Communist China

  • Thread starter Thread starter evancity2
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Is there a right communism, and is China using the wrong one? Does communism affect the threat of WWIII with China vs. Us.If WWIII occurs, what will be the outcome of it.
Alright you commie, empty your pockets. You're just like the rest of them, trying to minipulate our society, slowly but surely. the closest you can get to a "good communism" is a socialism, and those are crap anyway. Most socialisms are in debt up to their noses. Because of too many welfare programs. It takes out the incentive to work if everything was controlled by the goverment. There would be no technological breakthroughs. And dont give me that crap about china advansing because of communism. THe only reason they make any advancments at all is because they step back into capitalism.(just a little) Well there you have it kids, the downfall of society, right there.
What are you talking about. Bringing up a topic descussing communism doesn't say I'm a commy. Play it slower, will you please. And tell me this, if your a patriot, than shouldn't you talk about how democracy beatd commies, not just put them down.get me some answers, or your a fake.
Welcome evancity and supermarine!

I tend to agree with supermarine on this one. I don't see anything good that communism has done for the people under its rule, in any country. Capitalism, on the other hand, brings wealth and freedoms to the people living underneath of it.
right or wrong communism? why don't you ask the hundreds on millions of people who were killed in the USSR and China if their using the right or wrong communism. they have a better perspective on it then we do.
Originally posted by evancity2
Is there a right communism, and is China using the wrong one? Does communism affect the threat of WWIII with China vs. Us.If WWIII occurs, what will be the outcome of it.

There is marxist communism and it has never been properly implemented in this world. There is communism as it exists today, which is marxism defined by Lenin and Stalin. China is not marxist because there was no revolution of proletariat against the burgeois in a heavily industrialized and modern society. Instead there was a civil war between nationalists and communist supported rebels in a predominantly agricultural country which led to a one party dictatorship that alligned itself with the Soviet Union and so we called it communist.

China is not democratic.

We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to win the battle of democracy.

Communist Manifesto: Section II. Proletarians and Communists

All the communist countries that exist today are just Fascist states with fancy words and an ideology they merely pay lip service to.

We will never get involved in a land war with China. If it came to war, we would annhilate China with nuclear weapons. That's why we are building an Anti-Ballistic Missile shield. It wouldn't work against Russia's several thousand nukes, but it would supposedly have a better chance of working against the relative few nukes we believe China has.
communism does not equal the tyrannical regimes of china and ussr, tho the gov'ts there were called communist as well. communism is actually an economic term and could theoretically be practiced under a democracy just as much as a dictatorship, monacrchy, or any form of govt. no solid answers for the original question, but for my part I don't think any nation in the world is ready for a voluntary conversion to communism currently and that's what it would take for communism to actually get a fair trial as an economic system. also, any communist country needs to wise up to the idea of playing the capitalist game with the outside world but that's another thread. Communism won't be a deciding factor in the event of wwIII I don't believe, nor do I think it particularly likely anytime soon. If it does occur it could mean anything from a huge conventional war to limited nuclear to allout destruction of every major city and much of the rest. wheeee.
I was typing while you were posting Zhukov, great points and post!
hey, im back, maybe there is a way communism could be used in a good way, but every country that has tried it ended up in a disaster, so lets not take those chances. Try to learn from the past please.(DIE COMMIES) Also, in a capitalistic state, many countries have gained much money, freedom, money, money, money, moral, money, and oh yes, money. ANd everyone who lives in one has a chance.
Ya, I guess your right. But, if the government wasn't earning for money, and really was looking for the best system for their country (god knows when that will happen), the intent would at least be good. Also, Lefty Wilbury, communist USSR left a long time ago (too lazy to look up when). Where have you been! Thnx guys. I just still am not comferted with the fact that I live right next to SF. At least we have a cabin in the Searra-Nevadas we can retreat to... if there's time. We can always hope. Oh, and before I leave, I want to make two things clear.

1. This post has not been "closed down". Please keep replying.

2. If the government wasn't earning for money, and really was looking for the best system for their country, the intent would at least be good. THNX agian:)
Here a good reference to understand just how good communism and other forms of totalitarianism are for their citizens:

Death by Government

China is evolving from communism to fascism. The effect on China's subjects will only be noticeable in a bit more variety and abundance of consumer goods.
communism is actually an economic term and could theoretically be practiced under a democracy just as much as a dictatorship, monacrchy, or any form of govt

Actually no; communism as described by Marx was even more directly democratic than the representative democracy of our republic. Even the smallest things were to be voted on by everyone.

maybe there is a way communism could be used in a good way

Only, it seems, if human nature itself changes, and that's not likely to happen anytime soon. Though the Soviet Union wasn't strictly speaking a communist country it did prove one point, the communist mantra of "from everyone according to their abilities; to everyone according to their needs" translated in reality to "from everyone as little as you can get away with; to everyone nothing but the crap such a work ethic produces."
to clairfy my post i was using the "if their using" part refering to china. i should have posted "ask all the people who died in the former USSR if they used the right form of communism and ask the millions of dead people in china if their using the right one."
1 thing i dispise about some people is calling carl marx an ok guy, just thinking of a philosophy that was ok. NOT TRUE!
Carl was a man with little responsablity. All of his children either died of disease, or suicide. Marx scuabbled his money and ruined his family. Another thing is communism is not more democratic than capitalism, people arent allowed to own buessness, and the govt controls everything. Also they dont allow polital rivalry. (DIE COMMIES)
im not dramatic, just tellin the truth, anything dramatic about tellin the truth? (u stupid COMMIE)
What?????!!!! How are you telling the truth. Maybe it is the half truth, or you are just ignrant! So just speak normally, and stop saying "DIE COMMIES". And I'm not a commie.
Originally posted by evancity2

2. If the government wasn't earning for money, and really was looking for the best system for their country, the intent would at least be good. THNX agian:) [/B]

This thread was a put on wasn't it? The sentence above appears to be a well constructed farce of what bad writers with worse ideas would concoct.
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