Colorado's Secretary Of State Says Republican County Clerk Is Behind Voting System Passwords Leak


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This woman lied and falsely passed off an unauthorized person as a county employee during a security update of the county's dominion voting equipment.

A video showing the passwords used to access the county's voting system that was secretly recorded during a security update in May was published last week on the "extreme conspiracy theorist" blog the gateway pundit.

She also ordered staff to turn off the video surveillance system that monitors the voting machines one week before the breach.

She now faces a criminal investigation.

I almost ignored this thread, because I think there's more to this than meets the eye.

There is always more to everything than what we know.

Especially before an investigation has been done.

What do you think that more is?
There is always more to everything than what we know.

Especially before an investigation has been done.

What do you think that more is?
Who can even guess? I'll say it again... the media has lost ALL credibility after 4 years of lying and fabricating false propaganda. I NEVER believe any media source without finding multiple, divergent sources that at least somewhat tell the same story.
Lindell was physically attacked Thursday night and one of his members of the team for the cyber event had a raid on his home and even the electronics that belonged to his 4 children were seized. IOW, there is some vile, criminal kind of crap going on in response to questions being raised in such a way that significant numbers of people might become aware of potential cheating evidence.

Believe as you will, but honest people with clean consciences don't use every obstacle they can throw at people who are asking honest questions about the integrity of our last bond that is holding America together. Why would they? We are told that the election was the cleanest and most secure EVER and that Joe won with 81 million votes despite not campaigning and being so obviously mentally challenged that his gaffes became more common than examples of clear communication by him.

If he won by those kinds of numbers then you folks have ZERO REASON to be throwing up obstacles to verification.
It's interesting.

Republicans scream about fraud and cheating yet so many republicans are caught doing what they accuse others of doing.

If a democrat had done this, the republicans would be screaming bloody murder.

It's a republican so republicans don't really care.

Republicans better care.

Neither party can win without Independents. I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

Garbage like this and what the republicans have been doing for years has driven Independents away from the party.

We don't vote for cheaters.
You sound like you think she may have harmed your party with her actions. By all means, if she broke the law then she should be held accountable. To EXACTLY the same extent that Democrats in government have been.

The other Republican County controlled Counties are throwing her under the bus right now. The very least, what will come out of this is, the old machines all have to be scrapped (crushed) and new machines have to be purchased. And in order to get things rolling for the Nov Election (yes, we have elections in Nov 2021) the new machines have to be purchased right now and certified. There may not be time for that and that may mean that the other option of hand counting and tallying will have to happen.

The State cannot fire her because shes an elected official but they can completely take over the elections which is probably what is going to happen. Peters has ran up a record that is embarrassing by losing (misplacing) an entire ballot box of almost 600 ballots which is the majority of one district. Then while the State is investigating her, she is running her mouth at a Pillow Guy still harking Rump. And like the time when th eballot box was found to be misplaced (1 year later) Peters starts blaming others and lying about it.
You sound like you think she may have harmed your party with her actions. By all means, if she broke the law then she should be held accountable. To EXACTLY the same extent that Democrats in government have been.
Whether it’s Trump and his criminal administration or a lowly county clerk – Republicans are comprehensively corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent.
Earlier this week I read that Republican Tina Peters the Mesa County official was subject to a recall last year (opponents failed to collect enough signatures). There was also an issue from a prior election of ballots being stored unsecured on top of a cabinet. Latest I read was that a Republican blog had posted a Dominion password from the county's voting machines. The one or two articles I read had too much acquisations and not enough facts for me to form an opinion whether she is being railroaded or not.
Whether it’s Trump and his criminal administration or a lowly county clerk – Republicans are comprehensively corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent.

Don't you support the Party that wants to release felons and let them vote? Yeah, you do.
The other Republican County controlled Counties are throwing her under the bus right now. The very least, what will come out of this is, the old machines all have to be scrapped (crushed) and new machines have to be purchased. And in order to get things rolling for the Nov Election (yes, we have elections in Nov 2021) the new machines have to be purchased right now and certified. There may not be time for that and that may mean that the other option of hand counting and tallying will have to happen.

The State cannot fire her because shes an elected official but they can completely take over the elections which is probably what is going to happen. Peters has ran up a record that is embarrassing by losing (misplacing) an entire ballot box of almost 600 ballots which is the majority of one district. Then while the State is investigating her, she is running her mouth at a Pillow Guy still harking Rump. And like the time when th eballot box was found to be misplaced (1 year later) Peters starts blaming others and lying about it.
sounds like PIG-lousi blaming ITS dog groomer for setting the TWAT up....only the TWAT- PIG-lousi had no one to blame, other than ITSelf
Whether it’s Trump and his criminal administration or a lowly county clerk – Republicans are comprehensively corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent.
wheather it’s beijing xiden, and his criminal administration, or a cali governor – scum demonRATS are comprehensively corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent.
"Lindell was physically attacked Thursday night and one of his members of the team for the cyber event had a raid on his home and even the electronics that belonged to his 4 children were seized."

Well, if you don't mind poster Esdraelon, could you flesh out this assertion of yours?
I get it, that Lindell says he was attacked by a guy's finger.
I checked the Souix Falls Argus Leader and that's what they reported. They did state that a police report was filed after an officer sought out Lindell at his conference after Lindell had complained from the stage about an 'attack'.

The Argus Leader had no reportage that I could find on this 'raid' on the home or any electronics being 'seized'.
Can you share with us the details?
'Raid' sounds like a police action. So does 'seized'. (vs. stolen).
So, was it an authorized police action?
By which jurisdiction?
Where did it happen?
Do you know the name of the alleged victim?

Appreciate any reportage you can offer the forum in order to enlighten the discussion.
Earlier this week I read that Republican Tina Peters the Mesa County official was subject to a recall last year (opponents failed to collect enough signatures). There was also an issue from a prior election of ballots being stored unsecured on top of a cabinet. Latest I read was that a Republican blog had posted a Dominion password from the county's voting machines. The one or two articles I read had too much acquisations and not enough facts for me to form an opinion whether she is being railroaded or not.

I think this last think removes any thoughts of railroading since it's now the Republicans that are going after her. From a State where the Republicans hold many offices and regularly get reelected (Colorado is a Purple State, not a Blue State) the Republicans in office already recognize corruption when it raises it's ugly head. And it doesn't have to have a dollar amount attached to it. It can be a "Qanon" or a "My Pillow" like in Peters case. And when a Died in the Wool Rumpsters can't form an opinion on it, it must be pretty damned bad. If it wasn't, you would be backing her to the hilt.
Well, if you don't mind poster Esdraelon, could you flesh out this assertion of yours?
I get it, that Lindell says he was attacked by a guy's finger.
I checked the Souix Falls Argus Leader and that's what they reported. They did state that a police report was filed after an officer sought out Lindell at his conference after Lindell had complained from the stage about an 'attack'.

The Argus Leader had no reportage that I could find on this 'raid' on the home or any electronics being 'seized'.
Can you share with us the details?
'Raid' sounds like a police action. So does 'seized'. (vs. stolen).
So, was it an authorized police action?
By which jurisdiction?
Where did it happen?
Do you know the name of the alleged victim?

Appreciate any reportage you can offer the forum in order to enlighten the discussion.

Lindell didn't get attacked. I read about this the other day. He also claimed that Antifa hacked his computers and was outside his symposium protesting and making trouble.

But a journalist took photos and video.

There was no Antifa at his symposium.


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