Colin Kapernick's movie


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Spoiler Alert..........

Brought to you by Netflix and that means Obama, cuz he's a partner now. That's just his reward for being POTUS and his net worth of approaching 200 million to-date. That goes a long way for the Obama family. My take on Kap's movie.

A. Entertaining movie man, I like the cape effect the real Colin portrays, and how he at least tries to capture black culture. His mom is 100% x2 MILF, and who doesn't like Nick Offerman. The kid playing Kap. does a nice job of it too.

B. I wonder what blacks think about Kap taking a role as their spokesman? Is he black enough in other terms, considering he's half white and was raised by white folk? On a side, I wonder if he'd be so vocal raised black, since in my mind at least there's no worse bitching than that of a white "liberal".

C. Good message, don't let others tell you what your dreams are and chase yours. You're my hero Kap (cough!), 1-15 49ers while proving you're mixed up. Shame he doesn't quite throw a ball well, his mechanics just aren't great on a pigskin, though some of that is the way he's built. He really is more fit to throw a baseball, by far. Course that comes from a racist white man's world (cough!). It was easy to ignore his pitch in the movie, though there are pieces of truth to some messages.

D. He blew his wad when the movie started by comparing NFL to slavery, heavily. They featured black men only going through the motions of NFL slavery. What was missing obviously was there is no sign of the white race. So lesson learned I guess is white lives don't matter, or perhaps white athletes don't matter. He has a distaste for that all lives matter business, BTW, part of the movie. I have distaste for both, it all sounds so childish, like kindergarteners playing a made-up game, and demonstrates children are more mature than adults.

E. Shame he made a great point to say his parents were mere whites in a white man's world, exploiting their son's abilities, blah blah blah. Cry me a river, Kap showcases Kap as his own best hero. I can buy his parent's position in sports however, that happens all the time in a white man's world. Sure a lot of blacks taking advantage of athletics in a white man's world, I can hear Lebron James crying now.

F. And of course everything negative that's ever happened to him is because he's black and/or living in a white man's world. I suppose I could create a list myself, if I weren't white in a white man's world.

G. Do you really think Kap was the perfect kid as portrayed? Speaking for one white guy, your attitude can leave a bad taste in people's mouths. For instance, I had the best arm in a large high school Even with what coaches saw in P.E., nobody was asking me to play ball, was that a white man's world too? Then again I was 1.5 GPA guy...............ha ha haaaa! a white man's world. Looks like Kap's best buddy was a thief. I was associated with two myself, nobody liked them. I wonder if Kap sold him him out on TV?

H. Neat how they featured an absolute doll for his girlfriend portrayed as the "lowly black girl",, she's "blue black" I suppose, whatever that means. Supposedly she isn't that pretty compared to the white girls who like Kap, meanwhile she's twice as hot. I'm trying to imagine a situation where my mother would disapprove or I would because someone is black as his parents supposedly did. Really? Pathetic, though sure, people are prejudice, it works both ways. Then again maybe his girlfriend wasn't as portrayed? The relationship didn't last anyway, Kap had a busy schedule, though it was probably supposed to represent it could never work in a white man's world.

I. Kap provides data where they're showing two baby dolls to very young children, and they ask them which one is UGLY, which one is BAD and so forth based on nothing. Data shows the black one gets the negative. Wholly fuck is education fucked in a white man's world, just imagine what they're teaching the kids in this instance. The message being, adults can manipulate children who soak everything up that you can prejudge who are bad & ugly based on nothing.

And so what if say the black doll is less attractive, it's an inanimate object like a fucking building. Is this where we paint the White House black instead, after all, Kap says black is far and away more beautiful than white.
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Spoiler Alert..........

Brought to you by Netflix and that means Obama, cuz he's a partner now. That's just his reward for being POTUS and his net worth of approaching 200 million to-date. That goes a long way for the Obama family. My take on Kap's movie.

A. Entertaining movie man, I like the cape effect the real Colin portrays, and how he at least tries to capture black culture. His mom is 100% x2 MILF, and who doesn't like Nick Offerman. The kid playing Kap. does a nice job of it too.

B. I wonder what blacks think about Kap taking a role as their spokesman? Is he black enough in other terms, considering he's half white and was raised by white folk? On a side, I wonder if he'd be so vocal raised black, since in my mind at least there's no worse bitching than that of a white "liberal".

C. Good message, don't let others tell you what your dreams are and chase yours. You're my hero Kap (cough!), 1-15 49ers while proving you're mixed up. Shame he doesn't quite throw a ball well, his mechanics just aren't great on a pigskin, though some of that is the way he's built. He really is more fit to throw a baseball, by far. Course that comes from a racist white man's world (cough!). It was easy to ignore his pitch in the movie, though there are pieces of truth to some messages.

D. He blew his wad when the movie started by comparing NFL to slavery, heavily. They featured black men only going through the motions of NFL slavery. What was missing obviously was there is no sign of the white race. So lesson learned I guess is white lives don't matter, or perhaps white athletes don't matter. He has a distaste for that all lives matter business, BTW, part of the movie. I have distaste for both, it all sounds so childish, like kindergarteners playing a made-up game, and demonstrates children are more mature than adults.

E. Shame he made a great point to say his parents were mere whites in a white man's world, exploiting their son's abilities, blah blah blah. Cry me a river, Kap showcases Kap as his own best hero. I can buy his parent's position in sports however, that happens all the time in a white man's world. Sure a lot of blacks taking advantage of athletics in a white man's world, I can hear Lebron James crying now.

F. And of course everything negative that's ever happened to him is because he's black and/or living in a white man's world. I suppose I could create a list myself, if I weren't white in a white man's world.

G. Do you really think Kap was the perfect kid as portrayed? Speaking for one white guy, your attitude can leave a bad taste in people's mouths. For instance, I had the best arm in a large high school Even with what coaches saw in P.E., nobody was asking me to play ball, was that a white man's world too? Then again I was 1.5 GPA guy...............ha ha haaaa! a white man's world. Looks like Kap's best buddy was a thief. I was associated with two myself, nobody liked them. I wonder if Kap sold him him out on TV?

H. Neat how they featured an absolute doll for his girlfriend portrayed as the "lowly black girl",, she's "blue black" I suppose, whatever that means. Supposedly she isn't that pretty compared to the white girls who like Kap, meanwhile she's twice as hot. I'm trying to imagine a situation where my mother would disapprove or I would because someone is black as his parents supposedly did. Really? Pathetic, though sure, people are prejudice, it works both ways. Then again maybe his girlfriend wasn't as portrayed? The relationship didn't last anyway, Kap had a busy schedule, though it was probably supposed to represent it could never work in a white man's world.

I. Kap provides data where they're showing two baby dolls to very young children, and they ask them which one is UGLY, which one is BAD and so forth based on nothing. Data shows the black one gets the negative. Wholly fuck is education fucked in a white man's world, just imagine what they're teaching the kids in this instance. The message being, adults can manipulate children who soak everything up that you can prejudge who are bad & ugly based on nothing.

And so what if say the black doll is less attractive, it's an inanimate object like a fucking building. Is this where we paint the White House black instead, after all, Kap says black is far and away more beautiful than white.
I never could find that movie about Obama. The only movie I saw was about a dude name Barry on Netflix.

Kap has perfected the perfect victim mentality because he couldn't successfully compete in his chosen profession and found it easier to blame society.
Victim's like Kap are cop-out losers who only attract other cop-out loser victims who cannot successfully compete.
The only difference is that he had a stage.
Wow, some people had to lose loved ones in order for a film to be done about their life. All that this guy had to do was drop to his knees while the national anthem was done before a ball game.

God bless you and those who paid a real price always!!!

Wow, some people had to lose loved ones in order for a film to be done about their life. All that this guy had to do was drop to his knees while the national anthem was done before a ball game.

God bless you and those who paid a real price always!!!


Never underestimate having a stage. It's like a bug-lite!
The Woke left couldn't get the NFL to somehow force a team to take him, so they did the only thing they could do... glorify him by making a movie about him.
Even though, all he has or ever will be is a mediocre QB who is the NFLs biggest whiner
Only the virtue signaling sheep is going to swallow his racist ranting when he became an NFL player even though he wasn't even listed in the top 20 collegiate QBs when he graduated.
His Pro introduction began the first 4 gams throwing more interceptions than touchdowns. His struggles continued and he was benched.
And what does he do? Try and better himself?? No... pull out the race card.

He is a loser. And always will be. Anyone who made it to the NFL and spent more time whining and complaining than trying to improve his play - is a HUGE loser.
This thread certainly brought out the racists
Colon trashes whites, blames them for his own failures, and whines and bitches endlessly despite having been paid - by whites - probably a thousand times more than he's worth.

And, you have the nerve to call other people racists for simply voicing their opinions of this disgusting and worthless piece of shit?

Through your ridiculous statement you've shown yourself to be one of the arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous pieces of garbage who weakens the word 'racist' by using it at every opportunity to try and make yourself seem better than other, normal, people.

If anyone has a problem in this thread, it's you - you self-righteous, cocksucking piece of dogshit.
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Colon trashes whites, blames them for his own failures, and whines and bitches endlessly despite having been paid - by whites - probably a thousand times more than he's worth.

And, you have the nerve to call other people racists for simply voicing their opinions of this disgusting and worthless piece of shit?

Through your ridiculous statement you've shown yourself to be one of the arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous pieces of garbage who weakens the word 'racist' by using it at every opportunity to try and make yourself seem better than other, normal, people.

If anyone has a problem in this thread, it's you - you self-righteous, cocksucking piece of garbage.

This is why I've had this eunuch on ignore since Hector was a pup.

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