Comey: ‘I Can’t Imagine That I’m a Target’ of the Durham Probe


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011

Comey: 'I Can’t Imagine That I’m a Target' of the Durham Probe

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” former FBI Director James Comey said he couldn’t “imagine” he was a target of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s ongoing probe of the origins of the investigation into Russia’s 2016 election interference.

Comey: 'I Can’t Imagine That I’m a Target' of the Durham Probe

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” former FBI Director James Comey said he couldn’t “imagine” he was a target of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s ongoing probe of the origins of the investigation into Russia’s 2016 election interference.
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"MARGARET BRENNAN: I have to ask you, the Justice Department is investigating the investigation into 2016. Do you know if you are a witness or a target or have you sat for an interview with John Durham as part of the investigation?

"COMEY: Yeah, I have no idea. I’ve had no contact with him and haven’t talked to him.

"BRENNAN: Do you believe that that means you are a target?

"COMEY: I can’t imagine that I’m a target. I saw the news report that John Brennan was a witness. Given that I know what happened during 2016, which was a bunch of people trying to do the right thing consistent with the law, I’m not worried at all about that investigation of the investigation.

"Next, I’m sure will be an investigation of the investigation of the investigation. They just want to have an investigation to talk about."
10 Questions James Comey Could Face During His Senate Testimony: Analysis
Former FBI Director James Comey is sworn in prior to testifying before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., June 8, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/Files

What did Comey know about the Steele dossier’s primary source, Igor Danchenko?

According to an FBI memo declassified and published last week, the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation against Igor Danchenko, the primary source for dossier author Christopher Steele, in 2009.

Danchenko, a Russia analyst, had contact in 2005 and 2006 with known Russian intelligence officers, according to the FBI memo.

Graham, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, called the revelation “stunning.”

What did Comey know about Danchenko’s FBI interviews?

An FBI special agent and an FBI supervisory intelligence analyst interviewed Danchenko over the course of three days in January 2017.

The IG report says that Danchenko’s statements raised questions about the reliability of the dossier, yet that assessment was not included in the two FISA warrants sought after the interviews.

Danchenko told investigators that he provided Steele with unverified rumors of Trump and his associates’ activities. He said that Steele portrayed some of the information as having been verified when it wasn’t.

Despite the red flags about the dossier, news outlets continued through 2017 to report that parts of the document had been verified. The FBI did not intervene to correct the narrative.

Why did Comey fight so hard to use the dossier in the ICA?

Comey and McCabe spearheaded the effort to include information from the dossier in the ICA, according to the IG report and testimony provided to the Senate.

Former CIA Director John Brennan told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the agency “pushed back” aggressively against Comey to try not to include the dossier in the ICA.

Why did Comey use briefings for Trump and Flynn to collect evidence for Crossfire Hurricane?

According to IG reports, Comey and other FBI officials used briefings provided to Donald Trump and Michael Flynn to collect evidence for the Crossfire Hurricane probe.

Would Comey sign still sign FISA warrants against Carter Page?

The Justice Department in January 2020 invalidated two of the four FISA orders granted against Carter Page because of the FBI’s numerous errors.

Comey signed three of the four FISA warrants, including one that the DOJ has invalidated. Other signees of warrants — former Deputy Attorneys General Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates — have both said that they would not have signed the warrants in light of the revelations about the Steele dossier.

What did Comey know about possible disinformation in the Steele dossier?

The IG report said that the FBI received evidence in January and February 2017 that Russian intelligence operatives may have fed disinformation to Steele, a former MI6 officer.

The report said that Steele’s allegations that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen met with Kremlin officials, and that the Russian government had blackmail material on Donald Trump, may have been Russian disinformation.

The IG report does not go into detail about the FBI’s assessment regarding disinformation. It is unclear who all at the FBI was aware of the possibility that disinformation was fed to Steele.

When did FBI learn that allegations about Michael Cohen were inaccurate?

The FBI reportedly knew by mid-2017 that the dossier’s most specific allegation of Trump-Russia collusion was false, but did not communicate that information to the public or Congress.

Steele alleged that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 to meet with Kremlin insiders to discuss paying hackers.

The IG report said that the FBI received evidence on Jan. 12, 2017, that the allegations about Cohen might have been Russian disinformation.

What are Comey’s thoughts on statements by FBI Special Agent William Barnett, who questioned the basis of the Flynn investigation?

William Barnett, the FBI’s lead agent on the Flynn probe, told U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen earlier this month that the predicate of the Flynn investigation was “not great.”

Barnett’s internal FBI messages show that FBI officials planned to shut down the Flynn portion of Crossfire Hurricane as early as Nov. 8, 2016. Barnett told a colleague that he was “glad” that the investigation was coming to an end. But Barnett’s celebration was premature, as the FBI kept the investigation open.

Whose idea was it to investigate Michael Flynn for Logan Act violations?

The FBI was poised again as of Jan. 4, 2017 to shut down its open counterintelligence investigation against Flynn. But the bureau kept the probe open after receiving a transcript of Flynn’s phone call on Dec. 29, 2016 with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

What does Comey believe are the appropriate punishments for FISA abuse at the FBI?

Prior to the release of the IG report, Comey adamantly denied that the FBI did anything wrong in the Crossfire Hurricane probe or in its pursuit of FISAs against Carter Page.

He was forced to revise the statement after the IG report came out.

GRILL HIM: 10 Questions James Comey Could Face During His Senate Testimony.
Comey walks, they all walk! Why do you think Hillary is still free and Born in Kenya Barack continues to SMIRK his way in the world? They ALL WALK
Comey walks, they all walk! Why do you think Hillary is still free and Born in Kenya Barack continues to SMIRK his way in the world? They ALL WALK
It will be much better for Democrat pedophile defenders to admit to their crimes and send their criminals to jail because it will be much worse for them if they don't.

Justice or revenge. We will let Democrats choose. We are on standby...

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