- May 23, 2014
- 34,808
- 10,730
White nationalists praise Trump's immigration speech - CNN Video
Because CNN is no longer a legitimate news organization and should be taken off he air, and because we know they have openly endorsed Billary cult from day one, they are a good indicator of the health of Clinton campaign. They have went in full panic mode and increased the severity of their attacks on Donald Trump. That's a good sign for Trump campaign. CNN: "How dare the people choose a candidate, we will tell them how to vote!" Big Brother is Watching You!
White nationalists praise Trump's immigration speech - CNN Video
Because CNN is no longer a legitimate news organization and should be taken off he air, and because we know they have openly endorsed Billary cult from day one, they are a good indicator of the health of Clinton campaign. They have went in full panic mode and increased the severity of their attacks on Donald Trump. That's a good sign for Trump campaign. CNN: "How dare the people choose a candidate, we will tell them how to vote!" Big Brother is Watching You!
White nationalists praise Trump's immigration speech - CNN Video