Colleges to start charging unvaccinated students more


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
You have zero evidence to support that.

The clear truth is that the murderous fraud vax doesn't prevent your test from saying positive.

95% of hospitalizations in Israel are "fully vaxed..."


Fuck you and your needle, fascist.
You have zero evidence to support that.

The clear truth is that the murderous fraud vax doesn't prevent your test from saying positive.

95% of hospitalizations in Israel are "fully vaxed..."


CLAIM: The newest Israeli data on COVID-19 infections indicate a complete vaccine failure on every level. The data from Israel shows that nearly all serious cases and deaths are among the vaccinated.

THE FACTS: Israel was one of the first countries to vaccinate a huge swath of its population against COVID-19. As of Sunday, 56.3% of new cases in Israel were among vaccinated people. But that statistic reflects the fact that the majority of the population is now fully vaccinated.

Experts say the country’s high vaccination rates are keeping case numbers down and reducing hospitalization and deaths even as the delta variant is provoking an uptick in infections. Data from Johns Hopkins University shows Israel documented 1,118 new cases on July 21 -- which is less than a tenth of the 11,934 new cases the country had at its peak on Jan. 27, before vaccines were widespread.
Dems want to tell media what they can't say and Repubs want to tell media what they must say. Two sides of the same, wretched coin.
"Inject this unapproved, experimental technology into your arm, or pay me!"
True leftism on display ^^

It's no different than what the cruise lines are doing or want to do. That is if you can't
prove your vaccine status (aka vaccine passport) then you are subject to taking a COVID test,
like the white house gives.

The only difference is who picks up the tab. In this case it's the individual.

CLAIM: The newest Israeli data on COVID-19 infections indicate a complete vaccine failure on every level. The data from Israel shows that nearly all serious cases and deaths are among the vaccinated.

THE FACTS: Israel was one of the first countries to vaccinate a huge swath of its population against COVID-19. As of Sunday, 56.3% of new cases in Israel were among vaccinated people. But that statistic reflects the fact that the majority of the population is now fully vaccinated.

Experts say the country’s high vaccination rates are keeping case numbers down and reducing hospitalization and deaths even as the delta variant is provoking an uptick in infections. Data from Johns Hopkins University shows Israel documented 1,118 new cases on July 21 -- which is less than a tenth of the 11,934 new cases the country had at its peak on Jan. 27, before vaccines were widespread.

Read that carefully, people.

Israelis are vaxed. Israelites who are vaxed are sick, hospitalized, and dying.

But the vax is just great, get your 2 shots.... And then another and another because this wonderful vax

The amount I can charge for fake vaccination certificates skyrocketing!

A government hasn't been this helpful to the small businessman since 1920.

Immunization information systems (IIS) are confidential, population-based, computerized databases that record all immunization doses administered by participating providers to persons residing within a given geopolitical area.

IIS remind families when an immunization is due or has been missed.

IIS help providers and parents determine when immunizations are due and help ensure that children get only the vaccinations they need.
Read that carefully, people.

Israelis are vaxed. Israelites who are vaxed are sick, hospitalized, and dying.

But the vax is just great, get your 2 shots.... And then another and another because this wonderful vax


The delta variant has meant 10 times the number of infections vs the original strain.
Based on this, you would expect the number of infections and hospitalizations to be 10 times what they were for the original variant but the opposite is true.

Not only haven't infections grown 10 times over, but has actually been cut to 1/10th what they were without vaccinations.

Numbers don't lie
The delta variant has meant 10 times the number of infections vs the original strain.
Based on this, you would expect the number of infections and hospitalizations to be 10 times what they were for the original variant but the opposite is true.

Not only haven't infections grown 10 times over, but has actually been cut to 1/10th what they were without vaccinations.

Numbers don't lie

You lie

Delta fraudulent is a lie

There are no sick kids except for kids of wealthy dem activists lying

Everything you post about Covid is a lie

You are a traitor.
Numbers don't lie

But liars use numbers ...

Original COVID R0 was between 2.5 and 3. The highest R0 estimated for Delta is 5.

5 potential exposures rather than 3 potential exposures per infected person.

Not even double.

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