Cocked And Loaded

Military secrets are grossly underrated, doll.
meaningless contribution....
Only to see no weevil, hear no weevil, speak no weevil ignoramuses who fail at reading comprehension consistently in a weaponized manner, Mr. Myrmidon Loggerhead. :blahblah:
More useless, whiny nonsense....
And to think that your blinders cause you to consistently remain in a cloud, obfuscating what went down to bring Iran's hatred against the civilized world to a head in the past week. Fortunately, we have a President who is willing to go the extra mile to encourage Iran to opt for peaceful means. Their people are not stupid, but their alliance to reopening World War II is a bad thing. Europe did not stop Hitler. We're never going to repeat that mistake when another world-class bully steps in the center of the kill-Israelis plot that has been in place since Hitler promised the Mullah of Jerusalem in the last century that he would decimate the Jews worldwide. His concentration camps were converted in the blink of an eye to extermination ones. Iran is threatening to do likewise if Israel doesn't just up and leave their prehistoric home for any reason. That is against the United Nations charter for one thing. And President Trump has a good shot at getting Iran to the table for a lasting peace in the world. He has placed a decision into their court. I hope they decide on peace with their neighbors and perish ill will into decimation.
All irrelevant whining. Trump has merely fallen back on the strategies of his predecessors, once he left the iran deal for no other reason than to spite a guy that embarrassed him at a press dinner. He is a goddamn moron.
Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..
The only thing tRump is playing is with himself.

Don't project your feelings onto others. .
It's not a feeling, it's an opinion. An educated, informed opinion at that. There is absolutely no evidence that tRump is playing some deep game or trolling. There is plenty of evidence he is a badly misinformed and not very intelligent person with all.the impulse control of a five year old.

No, W and O were complete idiots who loved never ending war. That is fact.

So Tramp has pulled all of our troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq? Wonderful when did this happen?

No, the major conflicts and new unrest happened under W and O . Deal with it.
Military secrets are grossly underrated, doll.
meaningless contribution....
Only to see no weevil, hear no weevil, speak no weevil ignoramuses who fail at reading comprehension consistently in a weaponized manner, Mr. Myrmidon Loggerhead. :blahblah:
More useless, whiny nonsense....
And to think that your blinders cause you to consistently remain in a cloud, obfuscating what went down to bring Iran's hatred against the civilized world to a head in the past week. Fortunately, we have a President who is willing to go the extra mile to encourage Iran to opt for peaceful means. Their people are not stupid, but their alliance to reopening World War II is a bad thing. Europe did not stop Hitler. We're never going to repeat that mistake when another world-class bully steps in the center of the kill-Israelis plot that has been in place since Hitler promised the Mullah of Jerusalem in the last century that he would decimate the Jews worldwide. His concentration camps were converted in the blink of an eye to extermination ones. Iran is threatening to do likewise if Israel doesn't just up and leave their prehistoric home for any reason. That is against the United Nations charter for one thing. And President Trump has a good shot at getting Iran to the table for a lasting peace in the world. He has placed a decision into their court. I hope they decide on peace with their neighbors and perish ill will into decimation.
All irrelevant whining. Trump has merely fallen back on the strategies of his predecessors, once he left the iran deal for no other reason than to spite a guy that embarrassed him at a press dinner. He is a goddamn moron.
It's hard for you to wrap your mind around President Trump's 160+ iq plus as much wisdom as Abraham had the day he was to sacrifice his wife Sarah's only son on the altar. In the end, Abraham waited patiently to have his son's end alleviated. President Trump awaits Iran to decide on mercy to their cousin Israel, too. I hope his patience is rewarded with a renewed peace on earth. And it could if Iran wants to sign into peace and win our friendship back, in spite of their destroying our spendy watchdogs.
Military secrets are grossly underrated, doll.
meaningless contribution....
Only to see no weevil, hear no weevil, speak no weevil ignoramuses who fail at reading comprehension consistently in a weaponized manner, Mr. Myrmidon Loggerhead. :blahblah:
More useless, whiny nonsense....
And to think that your blinders cause you to consistently remain in a cloud, obfuscating what went down to bring Iran's hatred against the civilized world to a head in the past week. Fortunately, we have a President who is willing to go the extra mile to encourage Iran to opt for peaceful means. Their people are not stupid, but their alliance to reopening World War II is a bad thing. Europe did not stop Hitler. We're never going to repeat that mistake when another world-class bully steps in the center of the kill-Israelis plot that has been in place since Hitler promised the Mullah of Jerusalem in the last century that he would decimate the Jews worldwide. His concentration camps were converted in the blink of an eye to extermination ones. Iran is threatening to do likewise if Israel doesn't just up and leave their prehistoric home for any reason. That is against the United Nations charter for one thing. And President Trump has a good shot at getting Iran to the table for a lasting peace in the world. He has placed a decision into their court. I hope they decide on peace with their neighbors and perish ill will into decimation.
All irrelevant whining. Trump has merely fallen back on the strategies of his predecessors, once he left the iran deal for no other reason than to spite a guy that embarrassed him at a press dinner. He is a goddamn moron.
Lol he plays you guys like a fiddle and I love it!.
meaningless contribution....
Only to see no weevil, hear no weevil, speak no weevil ignoramuses who fail at reading comprehension consistently in a weaponized manner, Mr. Myrmidon Loggerhead. :blahblah:
More useless, whiny nonsense....
And to think that your blinders cause you to consistently remain in a cloud, obfuscating what went down to bring Iran's hatred against the civilized world to a head in the past week. Fortunately, we have a President who is willing to go the extra mile to encourage Iran to opt for peaceful means. Their people are not stupid, but their alliance to reopening World War II is a bad thing. Europe did not stop Hitler. We're never going to repeat that mistake when another world-class bully steps in the center of the kill-Israelis plot that has been in place since Hitler promised the Mullah of Jerusalem in the last century that he would decimate the Jews worldwide. His concentration camps were converted in the blink of an eye to extermination ones. Iran is threatening to do likewise if Israel doesn't just up and leave their prehistoric home for any reason. That is against the United Nations charter for one thing. And President Trump has a good shot at getting Iran to the table for a lasting peace in the world. He has placed a decision into their court. I hope they decide on peace with their neighbors and perish ill will into decimation.
All irrelevant whining. Trump has merely fallen back on the strategies of his predecessors, once he left the iran deal for no other reason than to spite a guy that embarrassed him at a press dinner. He is a goddamn moron.
It's hard for you to wrap your mind around President Trump's 160+ iq plus as much wisdom as Abraham had the day he was to sacrifice his wife Sarah's only son on the altar. In the end, Abraham waited patiently to have his son's end alleviated. President Trump awaits Iran to decide on mercy to their cousin Israel, too. I hope his patience is rewarded with a renewed peace on earth. And it could if Iran wants to sign into peace and win our friendship back, in spite of their destroying our spendy watchdogs.
It's hard for you to wrap your mind around President Trump's 160+ iq plus as much wisdom as Abraham had the day he was to sacrifice his wife Sarah's only son on the altar. In the end, Abraham waited patiently to have his son's end alleviated. President Trump awaits Iran to decide on mercy to their cousin Israel, too. I hope his patience is rewarded with a renewed peace on earth. And it could if Iran wants to sign into peace and win our friendship back, in spite of their destroying our spendy watchdogs.

Oh, God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe said, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"
God said, "No" Abe say, "What?"
God say, "You can do what you want, Abe, but
The next time you see me comin', you better run"
Well, Abe said, "Where d'you want this killin' done?"
God said, "Out on Highway 61"

-Bob Dylan-
So, Trump saves the day (from his own self made crisis) again! How can we thank him enough for not doing what he what he planned to do? While we are on the subject, I am in awe that Trump has kept America at peace with Iceland, Tahiti, Germany, England, and Portugal! Go Trump!
Lol he plays you guys like a fiddle and I love it!.
The moron who can't form complete thoughts and sentences, and who doesn't even know what is going to slither out of his mealy little mouth next, is not "playing" anyone.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter. Obama sounded like a retard off of one.

I am sure that his base appreciates his 5th grade vocabulary! What good is a man who, "...has the best words", if his fans can't understand them?
So, Trump saves the day (from his own self made crisis) again! How can we thank him enough for not doing what he what he planned to do? While we are on the subject, I am in awe that Trump has kept America at peace with Iceland, Tahiti, Germany, England, and Portugal! Go Trump!

Yep, but you failed to mention his awesome decision to keep America at peace with Canada.

Oh, I forgot, them evil Canadians invade the U.S. with their malicious National-Security-Risk Steel.
meaningless contribution....
Only to see no weevil, hear no weevil, speak no weevil ignoramuses who fail at reading comprehension consistently in a weaponized manner, Mr. Myrmidon Loggerhead. :blahblah:
More useless, whiny nonsense....
And to think that your blinders cause you to consistently remain in a cloud, obfuscating what went down to bring Iran's hatred against the civilized world to a head in the past week. Fortunately, we have a President who is willing to go the extra mile to encourage Iran to opt for peaceful means. Their people are not stupid, but their alliance to reopening World War II is a bad thing. Europe did not stop Hitler. We're never going to repeat that mistake when another world-class bully steps in the center of the kill-Israelis plot that has been in place since Hitler promised the Mullah of Jerusalem in the last century that he would decimate the Jews worldwide. His concentration camps were converted in the blink of an eye to extermination ones. Iran is threatening to do likewise if Israel doesn't just up and leave their prehistoric home for any reason. That is against the United Nations charter for one thing. And President Trump has a good shot at getting Iran to the table for a lasting peace in the world. He has placed a decision into their court. I hope they decide on peace with their neighbors and perish ill will into decimation.
All irrelevant whining. Trump has merely fallen back on the strategies of his predecessors, once he left the iran deal for no other reason than to spite a guy that embarrassed him at a press dinner. He is a goddamn moron.
Lol he plays you guys like a fiddle and I love it!.
I've never seen President Trump, much less know him or his family, so you are lying and you know it, too, don't you. I support this good man, but from a distance. And trolls like you don't know much, except for the false narratives the Democrats spew like an exploding pop bottle left on a burner set to "high."

President Trump has set the table of peace. If the Iranians are inspired to peace, perhaps we will study war no more, but walk together as equals on a trail of trust and song. I'm not sure, but I just hope everyone gives peace a chance.
The only thing tRump is playing is with himself.

Don't project your feelings onto others. .
It's not a feeling, it's an opinion. An educated, informed opinion at that. There is absolutely no evidence that tRump is playing some deep game or trolling. There is plenty of evidence he is a badly misinformed and not very intelligent person with all.the impulse control of a five year old.

No, W and O were complete idiots who loved never ending war. That is fact.

So Tramp has pulled all of our troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq? Wonderful when did this happen?

No, the major conflicts and new unrest happened under W and O . Deal with it.

So your saying he broke yet another campaign promise, got it. Oh and deal with it.
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

"2 Corinthians" (2nd Corinthians), "Cocked and Loaded" (it's locked and loaded) the problem you have is that you think Barry was any different. "57 States", "Corpseman".....
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.
No, he was thinking in terms of equivocal retaliative justice. He deemed that 150 human beings' lives are more important that a state-of-the-art drone that became a hunk of junk the minute an enemy figured out how to bypass its evasive feature. My guess is somebody gave them the plans on the drone. And it sure as hell better not be a former president and his former secretary of state. :cranky:
It has no evasive features.....sitting duck it is
So you think a $130,000,000.00 USA scientific military device that is state-of-the-art has no evasive technology incorporated into its physical parameters? Live in the past much? I cannot agree with your assessment.
None nada...its a sitting duck......welcome to military industrial complex stupidity where only wars we fight will be against insurgents......ooooops…..
I've read otherwise. Sorry.
you couldn't have..they dont exist......or what you read was very was shot down not by the
Russian system either but by the less sophisticated Iranian home brew one.
Lol he plays you guys like a fiddle and I love it!.
The moron who can't form complete thoughts and sentences, and who doesn't even know what is going to slither out of his mealy little mouth next, is not "playing" anyone.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter. Obama sounded like a retard off of one.

I am sure that his base appreciates his 5th grade vocabulary! What good is a man who, "...has the best words", if his fans can't understand them?
Uuuuh, uuuummmmn,bbbbbbb, we, caaaaannnnnn' ddddddoooo, ttthhhhiiiissss. Barrack Obama!
Only to see no weevil, hear no weevil, speak no weevil ignoramuses who fail at reading comprehension consistently in a weaponized manner, Mr. Myrmidon Loggerhead. :blahblah:
More useless, whiny nonsense....
And to think that your blinders cause you to consistently remain in a cloud, obfuscating what went down to bring Iran's hatred against the civilized world to a head in the past week. Fortunately, we have a President who is willing to go the extra mile to encourage Iran to opt for peaceful means. Their people are not stupid, but their alliance to reopening World War II is a bad thing. Europe did not stop Hitler. We're never going to repeat that mistake when another world-class bully steps in the center of the kill-Israelis plot that has been in place since Hitler promised the Mullah of Jerusalem in the last century that he would decimate the Jews worldwide. His concentration camps were converted in the blink of an eye to extermination ones. Iran is threatening to do likewise if Israel doesn't just up and leave their prehistoric home for any reason. That is against the United Nations charter for one thing. And President Trump has a good shot at getting Iran to the table for a lasting peace in the world. He has placed a decision into their court. I hope they decide on peace with their neighbors and perish ill will into decimation.
All irrelevant whining. Trump has merely fallen back on the strategies of his predecessors, once he left the iran deal for no other reason than to spite a guy that embarrassed him at a press dinner. He is a goddamn moron.
Lol he plays you guys like a fiddle and I love it!.
I've never seen President Trump, much less know him or his family, so you are lying and you know it, too, don't you. I support this good man, but from a distance. And trolls like you don't know much, except for the false narratives the Democrats spew like an exploding pop bottle left on a burner set to "high."

President Trump has set the table of peace. If the Iranians are inspired to peace, perhaps we will study war no more, but walk together as equals on a trail of trust and song. I'm not sure, but I just hope everyone gives peace a chance.
Easy, I'm a Trump supporter.
It should be 'locked & loaded' but as we all know, Trump wasn't even a 'private' so, he only knows about cock.

hehheh I kinda cracked up when i heard that...he probably misspoke but actually it makes sense....aka the weapon was cocked and ready to fire etc.

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