Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
These are the people who is bringing all this mayhem, protesting into your towns, cities and lives folks
they are all connected with Holder, obama and Sharpton. they don't care about dead black people they are just a good EXCUSE FOR THEM USE
wake up

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:

The chants are mostly variations of chants heard at leftist protests across the country for decades:

“NYPD, KKK, How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Cops you better start shaking Cause today’s pigs is tomorrow’s bacon!”

“White cop black cop all the same, Racist terror is the name of their game!”

“Racist cops you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide!”

“Asian, Latin, Black and White, Same enemy, same Fight! Workers of the world unite!”

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!”

There are more chants as can be seen in the photo.

The chant sheet has a box claiming authorship and a communist recruitment enticement

H/t @politeracy and @HouseCracka
Also on hand in New York is the Revolutionary Communist Party:

ALL of it here:
Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest The Gateway Pundit
I guess this means every protester is a commie, eh?

"My, that's a really wide brush you have there, Grandma."

"The better to paint you with, my dear."
I guess this means every protester is a commie, eh?

"My, that's a really wide brush you have there, Grandma."

"The better to paint you with, my dear."

the ones out there now are. with their little sheep from the high schools and colleges marching along like they are following the pied piper or something
OWS Round II.

That' all you need to know. It's Obama and his Bolsheviks at it again.
communist chant sheet ?

about 2/3rds of the RW's on this board rant about the cops... communist RW'r 's.
Hopefully these completely legitimate protests won't be hijacked by Communist Race-Baiting assholes. The relatives of this poor man should politely ask Al Sharpton and others to exit the scene. Race-Hustlers like him do them no good. Most Americans want to support them. Al Sharpton will only cause many to just ignore and move on. They'll tune him out. They should just request Sharpton go away.
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I guess this means every protester is a commie, eh?

"My, that's a really wide brush you have there, Grandma."

"The better to paint you with, my dear."

the ones out there now are. with their little sheep from the high schools and colleges marching along like they are following the pied piper or something
It's always been that way. Zealots have a lot of energy, and so they are the ones who organize the protests and get all the necessary permits and get the word out.

Then the useful idiots show up in large numbers, never realizing they are being used by extremists with whom they would probably have severe differences with.

That's how a very tiny minority can amplify its power. Savvy manipulation of the herd.

During the Iraq anti-war protests, all the largest protests were organized by International ANSWER, a Stalinist front organization of the WWP.
These are the people who is bringing all this mayhem, protesting into your towns, cities and lives folks
they are all connected with Holder, obama and Sharpton. they don't care about dead black people they are just a good EXCUSE FOR THEM USE
wake up

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:

The chants are mostly variations of chants heard at leftist protests across the country for decades:

“NYPD, KKK, How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Cops you better start shaking Cause today’s pigs is tomorrow’s bacon!”

“White cop black cop all the same, Racist terror is the name of their game!”

“Racist cops you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide!”

“Asian, Latin, Black and White, Same enemy, same Fight! Workers of the world unite!”

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!”

There are more chants as can be seen in the photo.

The chant sheet has a box claiming authorship and a communist recruitment enticement

H/t @politeracy and @HouseCracka
Also on hand in New York is the Revolutionary Communist Party:

ALL of it here:
Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest The Gateway Pundit

So? It's a free country. People, even communists, have a right to say whatever they want at public rallies.

We have a problem when they are NOT allowed to demonstrate. Get it yet, dufuss? Of course you don't.

News flash, Staphie, communists are even allowed to vote in our elections! Shocking.
These are the people who is bringing all this mayhem, protesting into your towns, cities and lives folks
they are all connected with Holder, obama and Sharpton. they don't care about dead black people they are just a good EXCUSE FOR THEM USE
wake up

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:

The chants are mostly variations of chants heard at leftist protests across the country for decades:

“NYPD, KKK, How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Cops you better start shaking Cause today’s pigs is tomorrow’s bacon!”

“White cop black cop all the same, Racist terror is the name of their game!”

“Racist cops you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide!”

“Asian, Latin, Black and White, Same enemy, same Fight! Workers of the world unite!”

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!”

There are more chants as can be seen in the photo.

The chant sheet has a box claiming authorship and a communist recruitment enticement

H/t @politeracy and @HouseCracka
Also on hand in New York is the Revolutionary Communist Party:

ALL of it here:
Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest The Gateway Pundit

So? It's a free country. People, even communists, have a right to say whatever they want at public rallies.

We have a problem when they are NOT allowed to demonstrate. Get it yet, dufuss? Of course you don't.

News flash, Staphie, communists are even allowed to vote in our elections! Shocking.

True.. very true. But it is till important for people to understand who these idiots really are.
These are the people who is bringing all this mayhem, protesting into your towns, cities and lives folks
they are all connected with Holder, obama and Sharpton. they don't care about dead black people they are just a good EXCUSE FOR THEM USE
wake up

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:

The chants are mostly variations of chants heard at leftist protests across the country for decades:

“NYPD, KKK, How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Cops you better start shaking Cause today’s pigs is tomorrow’s bacon!”

“White cop black cop all the same, Racist terror is the name of their game!”

“Racist cops you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide!”

“Asian, Latin, Black and White, Same enemy, same Fight! Workers of the world unite!”

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!”

There are more chants as can be seen in the photo.

The chant sheet has a box claiming authorship and a communist recruitment enticement

H/t @politeracy and @HouseCracka
Also on hand in New York is the Revolutionary Communist Party:

ALL of it here:
Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest The Gateway Pundit

So? It's a free country. People, even communists, have a right to say whatever they want at public rallies.

We have a problem when they are NOT allowed to demonstrate. Get it yet, dufuss? Of course you don't.

News flash, Staphie, communists are even allowed to vote in our elections! Shocking.

True.. very true. But it is till important for people to understand who these idiots really are.

why? so you can avoid sitting next to them at McDonalds?
Some want it, I hope most don't but subversives are making major inroads in this country right under our noses. And many are teaching our kids today. Many are working within our government. Yet, there is not much we can do and they know that. The Bill Ayres' and James Kilgore's know that and now work within, rather than through radical killings, as they once did. They realize their influence will go mostly unnoticed, until it is possibly too late. They bank on that.
I know how much you all hate it, being fascists at heart, but we have the right to protest in this country. Just deal with it.

I know how much you all hate it, being fascists at heart, but we Communists have the right to protest in this country...

There, fixed it for ya, Jake
These are the people who is bringing all this mayhem, protesting into your towns, cities and lives folks
they are all connected with Holder, obama and Sharpton. they don't care about dead black people they are just a good EXCUSE FOR THEM USE
wake up

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:

The chants are mostly variations of chants heard at leftist protests across the country for decades:

“NYPD, KKK, How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Cops you better start shaking Cause today’s pigs is tomorrow’s bacon!”

“White cop black cop all the same, Racist terror is the name of their game!”

“Racist cops you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide!”

“Asian, Latin, Black and White, Same enemy, same Fight! Workers of the world unite!”

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!”

There are more chants as can be seen in the photo.

The chant sheet has a box claiming authorship and a communist recruitment enticement

H/t @politeracy and @HouseCracka
Also on hand in New York is the Revolutionary Communist Party:

ALL of it here:
Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest The Gateway Pundit

So? It's a free country. People, even communists, have a right to say whatever they want at public rallies.

We have a problem when they are NOT allowed to demonstrate. Get it yet, dufuss? Of course you don't.

News flash, Staphie, communists are even allowed to vote in our elections! Shocking.

they aren't just saying what they want. they are NOW shutting down highways and INTERFERING with peoples every day lives. but if they were the Tea Party doing that you cowards/internet bullies would be shitting yourself. now sit down

DEVELOPING: Almost All Of Manhattan Shut Off From Rest Of The World…
Staten Island Ferry

Holland Tunnel

Brooklyn Bridge
and more at
Weasel Zippers Scouring the bowels of the internet Weasel Zippers

and then there is this:
Jeff Toobin suggests racism behind Garner grand jury verdict - "More White" Staten Island
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Their website is owned by Bob Avakian: Bob Avakian - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As a young man he became involved with the Students for a Democratic Society at Berkeley, the Free Speech Movement[2] and the Black Panther Party.[4] In 1968 he wrote articles for the Peace and Freedom Party's publications[5] and in July 1969 he attended the Black Panther conference held in Oakland, California.[6] By the time that SDS split into three factions in the summer of 1969, Avakian was a leading member of the Revolutionary Youth Movement II faction, and was their candidate for National Secretary. Although defeated for the top position by Mark Rudd of the faction soon known as Weatherman, Avakian was elected to the National Interim Committee. [7] During that period, Avakian was a leading member of the Bay Area Revolutionary Union.[8]

In the early 1970s he served time in jail for "desecrating the American flag" during a demonstration.[2] Avakian was charged with assaulting a police officer in January 1979 at a demonstration held in Washington DC to protest Deng Xiaoping's meeting with Jimmy Carter.[4][9][10] After receiving an arrest warrant, Avakian "jumped bail" and fled to France.[2] In 1980, he gave a speech to 200 protestors in downtown Oakland[11] and his police assault charges were dropped a few years later.[1][4]

He went on a speaking tour in 2000[12] and in 2005 published an autobiography called From Ike to Mao and Beyond: My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist.[1][13][14]

Avakian has been the Revolutionary Communist Party's central committee chairman and national leader since 1979.[11][15]
They are also COSTING the taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars with police enforcements, lost of money to their businesses, etc

Maybe You the citizen will get tired of their shit soon
These are the people who is bringing all this mayhem, protesting into your towns, cities and lives folks
they are all connected with Holder, obama and Sharpton. they don't care about dead black people they are just a good EXCUSE FOR THEM USE
wake up

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:

The chants are mostly variations of chants heard at leftist protests across the country for decades:

“NYPD, KKK, How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Cops you better start shaking Cause today’s pigs is tomorrow’s bacon!”

“White cop black cop all the same, Racist terror is the name of their game!”

“Racist cops you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide!”

“Asian, Latin, Black and White, Same enemy, same Fight! Workers of the world unite!”

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!”

There are more chants as can be seen in the photo.

The chant sheet has a box claiming authorship and a communist recruitment enticement

H/t @politeracy and @HouseCracka
Also on hand in New York is the Revolutionary Communist Party:

ALL of it here:
Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest The Gateway Pundit

So? It's a free country. People, even communists, have a right to say whatever they want at public rallies.

We have a problem when they are NOT allowed to demonstrate. Get it yet, dufuss? Of course you don't.

News flash, Staphie, communists are even allowed to vote in our elections! Shocking.

True.. very true. But it is till important for people to understand who these idiots really are.

why? so you can avoid sitting next to them at McDonalds?
They can say whatever they like, and we can point out that they are commies.
These are the people who is bringing all this mayhem, protesting into your towns, cities and lives folks
they are all connected with Holder, obama and Sharpton. they don't care about dead black people they are just a good EXCUSE FOR THEM USE
wake up

The Progressive Labor Party, a self-described ‘revolutionary communist organization’,’ handed out a chant sheet at Thursday evening’s Eric Garner protest in New York City.

A reporter for DNAInfo, Lisha Arino, posted a photo of the chant sheet to Twitter:

The chants are mostly variations of chants heard at leftist protests across the country for decades:

“NYPD, KKK, How many kids did you kill today?”

“Hey Cops you better start shaking Cause today’s pigs is tomorrow’s bacon!”

“White cop black cop all the same, Racist terror is the name of their game!”

“Racist cops you can’t hide, We charge you with genocide!”

“Asian, Latin, Black and White, Same enemy, same Fight! Workers of the world unite!”

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!”

There are more chants as can be seen in the photo.

The chant sheet has a box claiming authorship and a communist recruitment enticement

H/t @politeracy and @HouseCracka
Also on hand in New York is the Revolutionary Communist Party:

ALL of it here:
Communist Chant Sheet Distributed at NYC Eric Garner Protest The Gateway Pundit

So? It's a free country. People, even communists, have a right to say whatever they want at public rallies.

We have a problem when they are NOT allowed to demonstrate. Get it yet, dufuss? Of course you don't.

News flash, Staphie, communists are even allowed to vote in our elections! Shocking.

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