Coca-Cola CEO says China friendlier to Business than US

You want Coke to be your new master.


We have plenty of companies to fill their slot who will do it with much joy and profit.

To hell with coke they can go to China and be a communist "person"

Sounds like to me that she is advocating that we build a WALL, either physically or with laws, to keep people in. You know, we provide these companies this utopian "workers" paradise and Coke does not want to participate, so she advocates letting them leave. Only trouble is, when too many companies start to leave, the only answer will be to MAKE them stay here. Sounds like another regime of not too long ago.

What scares me is that I think she actually BELIEVES this. You get enough people believing this kind of crap and you will have punitive laws that limit where companies can go and what they can do.
If it's an unfriendly one, why are corporate profits at an all time high?

You tell me?

Better questioin why is UE at 9.2%. Why are businesses leaving this country to do business overseas?

Because labor intensive businesses can pay 50 cents an hour for labor in China. We cannot compete with that,

without paying comparable wages.

an unthoughtout answer.

50 cents an hour for labor and multitude of dollars for exporting/importing.
It goes well beyond the cost of labor.
Other operating costs as well....less regulations to adhere to; vendor costs also less.
Labor is a small portion...but of course the one you want to play on. feel labor costs are the deciding factor hands down...but when one mentions the costs of regulations you say "regulations mean nothing and have no affect on them" is who you are.
Haha....and china has way more government control than we do.
Fuck this has to burn.....burn badly.

It's not a matter of control, it's a matter of being business friendly.

if I want to set up a factory in China, the government will bend over backwards to help me.

If I want to set up a factory in the US, they are making sure that I won't be stepping on any snail darters...

Its not that simple. Working in china comes with rules. You just dont work their and do what you want. The government has a major say.

The Government there has Final say.
You tell me?

Better questioin why is UE at 9.2%. Why are businesses leaving this country to do business overseas?

Because labor intensive businesses can pay 50 cents an hour for labor in China. We cannot compete with that,

without paying comparable wages.

an unthoughtout answer.

50 cents an hour for labor and multitude of dollars for exporting/importing.
It goes well beyond the cost of labor.
Other operating costs as well....less regulations to adhere to; vendor costs also less.
Labor is a small portion...but of course the one you want to play on. feel labor costs are the deciding factor hands down...but when one mentions the costs of regulations you say "regulations mean nothing and have no affect on them" is who you are.

Labor is a small part of the cost of doing business in a labor intensive industry?

Once again you prove you know nothing about business.
The flip side is quite clever. As China bleeds off our industries, it doesn't merely sit there getting rich. Our property values decline. Our economy is collapsing. There is a fire sale of investment. China comes back and buys up the United States not only at bargain basement prices, but with extra incentives thrown in. I watched it happen in California, then came to Nevada where the gratitude to China is even MORE pronounced. China isn't merely buying up US acreage, it is buying up the loyalty of Americans. Those that stay here that is. China and Chinese companies have been hiring off the best and brightest of unemployed Americans for many years.

China is only doing what we did to become a great country.

Here is a clue for you.

They leave a processing plant behind, shasta buys it and produces a coke like mix and takes over the American market share coke left behind.

We create tarriffs on the COKE brand so high it guarentees the new shasta product sells.

Coke gets china we get the same crappy soda from another company that is ever expanding to fill cokes old shoes.

You people seem to think that the current corps are magic or something.

When Mervins died did Kholes fill the market share slot?


get it

The realities of business eludes you. You think this is a matter of a single plant, factory or store.

China is building a self contained city in Iowa. It's not the only one. China recently bought 9,000 acres of land in southern Nevada to build a solar power farm, a factory to make the solar panels and an industrial park to make the other parts necessary for these panels. Nevada told China that it would not sell the land, but lease it. China said "No you won't. You'll sell, at rock bottom rates" Nevada caved in. Once Nevada was on the ropes. China said "Oh by the way, we're also buying up 14,000 more acres of land to build a self contained village." See while these factories (all non union) will employ 7,000 Americans, all the supervisory staff will be coming over from China and they will need someplace to live. It isn't stopping there. There aren't 7,000 workers in southern Nevada. Americans will move here to get a job with a new Chinese companies. Chinese businessmen are buying land to build homes, apartments, strip malls, grocery stores, a hospital. Churches around here have Sunday services to pray for China's success. A success that means tens of thousands of Americans are going to owe China their jobs, homes and schools. In a year, southern Nevada, parts of California and Arizona will be Chinese territory. Unquestioned and fiercely loyal. The American manufacturing response was Solyandra!

I could spend another page or two with what China is doing to replace the United States with China right here in the United States.

If you think, and I have no idea why you would, that tariffs are going to help put companies out of business, you should reexamine that. High tariffs would result in a trade war. You won't be trading Coke for Shasta. You won't be able to buy that new TV, DVD player, the IPhone will be $5,000.00. We don't have that manufacturing in this country any more. We don't make a single television set in this country any more. Then of course, what trade treaties does China have and with who? India, Brazil, Russia. The BRIC nations for sure. Who else would join? China influenced Pacific Rim nations like New Zealand and Australia? Surely. China will dangle Chinese investment and the US will have the standard of living of Somalia overnight. Because of American policies like the Endangered Species Act and the EPA, we import most of our food. It's not like we have the ability to comply and recreate our food production ability.

American corps ARE MAGIC. They provide jobs, give people the opportunity to have nice comfortable lives, raise well fed children. American corps are not the only magicians in town. We are killing these geese and the golden eggs they lay.

Your view is very narrow and does not reflect reality at all. I can't fault you for this. You made decisions on what you know. You just don't know enough.

*Cringe* So much of what you post may be true, but much has been true for years in different measures. We have always been obligated to China, people are only just now recognizing prices to be what they potentially are possibly because of landowner issues.

And who stops learning? The dead? Guess what.... the dead talks and many hear. I only hope your words are wrong enough that no one is ever so limited that 'we' cannot progress toward the future success of our country through our countrymen.

What is the middle class transforming into if it is changing. I don't know about the shrinking... it seems there is a different type of middle class being discussed than what I am referring to. The monetary value of certain things must become stressed in order for recognition of real value to come about.

Why was money referred to as the root of all evil? It seems quite honestly that money in and of itself is the most acceptable form of symbolic witchcraft. Coca-cola is perhaps doing what it has to for the time being. Afterall, the bigger businesses are our country's face to the world, anyone should understand that. Once we better understand that as a nation and all it implies there may be much better cooperation from the masses who are currently so hellbent on rebellion.

The irony?

If Coca Cola did what was best for "America" and it started to struggle finacially and it turned to the tax payer for a bailout....the tax payer would respond with "why should we bail you out for a failed business model?"

The bottom line is this. Americans (and himans in general) will always do what they deem is in their best interest. Americans will buy what is least expensive. Business owners will operate at the lowest cost possible in an effort to maximize their profits without having to compromise their market share.

But it seems the American people want lower prices regardless of whether it is American made.....but they want business owners to be patriotic and do for America and not themselves. dont like the business practice of a company? Suck it up, dont buy their product, and help their competition....oh yeah....and maybe it best not to work for them as well?

I only used to buy the cheapest of things when 'we' had more mouths to feed than the dollar could be stretched, and even then I stuck to the basics. Coca-cola's decisions only do as much damage to our nation as our dependence on them allow. 'We' commonly go weeks without drinking soda pop... though 'we' resort all too often to coffee and tea, 'we' also buy a lot of fruit juices.

What is the middle class transforming into if it is changing. I don't know about the shrinking... it seems there is a different type of middle class being discussed than what I am referring to. The monetary value of certain things must become stressed in order for recognition of real value to come about.

Why was money referred to as the root of all evil? It seems quite honestly that money in and of itself is the most acceptable form of symbolic witchcraft. Coca-cola is perhaps doing what it has to for the time being. Afterall, the bigger businesses are our country's face to the world, anyone should understand that. Once we better understand that as a nation and all it implies there may be much better cooperation from the masses who are currently so hellbent on rebellion.

Why was money referred to as the root of all evil?
Greed. Jealousy. Envy. Obsession.

Money is a tool of trade in a Free Market Society TM.

What would you replace it with? Government Dictate? Slavery? Prisons and Mass Graves for those who refuse to fall in line? Who get's to decide in Your Utopian State? How come the Rules never apply to that Class?

BUT our money represents as many dead heads as our flag does. It isn't ever about exchanging one symbol for another,
it is always about lessening the value of LIVES lived, fought for, and died in duty.
The value of a slave... is according to the slave. Perhaps at the end of your life you will come to better understand the enslavement of life and better understand what and where your individual values vs investments have been. *hearts* I only hope the best for you.

You want Coke to be your new master.


We have plenty of companies to fill their slot who will do it with much joy and profit.

To hell with coke they can go to China and be a communist "person"
Because labor intensive businesses can pay 50 cents an hour for labor in China. We cannot compete with that,

without paying comparable wages.

an unthoughtout answer.

50 cents an hour for labor and multitude of dollars for exporting/importing.
It goes well beyond the cost of labor.
Other operating costs as well....less regulations to adhere to; vendor costs also less.
Labor is a small portion...but of course the one you want to play on. feel labor costs are the deciding factor hands down...but when one mentions the costs of regulations you say "regulations mean nothing and have no affect on them" is who you are.

Labor is a small part of the cost of doing business in a labor intensive industry?

Once again you prove you know nothing about business.

Labor is a small part of the Sticker Price. Silly. :eusa_whistle:
Because labor intensive businesses can pay 50 cents an hour for labor in China. We cannot compete with that,

without paying comparable wages.

an unthoughtout answer.

50 cents an hour for labor and multitude of dollars for exporting/importing.
It goes well beyond the cost of labor.
Other operating costs as well....less regulations to adhere to; vendor costs also less.
Labor is a small portion...but of course the one you want to play on. feel labor costs are the deciding factor hands down...but when one mentions the costs of regulations you say "regulations mean nothing and have no affect on them" is who you are.

Labor is a small part of the cost of doing business in a labor intensive industry?

Once again you prove you know nothing about business. are an ass.

Cost of Real Estate.....
Cost of raw materials....
Cost of Manufacturing ..(they dont have a man sitting there with a funnel pouring the soda into a can)
cost of shipping
cost of advertising

Labor intensive are truly a faux educated poster on this board.
an unthoughtout answer.

50 cents an hour for labor and multitude of dollars for exporting/importing.
It goes well beyond the cost of labor.
Other operating costs as well....less regulations to adhere to; vendor costs also less.
Labor is a small portion...but of course the one you want to play on. feel labor costs are the deciding factor hands down...but when one mentions the costs of regulations you say "regulations mean nothing and have no affect on them" is who you are.

Labor is a small part of the cost of doing business in a labor intensive industry?

Once again you prove you know nothing about business.

Labor is a small part of the Sticker Price. Silly. :eusa_whistle:

Especially when cheap foreign labor is used.
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"Your view is very narrow and does not reflect reality at all. I can't fault you for this. You made decisions on what you know. You just don't know enough."

Your a dupe
Seems like it does! It's exactly as I said, except the parts that aren't in that article, like China increasing the services and infrastructure.

In a year, southern Nevada is going to be thoroughly loyal to the Chinese. Heck, it already is.
BUT our money represents as many dead heads as our flag does. It isn't ever about exchanging one symbol for another, it is always about lessening the value of LIVES lived, fought for, and died in duty. The value of a slave... is according to the slave. Perhaps at the end of your life you will come to better understand the enslavement of life and better understand what and where your individual values vs investments have been. *hearts* I only hope the best for you.


The point of the money system in a Free Society, is a fair exchange, Value for Value, for Service or Product. Generally the Market Place sets the Value. You take it or leave it, or just go elsewhere for a better deal, or even wait for a better time.

In a Totalitarian State, it is a little different, isn't it?
It's about Control.

Asking the Value of a Life to a Person in a Free Society, considering the belief of Unalienable Right and Human Potential, one would get a different response that from a Party Member of a Controlled State that look at Human Life as the Property of The State. Even a Monopolist, that looks at People as Commodities has much to learn about Humanity.
Seems like it does! It's exactly as I said, except the parts that aren't in that article, like China increasing the services and infrastructure.

In a year, southern Nevada is going to be thoroughly loyal to the Chinese. Heck, it already is.

You LIED about the sale off the land and refused to give a source to your crap.

Your are buying someones lies.

You dint even question why they are lying to you, you just repete the lies
Seems like it does! It's exactly as I said, except the parts that aren't in that article, like China increasing the services and infrastructure.

In a year, southern Nevada is going to be thoroughly loyal to the Chinese. Heck, it already is.

TM has a habit of citing articles that offer only the facts that support her argument. She refuses to question why they dont mention other things.

Like when she cites certain polls...she doesnt question OR CARE about why they dont inculde the demographics in the poll....for all she knows, it could be all democrats polled....doesnt matter to her.....for it supports her personal beliefs.

Like the article she cited in this thread. It questioined NON MANUFACTURERS whether or not regulations are affecting their success. ANd since their answer is "no" (of course it is), well, then, manufacturers must be full of shit when they say regulations are affecting their success!

LOL..and she calles me and you a dupe.
Labor is a small part of the cost of doing business in a labor intensive industry?

Once again you prove you know nothing about business.

Labor is a small part of the Sticker Price. Silly. :eusa_whistle:

Especially when cheap foreign labor is used.

Cheap to WHO! It's cheap to us. To them, those wages that we think are cheap have allowed those workers to have a much better standard of living than they had without it!

Is there some reason why we would demand starvation, poverty and want in other countries so that we could pay more for the same product?

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