Comer releases Archer transcript

"The prosecutor's office needs to be reformed" is not the same as saying Shokin needs to be fired.

Just admit that you're a douchebag helping Biden cover up his crimes.
It sure as shit is when Shokin is the head of that office and can’t do anything about the corruption he is overseeing
It sure as shit is when Shokin is the head of that office and can’t do anything about the corruption he is overseeing
No it's not. The state Dept gave Shokin a Glowing review and approve that loan guarantees to Ukraine shortly before Biden got him fired.

Face it: no one told Biden to have Shokin fired. That's just creative self-serving interpretation on the part of the Biden dick suckers.
No it's not. The state Dept gave Shokin a Glowing review and approve that loan guarantees to Ukraine shortly before Biden got him fired.

Face it: no one told Biden to have Shokin fired. That's just creative self-serving interpretation on the part of the Biden dick suckers.
Sorry sick head but yea. THOSE AGENCIES noted ( that you now want to ignore) absolutely wanted that OFFICE reformed because of the rampant corruption. That means Shokin and every corrupt assistant on down.

What the State Dept said and why is another matter entirely.
No it's not. The state Dept gave Shokin a Glowing review and approve that loan guarantees to Ukraine shortly before Biden got him fired.

Face it: no one told Biden to have Shokin fired. That's just creative self-serving interpretation on the part of the Biden dick suckers.
Days after he did that (and before Shokin resigned) GOP Senators sent a letter which backed up Biden’s move
Sorry sick head but yea. THOSE AGENCIES noted ( that you now want to ignore) absolutely wanted that OFFICE reformed because of the rampant corruption. That means Shokin and every corrupt assistant on down.

What the State Dept said and why is another matter entirely.
What you think it means is not the same as what everyone else thinks it means. The bottom line is that you have no evidence that anyone demanded Shokin be fired.
What you think it means is not the same as what everyone else thinks it means. The bottom line is that you have no evidence that anyone demanded Shokin be fired.
“Everyone” certainly is not you or the other MAGArats
Sorry sick head but yea. THOSE AGENCIES noted ( that you now want to ignore) absolutely wanted that OFFICE reformed because of the rampant corruption. That means Shokin and every corrupt assistant on down.

What the State Dept said and why is another matter entirely.
And oh Yeah… that claim comes entirely from a New York Post series of articles that don’t actually show any memos saying it.

The best they can do is “did not mention” firing Shokin when approving the loan guarantee that Biden used as a tool to remove Shokin.

Of course without that approval, Biden would have had no carrot to dangle
No it's not. The state Dept gave Shokin a Glowing review and approve that loan guarantees to Ukraine shortly before Biden got him fired.

Face it: no one told Biden to have Shokin fired. That's just creative self-serving interpretation on the part of the Biden dick suckers.
Here are the facts, nitwit. Choke on them.

"During Joe Biden's vice presidency, Hunter Biden sold him as 'the brand' to reap millions from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine," House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer said in a statement. "It appears no real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself. And Hunter Biden seems to have delivered."

Previous memos released by the committee—including the one released Wednesday—never show explicit involvement by the then-vice president in his son's business dealings or clear evidence Biden ever profited from the deals, nor do they demonstrate any tangible policy changes made as a result of those dealings.

Where's the beef? Why use equivocating words like "seems to have" if you possess concrete evidence?
Your "facts" are not facts. They are Dim spin.
What specifically can you refute?

As vice president, Biden went to Ukraine and told the government that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin. We know this because Biden boasted about it last year during an appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations.

The former vice president, who is now running for president, said the incident occurred during a visit to Kiev.

Biden, Jan. 23, 2018: I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from [then-Ukraine President Petro] Poroshenko and from [then-Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy] Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.
So they said they had — they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to — or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said — I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.
The U.S. wasn’t the only one critical of Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts. A month earlier, the International Monetary Fund threatened to withhold $40 billion unless Ukraine undertook “a substantial new effort” to fight corruption.

At the time, Hunter Biden was a board member for the Burisma Group, one of the biggest private gas companies in Ukraine. He joined the board in May 2014, instantly raising concerns about a potential conflict of interest. An Associated Press article called Biden’s hiring “politically awkward.”

“Hunter Biden’s employment means he will be working as a director and top lawyer for a Ukrainian energy company during the period when his father and others in the Obama administration attempt to influence the policies of Ukraine’s new government, especially on energy issues,” the AP wrote.

However, there is no evidence that Hunter Biden was under investigation or that his father pressured Ukraine on his behalf.
Him who? Shokin?

He’s the corrupt asshole at the heart of this. He’s lying.

Investigations leave a trail. Show it
Curious....who told you he was NOT investigating Burisma? Do you know someone on the inside ?
Curious....who told you Shokin was corrupt? Do you know someone on the inside?
Curious....why would our government ever tell a sovereign nation who is a friend of ours who to fire and who to hire? And dont give me the canned answer of "we always tell nations what to do." Truth is Biden admitted to blackmail. Why was it so important to the American People to have Shokin fired. Exactly how did that change YOUR life? How did it change any American Citizens life?
Curious....who told you he was NOT investigating Burisma? Do you know someone on the inside ?
Curious....who told you Shokin was corrupt? Do you know someone on the inside?
Curious....why would our government ever tell a sovereign nation who is a friend of ours who to fire and who to hire? And dont give me the canned answer of "we always tell nations what to do." Truth is Biden admitted to blackmail. Why was it so important to the American People to have Shokin fired. Exactly how did that change YOUR life? How did it change any American Citizens life?
What a bunch of lame questions and excuses
We’ve quoted all those organizations saying that the entire Prosecutor’s office needs to be reformed because of the rampant corruption. As head of that office he was at LEAST responsible for that corruption and needed to go as part of that reform
And that was important to the US for what reason?
What a bunch of lame questions and excuses
In other words, you cant answer them with rational answers.

Here is a questionj I asked that can not be deemed as lame. why would our government ever tell a sovereign nation who is a friend of ours who to fire and who to hire? And dont give me the canned answer of "we always tell nations what to do." Truth is Biden admitted to blackmail. Why was it so important to the American People to have Shokin fired. Exactly how did that change YOUR life? How did it change any American Citizens life?
In other words, you cant answer them with rational answers.

Here is a questionj I asked that can not be deemed as lame. why would our government ever tell a sovereign nation who is a friend of ours who to fire and who to hire? And dont give me the canned answer of "we always tell nations what to do." Truth is Biden admitted to blackmail. Why was it so important to the American People to have Shokin fired. Exactly how did that change YOUR life? How did it change any American Citizens life?
They have all been answered over and over. Most notably in the post just previous to yours.

That you think no one “not on the inside” can have an informed opinion speaks to your stupidity or lack of honesty. You pick
In other words, you cant answer them with rational answers.

Here is a questionj I asked that can not be deemed as lame. why would our government ever tell a sovereign nation who is a friend of ours who to fire and who to hire? And dont give me the canned answer of "we always tell nations what to do." Truth is Biden admitted to blackmail. Why was it so important to the American People to have Shokin fired. Exactly how did that change YOUR life? How did it change any American Citizens life?
1. Shokin issued a document to seize Burisma owner's property on 2 Feb 2016.

2. Moderna filed a vaccine patent to seize much human property on 4 Feb 2016 (US 9,587,003).

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