Cokie Roberts engages in McCarthyism..Romney's trip to Poland is RACIST!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
And our government pays her to say this crazy shit:

"And I think that getting those ethnic voters excited is really what Romney has in mind here. It's more for the folks at home -- the descendents of the people that he will be speaking to -- in Poland. "

Romney went to Poland to lock in racist descendants of Poland here in the US.


Okie dokey, Cokey.

Yep, Romney went to Poland to blow a big racial dog-whistle.
This is pure McCarthyism on Roberts's part. Nothing more, nothing less.
When you use the word McCarthyism as a pejorative, as leftists like Roberts love to do, it means ascribing the very worst motives to someone without a shred of evidence. The idea is disqualify, delegitimize, toxify, and attempt to silence this person by hurling a vicious accusation even though you have absolutely no proof to back it up.
As we've seen for the last four years, when it comes to protecting Barack Obama, this is all the media does. No matter what it is, if it might in any way hurt Obama, the left-wing media screams racist. For example, today we have the presumptive GOP nominee wrapping up a successful international trip that's ended with a lot of positive media coverage, but…
…that might hurt Obama. So…


NPR's Cokie Roberts: Romney Poland Trip Racially Motivated
Man, the DNC lapdog media is freaking out..

I think they see the writing the on wall

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