Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March In Nyc Demanding ‘revolution, Nothing Less’

Use terms correctly if you want folks to treat you with respect, paulitician.

There is a problem, and you want to ignore it.

Tough. That will not happen.

Do what you have to do personally to 'save the world.' That's your right. I won't stop you. But i will try and stop you from forcing your agenda on me by way of Government intimidation and force. That will not happen.
LOL. Nearly 400,000 there. You really think that there are that many Communists in the whole of the US? Pattycake, you and the rest of your Red under the Bed ilk are a hoot.

Sure there are. Half the Democrat party is communist.

There's nothing "cuckoo" about it. Like you, they all deny they are communists. However, their agenda is indistinguishable from the agenda of the communist party.
Thousands of libcom's gather in an already polluted liberal city, further pollute our air and water with their sewage, and claim to be helping the planet got it. /sarcasm
LOL. Nearly 400,000 there. You really think that there are that many Communists in the whole of the US? Pattycake, you and the rest of your Red under the Bed ilk are a hoot.

Sure there are. Half the Democrat party is communist.

More "Democrats" at the climate rally:


Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of New York City today to call for more action to combat global warming, in what organizers are calling the largest climate change march in history.

Just listen to the liberal fucking morons. Scary, how many of the morons there are.
‘People’s Climate March’ Hurt By Questions About Carbon Footprint
But the “People’s Climate March” is being hampered by questions about the gathering’s carbon footprint and by the fact that leaders from the world’s largest carbon dioxide emitters are ditching the UN climate conference this week. The march is heavily supported by celebrities and politicians who boast large carbon footprints.

According to the march’s organizers, somewhere around 400,000 activists showed up to march ahead of a major United Nations climate summit — based on estimates using number of city blocks of people marching.

Dozens of senators, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, showed up to march alongside activists. Other notables include celebrities Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo and Sting as well as with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. And of course, former Vice President Al Gore was there to join in on the fun.

But it takes a lot of fossil fuels to get tens of thousands of activists to New York City. Greenpeace and other groups, for example, chartered buses so activists across the country could take part in the march. The Guardian reports that nearly “500 buses have brought in demonstrators from other US states and Canada.” This of course, mixed with roadblocks for the march, caused huge traffic jams.

Not to mention the number of activists who took drove their cars, rode trains or flew in airplanes to the march, including DiCaprio and Gore. Also not accounted for is the increased electricity being used to accommodate the thousands of activists this weekend, which primarily comes from natural gas. A large chunk of electricity in New York also comes from nuclear power, which environmentalists also oppose.

When questioned about fossil fuel use by celebrities, actor Mark Ruffalo said questioning their personal carbon footprints wasn’t appropriate because such inquiries defied “the spirit of what this is about.”
People s Climate March Hurt By Questions About Carbon Footprint The Daily Caller

How the People’s Climate March Became a Corporate PR Campaign

Nonetheless, to quote Han Solo, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

Environmental activist Anne Petermann and writer Quincy Saul describe how the People’s Climate March has no demands, no targets,and no enemy. Organizers admitted encouraging bankers to march was like saying Blackwater mercenaries should join an antiwar protest. There is no unity other than money. One veteran activist who was involved in Occupy Wall Street said it was made known there was plenty of money to hire her and others. There is no sense of history: decades of climate-justice activism are being erased by the incessant invocation of the “biggest climate change demonstration ever.” Investigative reporter Cory Morningstar has connected the dots between the organizing groups, and Avaaz, the global online activist outfit modeled on MoveOn, and institutions like the World Bank and Clinton Global Initiative. Morningstar claims the secret of Avaaz’s success is its “expertise in behavioral change.”

That is what I find most troubling. Having worked on Madison Avenue for nearly a decade, I can smell a P.R. and marketing campaign a mile away. That’s what the People’s Climate March looks to be. According to inside sources a push early on for a Seattle-style event—organizing thousands of people to nonviolently shut down the area around the United Nations—was thwarted by paid staff with the organizing groups.

One participant in the organizing meetings said, “In the beginning people were saying, ‘This is our Seattle,’” referring to the 1999 World Trade Organization ministerial that was derailed by direct action. But the paid staff got the politics-free Climate March. Another source said, “You wouldn’t see Avaaz promoting an occupy-style action. The strategic decision was made to have a big march and get as many mainstream groups on board as possible.”

Nothing wrong with that. Not every tactic should be based on Occupy. But in an email about climate change that Avaaz sent out last December, which apparently raked in millions of dollars, it wrote, “It’s time for powerful, direct, non-violent action, to capture imagination, convey moral urgency, and inspire people to act. Think Occupy.”
How the People 8217 s Climate March Became a Corporate PR Campaign CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

Rockefellers, Heirs to an Oil Fortune, Will Divest Charity of Fossil Fuels

John D. Rockefeller built a vast fortune on oil. Now his heirs are abandoning fossil fuels.

The family whose legendary wealth flowed from Standard Oil is planning to announce on Monday that its $860 million philanthropic organization, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, is joining the divestment movement that began a couple years ago on college campuses.
More "Democrats" at the climate rally:

I would not assume they call themselves Democrats.

They call themselves "progressives," just like Hillary Clinton.
I would bet many of the ones in your photos self-identify as Socialists and not as Democrats.

According to the article referenced in my OP, the ones carrying the signs calling for the destruction of capitalism call themselves "progressives."
Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March In Nyc Demanding ‘revolution, Nothing Less’

OMG, thanks for warning us. Those evil radical commies. I also thought I saw a few ISIS and al Qaeda members. Thankfully, there are no reports of beheadings. Anyone release Ebola?

Are you saying you don't have a problem with people who want to overthrow the government and impose a communist dictatorship?
Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March In Nyc Demanding ‘revolution, Nothing Less’

OMG, thanks for warning us. Those evil radical commies. I also thought I saw a few ISIS and al Qaeda members. Thankfully, there are no reports of beheadings. Anyone release Ebola?

Are you saying you don't have a problem with people who want to overthrow the government and impose a communist dictatorship?

No, finger boy, I have no problem with them marching. I assume they were legal and peaceful. It's a free country.

Capitalism is killing the planet.
LOL. Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Now the citizens are actually seeing it for themselves in the disappearing cryosphere, and the extreme weather events.

Cookies must be enabled. The Australian

I am all for more public why are the media against them?? When I was at Uni in the 70s it was well known that the Enviro-Sciences were nuts!! So why the hell does ANYONE listen to the nut jobs now!!

And yes: the SAME guys who warned us about Global Freezing Armageddon were pushing AGW thirty years later!! lmao. It's a joke and a con; only a leftist would be stupid enough to swallow that crock of shite!!...And yes they do!! Of course it was all America's fault back then. Now it's America must lead us back to the stone age. Too stupid for words!!


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