recover? Denial, anger, disbelief, surprise...they
will have to cope. Or just wither away like a little noxious weed, hopefully.

I agree there is plenty of evidence. There are thousands of signed affidavits from Rep and Dem watchers as well. Oh and lets not forget Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

One fraudulent election and I hope it lands in front of the Supreme court.
An official monitor in the Wayne County vote counting center says she personally witnessed over 130,000 ballots being delivered between 2.a.m. and 4a.m., in a van accompanied by a Ferrari. This coincides with the time that Trump’s solid lead in MI vanished, in the wee hours of the morning. Status: no investigation of observer’s testimony, no major media attention.

Truthfully now, if you were Trump's lawyer would you take this lady into court as a witness on Trump's behalf based on her video? Watch it again and be honest and tell us what she said claimed to have 'personally witnessed'.

I wouldn't bring anyone into court before deposing them, cross examining them in private, waiting a few days then doing it again to see if it's the same story. You know, what lawyers do.

That makes sense but only after determining whether the person has actually personally witnessing anything. The article's writer claimed she did witness what was happening, but in the video link provided, her story was based on what she was told by a person from inside the election center. Her story needs to be tracked back to its original source so that all that lawyer stuff you mention can be conducted with the right person.

It just keeps coming. And getting more credible and concise. When 100 people who don't know each other are all telling essentially the same story, it's the truth. A bunch of housewives and county GOP hacks couldn't all get their heads together like that.

Questions class?

Compilation: Evidence of Election Fraud Against Trump Voters, With Sources

It is almost too much to keep track of. The following is a running partial list of evidence, with notes. As usual in news, early reports are the most accurate before the spin machine gets hold of it and misrepresents the story. We recommend that when you do your own research to confirm these, use less-censored DuckDuckGo as a search engine.

  • The Parallel Vote Dumps 100% for Biden in Two Critical Swing States, at Around the Same Time.
Although a 130,000-plus vote jump 100% vote jump for Biden which puts him in the lead might be explained away once, what are the chances of it happening twice, in two critical swing states, at about the same time frame very early in the morning? Although major media have struggled with “debunks” of two charts confirmed as authentic by FiveThirtyEight, none are remotely adequate. The charts are below.

Click for larger image

In the charts, sudden vote dumps are seen at between 5 and 6:30 in the morning that are all for Biden, something that never happens even once never mind twice. The Michigan jump has been explained as a “clerical error” in which a zero was mistakenly added to a county total then subtracted. But the subtraction is never seen, even in an AP graph purporting to be a more accurate representation of the counting (below.) The AP graph for Michigan merely smooths out the rate at which votes are added to Biden’s total.

Click for larger image

source: Detroit Free Press

However, the “debunk” for the Wisconsin jump is even less convincing. The “debunk” site Snopes, which is on-hand anytime there is a challenge to the official narrative put forth in the major media, can only say that Trump must have been that unpopular among people who send in absentee ballots, even though they were being counted since 7a.m. election day with no 140,000 vote steaks for all Biden.

As if that were already not enough to arouse suspicion, the election-watcher who was tweeting out the FiveThirtyEight charts showing the jumps suddenly had his Twitter account banned (below.)



Status: No adequate explanation for the mathematical impossibility of this happening twice, at same time, in two adjacent critical swing states.

SO MUCH incriminating evidence that proves Smarttech using Dominion voting systems dumped in thousands of votes for Biden on the one hand, while taking away Trump votes on the other.

The Supreme Court is not going to ignore, or be able to ignore even if they wanted to, the irrefutable case for election fraud and the nullification of Joe Biden and his corrupt campaign.

That's why the chatter and idiocy of trolls doesn't bother me. The Trump campaign will have the last at bat in this game and Sidney Powell and Lin Wood will hit it out of the park because they have ALL the
incontrovertible evidence behind them.

It's all on record, the repetitive timed voting dumps for Joe Biden. It's irrefutable.
The media has willingly played along with the scam and I'd call them shameful but they
are in business of promoting leftist values and coups, so their lies are taken for granted.

And all the poor little trolls! How will they ever recover? Denial, anger, disbelief, surprise...they
will have to cope. Or just wither away like a little noxious weed, hopefully.

I agree there is plenty of evidence. There are thousands of signed affidavits from Rep and Dem watchers as well. Oh and lets not forget Dominion took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch.

One fraudulent election and I hope it lands in front of the Supreme court.
How do you know there are thousands of signed affidavits? Have you seen them?

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