Compare and Contrast How Establishment Reacts to Two Different Sets of People, the Citizen Protectiung Himself, vrs Rioters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The crooked Political Machines that have run most of American cities since FDR was President, have always h ated vigilantes for busting their leg breakers, shylocks and Sheisters.

And they still do.

This guy was warning 'protesters' to back off and he gets arrested for 'assault', but not the protesters who were menacing him.

A California man captured on camera pointing a loaded AR-15 rifle at a group of advancing protesters has been arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Jacob Daniel Bracken, 38, of Rancho Cucamonga, faces two counts of assault with a deadly weapon related to the incident in Upland on Monday, the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office said.
Even though Bracken did not fire the rifle and no one was injured, Upland Police Chief Darren Goodman explained the assault charge: “You point the weapon at someone with the intent to intimidate and the weapon being loaded itself.”
One video shared by a KNBC reporter at the scene showed Bracken take the AR-15 out of a pickup truck, yelling for the crowd to “back the f--- up.

But rioters that are on the same side as the Establishment who wants to scare America back more into a racially polarized condition, they bail out the worst of the rioting scum no matter what.

The Washington Free Beacon first reported that Salmah Rizvi, who served in the Defense Department and State Department during the Obama administration, went to bat for Urooj Rahman, who was arrested this weekend alongside Pryor Cashman associate Colinford Mattis.
Rizvi, an associate at the law firm Ropes & Gray, told the court: "Urooj Rahman is my best friend and I am an associate at the law firm Ropes & Gray in Washington, D.C. ... I earn $255,000 a year."

So her income entitles her to free people that are homicidal maniacs?

That is the Elite of our country today; entitled, irrational and retarded.
If only the laws said what you all wish they did, the world would be a different place, and your hero’s would be lauded by society.
If only the laws said what you all wish they did, the world would be a different place, and your hero’s would be lauded by society.
The laws *do* say what they say, but Post Modernists think that their interpretation is as valid as anyone elses and so they demonize our society,its laws and police for ideological purposes.

And our cops ARE lauded, dude, by anyone with at least one fucntioning brain cell.

Without our cops the most violent rule, and that is the rednecks, bubba..
The mob definitely has the authorities by the blank.

I have just heard (correctly, I think) that the Los Angeles police chief recently kneeled in front of some protesters. The mayor had done so earlier.

Once the mob gets a taste of blood, it is not going to stop.
If only the laws said what you all wish they did, the world would be a different place, and your hero’s would be lauded by society.
The laws *do* say what they say, but Post Modernists think that their interpretation is as valid as anyone elses and so they demonize our society,its laws and police for ideological purposes.

And our cops ARE lauded, dude, by anyone with at least one fucntioning brain cell.

Without our cops the most violent rule, and that is the rednecks, bubba..

Using the original definition of Redneck. I qualify. A Redneck was a term of derision for Poor Whites who were working in the fields, the backs of their necks got burned by the sun, and it distinguished them from the rich who did not get sunburned necks. I was raised and have worked hard. I had a job as soon as it was legal for me to do so. Before that I had chores and work around the house.

So the term Redneck was a working class white. I see no shame in being one of those. Rednecks also do not tend to be especially violent. They may be undereducated, but not especially violent. They are not worldly, and they may work with minorities, especially in the south, they are not hostile towards the minorities. The term you are looking for to describe people like the McMichaels Is White Trash.

These scum have enough education to know they are not supposed to do it, but they do anyway. They are privileged enough to have opportunity, but too lazy to actually achieve. They have many complaints about why it is not fair. It is never their fault. Even in the darkness of their own hearts, they do not blame themselves, but society, minorities, and the rest. These scum are not Rednecks. They are the ones who would join the KKK and go out to take their frustrations out on targets of opportunity. Rednecks would explain that they had conflicting schedules. Aunt Marge has a birthday, or they was going to visit their Mama’s. They would not stand up and directly oppose the KKK, but they would not join in, and they would vote to convict on the Jury.

And the law has not protected us from those folks. It covers up for them, because those folks do join the Police.

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